California State University, Sacramento

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Library 11


Altmann, Nursing; Baker, Chemistry; Barrena, Biological Sciences; Bellon, Philosophy; Berg, Sociology; Berta-Avila, Bilingual/Multicultural Education; Blanton, Speech Pathology and Audiology; Blumberg, Music; Boulgarides, Temporary Faculty (Kinesiology and Health Science); Buckley, APC Chair and ASCSU Senator (Computer Science); Buffard, Foreign Languages; Burke, History; Chavez, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies; Cohen, History; Collins, Student Services; Croisdale, Criminal Justice; Cuevas, ASI; +Cunningham, Family and Consumer Sciences; Diaz, Kinesiology and Health Science; W. Dillon, Government; Dixon, Temporary Faculty (Music); Dubois, Humanities; Fell, Civil Engineering; Gibbs, Design; Gieger, English; Hamilton, Mathematics and Statistics; Hammersley, Geology; Hecsh, GEP/GRPC Chair (Teacher Education); Henderson, Counselor Education; Ingram, Mathematics and Statistics; Katz, Learning Skills; Kelly, Social Work; Koegel, Communication Studies; Kirlin, Public Policy and Administration; Krabacher, ASCSU Senator (Geography); Lang, CPC Chair (Economics); Li, Business Administration; Liu, Business Administration; Loeza, Teacher Education; McCurley, Student Services; McKeough, Physical Therapy; +Meyer, English; Michael, Business Administration; Miller, GSPC Chair and ASCSU Senator (Communication Studies); Parsh, Nursing; Peigahi, Library; Penrod, Psychology; Perez, Economics; Raskauskas, Child Development; Reisner, Theatre and Dance; Sheppard, Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration; Siegler, FPC Chair (Family and Consumer Sciences); Smith, Communication Studies; Stevens, Environmental Studies; Sullivan, Anthropology; Taylor, Physics and Astronomy; Theodorides, Kinesiology and Health Science; Wanket, Geography;


Choi, Business Administration; Gonzales, Special Education, Rehabilitation, School Psychology, and Deaf Studies; Harvey, Art; Heedley, Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Ishiura, Temporary Faculty (Child Development); Jin, Computer Science; Lin, Business Administration; Marbach, Mechanical Engineering; Panneton, Criminal Justice; Patten Armbrust, Temporary Faculty (Psychology); Russell, Social Work; Sobredo, Ethnic Studies; vacant, Athletics; vacant, Women's Studies


The agenda was amended to add an information item by President Alexander Gonzalez to the agenda. The agenda was approved as amended.




FS 09-75/AITC/Ex.



Information Resources and Technology Steering Committee

Bob Buckley


Information Resources and Technology Advisory Committee

Carolyn Gibbs, Bin Zhang, and Jennifer Rayman


Information Resources and Technology Administrative Advisory Committee

Ron Coleman


FS 09-75A/Ex.



Committee for Diversity Awards

Dana Kivel, At-large, 2012


Instructionally Related Activities Committee

Deborah Metzger, 2010

Mark Rodriguez, 2010


Carried unanimously.


FS 09-76/Flr.



Carried unanimously.


FS 09-72A/GSPC/Ex.



The Faculty Senate endorses the FTES reduction proposal for 2010-2011 presented by the Vice Presidents of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs during the Senate meeting of November 5th, 2009*.


*Attachment A: “Proposed Plan for FTES Reduction for 2010-11”.


Carried unanimously.


FS 09-72C/Flr.



The Faculty Senate tables FS 09-72B/GSPC/Ex. “Graduate/Credential Program Budget Allocation and Admission Decision Making”.


Carried unanimously.


*FS 09-74/GE/GRPC/Ex.



The Faculty Senate recommends the adoption of the Updated Baccalaureate Learning Goals:


Sacramento State Baccalaureate Learning Goals for the 21st Century



Current Sacramento State Baccalaureate Learning Goals

Proposed Updated Baccalaureate Learning Goals

COMPETENCE IN THE DISCIPLINES: The ability to demonstrate the competencies and values listed below in at least one major field of study. Additionally, this learning goal requires students to demonstrate informed understandings of other fields, drawing on the knowledge and skills of disciplines outside the major.

ANALYSIS AND PROBLEM SOLVING: The ability of students to identify and diagnose problems; organize and critically evaluate relevant information of a qualitative and quantitative nature; develop reasonable arguments and effective solutions.

COMMUNICATION: The ability to read, write, speak and listen effectively. The ability to respond, with understanding and appreciation to a wide variety of communicative acts.

INFORMATION COMPETENCE: The ability to make effective and ethical use of information resources and technology for personal and professional needs.

CULTURAL LEGACIES: Acquisition of knowledge of human accomplishments in the creative and performing arts and the achievements of human thought.

VALUES AND PLURALISM: The ability to apply ethical standards in order to make moral judgments with respect to individual conduct and citizenship, and to recognize the diversity of human experiences and cultures, both within the United States and internationally. The development of positive social attitudes, values and behaviors.

Competence in the Disciplines: The ability to demonstrate the competencies and values listed below in at least one major field of study and to demonstrate informed understandings of other fields, drawing on the knowledge and skills of disciplines outside the major.

Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World through study in the sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the arts.  Focused by engagement with big questions, contemporary and enduring.

Intellectual and Practical Skills, Including: inquiry and analysis, critical, philosophical and creative thinking, written and oral communication, quantitative literacy, information literacy, teamwork and problem solving, practiced extensively, across the curriculum, in the context of progressively more challenging problems, projects, and standards for performance.

Personal and Social Responsibility, Including: civic knowledge and engagement—local and global,* intercultural knowledge and competence, ethical reasoning and action, foundations and skills for lifelong learning anchored through active involvement with diverse communities and real-world challenges.

**Integrative Learning, Including: synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized studies.

All of the above are demonstrated through the application of knowledge, skills, and responsibilities to new settings and complex problems.

* Understanding of and respect for those who are different from oneself and the ability to work collaboratively with those who come from diverse cultural and backgrounds.

** Interdisciplinary learning, learning communities, capstone or senior studies in the General Education program and/or in the major connecting learning goals with the content and practices of the educational programs including GE, departmental majors, the co-curriculum and assessments. 


The Faculty Senate further recommends that:

  1. The "Baccalaureate Learning Goals" serve as a template for all curricular and co-curricular undergraduate learning at Sacramento State
  2. The “Baccalaureate Learning Goals" be incorporated into the University's Strategic Plan.
  3. The Curriculum Policies Committee (CPC), together with the General Education/Graduation Requirements Policy Committee (GE/GRPC) incorporate these goals into consideration of program review, in the ongoing, cyclical process that will guide the University in meeting these expectations of undergraduate learning at Sacramento State.
  4. The CPC and GE/GRPC committees to initiate a review of the BLGs during Academic Year 2015-16, and to then consider revisions or amendments that will tailor the BLGs to the uniqueness of Sacramento State and reflect the changing landscape of undergraduate education.


Carried unanimously.



The current Baccalaureate Learning Goals (BLGs) were designed and adopted by the Faculty Senate in February 2002 (FS 02-29/CPC, Ex.) and this would be the first reconsideration.  Between that time and now, several aspects of the educational landscape have shifted---program review expectations, a strong focus on interdisciplinary and integrated learning, and an emphasis on community and civic engagement, for example.  The recently completed GE/GR program review and the WASC accreditation review addressed the need for coherence between University Goals and GE Area and Program Objectives in order to realize the goals of program assessment: to better understand student learning and to make thoughtful and evidence based decisions at the level of programs.

General Education has taken the lead in updating the BLGs, in part because there is strong incentive (EO 1033 Learning Goals, GE Program Review, and WASC) for having BLGs that permit a more thorough and focused review of General Education learning outcomes at the level of the program, approximately 40% of the curriculum and about 50% of the undergraduate courses in any given semester.  Extensive consultation with colleagues across the campus (partial list below), within the CSU system (Chico and San Jose) and across the country (see the AAC&U link below), provided evidence used to update the Sacramento State BLGs.  This affirmed the integrity and value of the original Sacramento State BLGs in terms of disciplinary knowledge and endorsed the modification of the remainder of the original goals into the four updated learning goals above.  These five goals are consistent with key outcomes identified by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, several comprehensive university systems (Oregon and Wisconsin in addition to California), and several professional associations including the Association of College and Research Libraries.

The GE/GRPC and other campus programs and groups advocate the adoption of these goals without amendment, because, in addition to being timely and congruent with our current goals, they have existing rubrics, already field tested and piloted in programs like ours that are associated with these BLGs, that may be tailored to program review and assessment initiatives, making that process more efficient and cost effective in terms of time and resources.


Groups/Individuals Consulted: (AY 2008-09; AY 2009-10)

Groups Consulted

Individuals Consulted

·       General Education/Graduate Requirements Policies Committee

·       Curriculum Policies Committee

·       Graduate Studies Policies Committee

·       Student Affairs

·       Provost’s Department Chairs Meeting

·       Sacramento State ASI Board

·       Reading and Writing Subcommittee

·       First Year Programs

·       Faculty Senate Executive Committee


Greg Wheeler, GE/FYP Associate Dean

Lori Varlotta, Vice President Student Affairs

Jackie Donath, Chair HRSD, author of WASC Document, and current BLGs

Roberto Pomo, Director Honors Program

Terry Underwood, Assessment Coordinator

Sue Holl, Engineering Chair

Sheree Meyer, English Department Chair

Tim Fong, Ethnic Studies Chair

Dave Evans, Geology Chair

Dana Kivel, RPTA Chair

Chris Castaneda, History Chair

Vanessa Arnaud, French, Honors

Shannon Datwyler, Biology

Jeffrey Brodd, HRS, Chair PROC

Juanita Barrena, Biology

Beth Strasser, Anthropology


Key Documents:

Sacramento State Strategic Plan http://www.csus.edu/acaf/2007CSUS_StrategicPlan.pdf

Sacramento State WASC Reaccreditation Action Letter: http://www.csus.edu/wascaccreditation/WASC%20Reaccreditation%20Action%20Letter%20June%202009.pdf

Sacramento State GE/GRPC Response to Program Review http://www.csus.edu/acse/archive/0809/GE-GRPC_Final%20Draft.htm;

Actions of the Sacramento State Faculty Senate 08-09 related to GE (FS 09-40/GE/GRPC/Ex.) http://www.csus.edu/acse/08-09_actions.htm#FS%2009-40

The Association of American Colleges and Universities (http://www.aacu.org/)

Sacramento State’s Compass Project (http://www.aacu.org/compass/index.cfm)

Leap Essential Learning Outcomes (http://www.aacu.org/leap/vision.cfm)

Global Century Report (http://www.aacu.org/leap/documents/GlobalCentury_final.pdf)

Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education, or VALUE (http://www.aacu.org/value/index.cfm


FS 09-79/Flr.



The Faculty Senate endorses the Executive Committee’s participation on the President’s ad hoc Advisory Group through the Spring 2010 semester to help address urgent issues/directives from the Chancellor’s Office and other sources that require timely responses. In making this endorsement, the Senate does not abdicate its powers and responsibilities on policy matters within its purview as defined in the Constitution of the Faculty and the By-laws of the Faculty Senate.


Carried unanimously.


FS 09-77A/Flr.



The Faculty Senate waives the first reading of FS 09-77 “Endorsement and Designation of March 2, 2010 as ‘A Day Without the CSU’”




FS 09-77B/Flr.



The Faculty Senate postpones the second reading of FS 09-77 “Endorsement and Designation of March 4, 2010 as ‘March for Education on March 4, 2010’” until the Faculty Senate meeting on December 3, 2009.


Carried unanimously.