California State University, Sacramento

Thursday, November 15 2007
Sequoia 301
3:00 p.m.

Voting Members Present (+ indicates alternate):


Altmann, Nursing; Amata, CPC Chair (Library); Anderegg, Student Services; Barrena, Biological Sciences; Bayne, Theatre and Dance; Berta-Avila, Bilingual/Multicultural Education; Bikle, Criminal Justice; Blumberg, Music; Bowie, Social Work; Bradley, Library; Buckley, APC Chair and ASCSU Senator (Computer Science); Dammel, Civil Engineering; Datwyler, Biological Sciences; Escamilla, Physical Therapy; Evans, Geology; Flohr, Art; Gibbs, Design; Goetze, Nursing; Goff, FPC Chair (Library); Gordon, Computer Science; Heckathorn, English; Hecsh, GEP/GRPC Chair (Teacher Education); Heedley, Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Holl, Mechanical Engineering; Hyson, Family and Consumer Sciences; A. Jensen, Business Administration; Jordan, Learning Skills; Kirlin, Public Policy and Administration; Kornweibel, Emeritus Faculty (History); Krabacher, ASCSU Senator (Geography); Lagos, History; Lilly, Teacher Education; Liu, Sociology; Lustig, Government; McCormick, Philosophy; Miller, ASCSU Senator (Communication Studies); Nylund, Social Work; O'Hanlon, Speech Pathology and Audiology; Peigahi, Library; Pinch, Recreation and Leisure Studies; +Raskauskas, Child Development; Rodriguez, Teacher Education; Russell, Foreign Languages; Sobredo, Ethnic Studies; Stiles, Humanities; Taylor, Physics and Astronomy; Theodorides, Kinesiology and Health Science; VanGaasbeck, Economics; Wanket, Geography; Woodward, Kinesiology and Health Science


Baker, Chemistry; Bishop, Anthropology; Brock, Special Education, Rehabilitation, School Psychology, and Deaf Studies; Ecklund, Counselor Education; Ingram, Mathematics and Statistics; Legorreta, Business Administration; Lu, Mathematics and Statistics; Maguire, Criminal Justice; Mahone, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies; Matzek, Environmental Studies; McCurley, Student Services; Qin, Psychology; Melzer, English; Sharp, Business Administration; Siegel, History; Williams, Communication Studies; vacant, Temporary Faculty; vacant, Athletics; vacant, Business Administration; vacant, Business Administration; vacant, Women's Studies


The agenda was amended to add the following motion: FS 07-79/Flr., “Strategic Plan, Endorsement of”. FS 07-77/AITC was removed from the consent calendar and added as a first reading item. The agenda was approved as amended.




*FS 07-76/AITC



To further ensure security and privacy of sensitive information for the entire campus community, we encourage the campus community to begin a preventative program to purge highly sensitive information from documents and databases residing in digital and written formats.


The Faculty Senate recommends the following actions be considered.


  • A letter from the administration to faculty and staff should explain the need for the audit citing examples of nearby institutions and the financial cost of not performing this task. UC Davis had an issue recently; it could help motivate our employees to hear of something that close to home.


  • The procedures and recommendations should come from the Deans Office for the Colleges, or Unit Directors who should be responsible for gathering completed, signed audits and turning them into the Information Security Officer.


  • The University in consultation with faculty and staff needs to develop and adopt a privacy policy (new) – indicating what personal information can and cannot be collected and stored.


  • The procedure should stipulate the items and areas to audit; Desktops & Laptops at work and at home (wherever campus work has been performed), flash drives, CDs, DVDs, iPods, external hard drives other media, PDAs, hard copies, Email, File Storage, tape backups, archives.


  • Use eLearning website to provide a course on how to handle sensitive information for all employees that work with it. Also training on how to run the Audit program and forms to be signed by the employee and supervisor that the Audit has been performed and found items were redacted or are part of an acceptable exclusion.


  • The University needs to develop a method for providing information to the campus community regarding privacy and the associated responsibilities of faculty and staff.  


  • Require the employee to run the scanning software on their equipment and cleanup any items not in compliance. The employee will be better suited to decide the proper way to handle becoming compliant. Then rescan the equipment and turn in a clean report to be signed by them and the area supervisor.


  • Provide support and service in the college areas and IRT for units without IT support staff to assist running the scan, provide means of data destruction (CD/DVD destruction, secure paper shredding, etc)


  • Outside entities should be asked to not gather certain sensitive information when on campus at an event


  • Divisions should non-intrusively scan their own servers for sensitive information and then provide reports of suspect files or E-mailboxes to their employees (faculty, staff, etc.) to help identify possible risks, so that the employees can then examine their own flagged files or E-mail messages for sensitive content.


  • The audit should be done routinely, perhaps once a year. Faculty should perform the audit before leaving on vacation with their equipment.



  • Best practices for handling sensitive information on secure servers locations should be developed to make sure the database and file systems are secure and/or encrypted.


Furthermore, the Faculty Senate  recommends that the Senate be informed about the plan for ensuring Personal Information Privacy plan and its implementation be communicated prior to it enactment.


Carried unanimously.


FS 07-77A/Flr.



The Faculty Senate waives the first reading of FS 07-77/AITC “Information Resources and Technology Advisory Committees, Faculty Representation on.


Carried unanimously.


*FS 07-77/AITC



Recommendations from AITC Regarding Membership on the Three New IRT Advisory Committees (request for faculty representation from Larry Gilbert, CIO and IRT VP)


NOTE.  For each of the three committees, the charge and proposed membership is specified below with the AITC recommendation regarding faculty membership.  Each of the faculty members approved by the Senate represent and speak for not only their departmental and college colleagues but also the entire faculty of the university.  In addition, these faculty members serve as liaisons between the IRT committees and AITC.


In addition, the recommendations include a request for consideration regarding the non-faculty membership on the committees. Information on the three committees (charge and membership) can be found at Attachment A.


  • The Faculty Senate recommends that the representative to the Information Resources and Technology Steering Committee be the Chair of the Academic IT Committee.

  • The Faculty Senate recommends that the representative to the Information Resources and Technology Administrative Advisory Committee be a member of and serve as a liaison to the Academic IT Committee, and shall be recommended to the Senate by the Academic IT Committee.

  • The Faculty Senate recommends at least one of the three Faculty Senate Representatives be a member of and serve as a liaison to the Information Resources and Technology Academic Advisory Committee.  All three representatives shall be recommended to the Senate by the Academic IT Committee.

  • The Faculty Senate on advice from the Academic Information Technology Committee strongly recommends that the Library be represented on both the Information Resources and Technology Steering Committee and Information Resources and Technology Academic Advisory Committee.  Note.  The Library provides essential services and in so doing plays an integral role in carrying out the academic mission of the university.  Information technology is a significant component in the maintenance and development of this academic infrastructure.

  • The Faculty Senate on advice from the Academic Information Technology Committee strongly recommends that the chair of the Academic IT Committee Technical Subcommittee be represented on the IRT Academic Advisory Committee.  The College and Library IT Consultants provide the technical expertise necessary for the planning and implementation of technology to serve their users.  The accumulated knowledge, experience and relationships they have with their user communities is a valuable resource to include in the decision making process.  


Carried unanimously.


*FS 07-72/APC



The Faculty Senate recommends the following:


  1. Approval of the Undergraduate Academic Advising Policy (see attachment), a revision to the 1989 Academic Advising Policy (UMA00050.htm).


  1. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee plan and schedule a special meeting of the Senate for the purpose of discussion and feedback on ways of increasing the effectiveness of the University’s academic advisement system in improving retention rates.


  1. The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs work with the Senate to develop a plan for funding, implementing and assessing the 2007 Undergraduate Academic Advising Policy with special attention to establishing those conditions necessary for improving retention rates. (reference: Section X of the Undergraduate Academic Advising Policy).


The 1989 Academic Advising Policy (UMA00050.htm) can be found at:



Carried unanimously.


FS 07-79A/Flr.



The Faculty Senate waives the first reading of FS 07-79/Flr. “Strategic Plan, Endorsement of”.


Carried unanimously.


FS 07-79/Flr.



The Faculty Senate endorses, in principle, the approach, the overall goals, and priorities articulated in the draft Strategic Plan reviewed on November 15, 2007, and looks forward to receipt of the final document.


Carried unanimously.


  1. Faculty Senate's home page: www.csus.edu/acse, or, from the CSUS home page, click on Faculty and Staff, then Faculty Senate.
  3. Senate meeting schedule:

·     November 29, 2007 – Senate meets

·     December 6, 2007 – no Senate meeting

·     December 13, 2007 – Senate meets

* Requires Presidential approval.