Attachment D
Faculty Senate Agenda
September 19, 2002

Summary of Commendations and Recommendations Contained in Program Review Report for Division of Social Work


  1. The Division has a clearly articulated educational rationale which includes a well defined mission (a mission that is consistent with the mission of the College of Health and Human Services and the University), clearly delineated goals, and appropriate objectives that emanate from, and are consonant, with its goals.
  2. The Division has a faculty that is well versed in its differential areas of expertise, is committed to the Division, College of Health and Human Services, and University and is hard working and congenial. Moreover, the faculty is productive in terms of research and scholarship and it excels in the teaching and service areas. The faculty is to be commended for its ability to work cooperatively and collaboratively on programmatic and academic matter.
  3. The Division is rich in diversity throughout its faculty, support staff, and student body. Consistent with the Evaluative Standards and the curriculum Policy Statement for baccalaureate and master's programs, the Division provides an enriching environment and learning context in which an understanding of and a respect for human and social diversity are continuously and systematically practiced. There is no question about it, the Division serves as a stellar model of diversity in the College of Health and Human Services and in the University.
  4. The Division has an energetic, committed, well-respected, and strong administrator -an administrator who is responsive to the faculty, staff, students and broader university and professional communities. In addition, the baccalaureate and master's programs have strong administrators who are providing leadership to the programs.
  5. The Division's field education program is strong and has excellent leadership. The field program and field administrators are well respected in the community. Field instructors consistently expressed a strong respect for the program, faculty, and students and they articulated a high level of connectivity to the Division.
  6. The University's central administration and the administration of the College of Health and Human Services appreciate the Division, understand the mission and goals, and sees it as a valuable asset and resource, not only to the University community, but to the external local community, the region and the state. As a consequence, the University has made available to the Division adequate and appropriate resources to not only sustain, but also enhance its programmatic efforts.
  7. Students are vocal, articulate and energetic. They understand the Division's mission and goals and are supportive of its efforts to move programs to a higher level of education excellence.
  8. The SWD provides a model for other departments and/or divisions across the CSUS campus on how to create an environment of collegiality, diversity and critical self-assessment. In short, the SWD provides a model for the creation of an enriching educational environment for students.
  9. The SWD director and the faculty exhibit clear dedication and commitment to fulfill a clearly articulated mission that is consistent with the CSU system mission, the CSUS mission and the College of HHS mission. Their efforts extend to all areas such as curriculum, research and scholarship, diversity, community outreach and student interactions.


The PRT recommends for the Division of Social Work the following:

  1. A more proactive role by the division director should be taken in the follow up of the division's budget and resource allocation process. Office support staff should play a secondary role in the budgetary process. Although a director should be able to rely on support staff for the budgetary detail work and interim reports on the status of the budget, the director should actively pursue information about discrepancies or delays in resource allocations.
  2. The director should hold meetings to communicate to faculty members how budgetary decisions impact the DSW programs. Faculty should actively participate in opportunities to understand how the budget process works and how that process affects (or does not affect) their ability to provide a quality education.

The PRT recommends the following to the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services:

Review the manner in which the Dean's office staff communicates budget and/or resource allocation decisions for both the regular budget cycle as well as ongoing resource needs of the DSW.

Recommendation to the Faculty Senate:

The PRT recommends the approval of the Division of Social Work Bachelor's and Master's Program for a six-year period.