Attachment B
Faculty Senate Agenda
March 13, 2003

Recent developments in U.S. foreign policy, and their implications for the future of the nation and the world, will be the focus of a campus convocation, “U.S. – The Iraq Conflict and Beyond,” scheduled for noon-3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18 in the University Union.

The convocation includes a panel discussion, featuring guest experts and California State University, Sacramento faculty members, from noon-1:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom followed by faculty-led breakout groups from 1:30-3 p.m. in various Union meeting rooms.

Guest experts include Robert Mott, editorial writer on international affairs for the Sacramento Bee. Faculty panel members include Ron Fox and Bahman “Buzz” Fozouni, both CSUS professors of government, and Ayad Al-Qazzaz, Iraqi native and CSUS professor of sociology.

Topics for the panel discussion include:

· Shifts in U.S. foreign policy under the Bush Administration.

· The implications of these policy shifts for the U.S. and the world.

· Public support of these policies and of possible war with Iraq.

· The pros, cons and possible consequences of war with Iraq.

Following the panel discussion, various breakout groups, on these and related topics, will be led by CSUS international affairs graduate students, along with faculty advisors.

Classes may be cancelled at the discretion of the instructor for students to attend. Students whose classes are not cancelled should not be penalized for attending. Campus faculty and staff are also encouraged to attend.