Issue #15

September 27, 2001


A Change in "Prime Time" Scheduling for the 2002-03 Academic Year

Background: This semester's larger than expected growth in enrollment has generated increased demand for classrooms during prime time hours. Given our current scheduling policy, classroom demand is now close to capacity. With the expected growth in the coming years, a change to the current scheduling policy is necessary. A faculty and administrative task force has been charged with analyzing this prime time scheduling problem and recommending to the President a solution which can be implemented in the 2002-2003 academic year. A brief report will be made to the Senate followed by discussion. Faculty members of the task force were: Jaime Alvayay, OBE; Laurel Heffernan, Biological Sciences; Mark Hennelly, English; and Dick Kornweibel, History.

Paul Noble, interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and chair of the task force, reported on the charge to the group, the options considered and the option recommended to the President. The charge to the group was to "make a set of scheduling recommendations to the President that would significantly increase prime time lecture enrollment capacity and try to accommodate the substantial enrollment increase projected for fall 2002". The options considered were 1) to extend the two-day a week 75-minute schedule to cover Monday-Thursday, Tuesday-Friday and Wednesday-Saturday, and 2) to return the scheduling of 3-unit classes on MWF from 9:00 to 1:50 to the 50-minute pattern. The task force recommendation was option 2. A discussion of the recommendation followed the presentation.