Attachment F
Faculty Senate Agenda
March 21, 2002



December 10, 1998-CSUS Faculty Senate approves procedures for the General Education Program review that were developed by the Senate GE Policies and Graduation Requirements Committee.

Spring 1999-The Faculty Senate approves the membership and charge of a task force to develop questions for the self-study of GE. ASI did not nominate a representative, but all colleges were represented by faculty members nominated by the colleges. Members were:

The Committee examined all policy documents and available information on GE concerns to develop questions. The examination process included data from the 1998 GE poll of all departments conducted by the General Education Policies/Graduation Requirements Committee.

Fall 1999-The Self Study questions were approved by the GEP/GRC and the Faculty Senate (Oct. 14, 1999)

Jackie Donath, Humanities and Religious Studies, and Mary Ann Reihmann, Chair of the GEP/GRC drafted the Self Study. The process included information from:

The draft document was received by the GEP/GRC.

March 21, 2000-Call for school nominations for members of the GE Course Review Committee

May 2000-Self Study document is approved by GEP/GRC

May 18, 2000-Senate approval of General Education Review Team Members

The review team spent the 2000-2001 school year analyzing the self study document, previous program reviews, conducting open forums and interviewing faculty, staff, and students.

April 2001-Outside consultants from Portland State and San Jose State visited and conducted interviews, read the self-study and made recommendations.

Fall 2001-A draft of the program review is presented to the GEP/GRC and revisions are made. The draft is placed on the Faculty Senate web page and comments are invited from all members of the campus community.

December 2001-Final report of GE Program Review Committee submitted to the Faculty Senate.