Attachment J
Faculty Senate Agenda
September 19, 2002


  1. The nomination and election of the two (2) faculty representatives for the Advisory Committee to the Trustee Committee for the Selection of the President (ACTCSP) shall be by and from those members of the faculty as defined by the Constitution (Article I, Section 2):  temporary, probationary and tenured Instructional faculty; Library faculty; Counseling faculty; faculty on the Faculty Early Retirement Program; Coaching faculty; and academically related Student Service Professionals.
  2. To become a nominee for one of the two representatives, an eligible member of the faculty must submit to the Chair of the Faculty Senate the following:
  1. A nominating petition signed by twenty (20) members of the Faculty eligible to vote in this election with no more than ten (10) from the nominee's Department and none that have signed nomination petitions for any other candidate for this position.

  2. A one-page statement, indicating how he or she interprets the role and responsibility of representing the CSUS faculty as a member of the Advisory Committee to the Trustee Committee for the Selection of the President.

  1. The call for nominations will be made on September 20, 2002 and the nomination period shall end at noon on Friday, October 4, 2002.
  2. The ballots for the election of the two (2) representatives along with each candidate's statement shall be distributed on October 7, 2002. The ballots shall contain the names of all qualified nominees, and voters will vote for two. Completed ballots shall be deposited in a Faculty Senate Ballot Box. The election will close at noon on Thursday, October 17, 2002.
  3. The two candidates with the largest number of votes shall be the faculty representatives to the (ACTCSP). In the event of three or more candidates receiving the same, highest number of votes, there will be a run-off election with the tied candidates on the ballot. The run-off ballot will be distributed on October 21, 2002, voters will vote for two, and the election will close at noon on Friday, October 25, 2002. If the run-off election results in more than two of the candidates receiving the same, highest number of votes, another run-off election will be held the following week, using the above procedures.
  4. In the event of two or more candidates receiving the same, second highest number of votes, there will be a run-off election with the tied candidates on the ballot. The run-off ballot will be distributed on October 21, 2002, voters will vote for one, and the election will close at noon on Friday, October 25, 2002. If the run-off election results in more than two of the candidates receiving the same, highest number of votes, another run-off election will be held the following week, using the above procedures.

Carried unanimously, September 19, 2002