California State University, Sacramento

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Foothill Suite, Union


Baker, Ethnic Studies; Barrena, Biological Sciences; Bellon, Philosophy; Berta-Avila, Bilingual/Multicultural Education; Blanton, Speech Pathology and Audiology; Bogazianos, Criminal Justice; Boulgarides, Temporary Faculty (Kinesiology and Health Science); Buckley, ASCSU Senator (Computer Science); Buckman, Humanities; Buffard, Foreign Languages; Chavez, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies; Choi, Business Administration; +Cornwell, Geology; Couch, Associated Students, Inc.; Croisdale, Criminal Justice; Diaz, Kinesiology and Health Science; W. Dillon, Government; Dixon, Temporary Faculty (Music); Domokos, Mathematics and Statistics; Fanetti, English; Fell, Civil Engineering; Flohr, Art; Gherman, Chemistry; Gibbs, Design; Gonsier-Gerdin, Special Education, Rehabilitation, School Psychology, and Deaf Studies; Hadley, Sociology; Hamilton, Mathematics and Statistics; Hecsh, GEP/GRPC Chair (Teacher Education); Heedley, Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Henderson, Counselor Education; Kaplan, Economics; Katz, Learning Skills; Kirlin, Public Policy and Administration; Koegel, Communication Studies; Kornweibel, Emeritus Faculty (History); Krabacher, Parliamentarian, ASCSU Senator (Geography); +Lazaridis, History; Li, Business Administration; Liu, Business Administration; Loeza, Teacher Education; Marbach, Mechanical Engineering; McCurley, Student Services; McKeough, Physical Therapy; Melzer, English; Metz, Music; Miller, GSPC Chair and ASCSU Senator (Communication Studies); Noel, FPC Chair (Teacher Education); Novak, Student Services; Parsh, Nursing; Peigahi, Library; Piloyan, Associated Students, Inc.; Pinch, Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration; Reddick, Library; Russell, Social Work; Sheppard, Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration; C. Smith, Associated Students, Inc.; V. Smith, Communication Studies; Stevens, Environmental Studies; Strasser, Anthropology; Taylor, Physics and Astronomy; Theodorides, Kinesiology and Health Science; Van Gaasbeck, APC Chair (Economics); Wanket, Geography


Altmann, Nursing; Deegan, Temporary Faculty (Family and Consumer Science); Gardner, Business Administration; Hyson, Family and Consumer Sciences; Kelly, Social Work; Mikhailitchenko, Business Administration; Moni, Women's Studies; Penrod, Psychology; Raskauskas, Child Development; vacant, Theatre and Dance; vacant, Athletics





Emeritus Faculty, Government


The agenda was amended by adding the following to the agenda: FS 10-85/Flr. “Resolution in Support of General Education Pilot, Receipt of”. The agenda was re-ordered so that the second reading items be considered immediately following FS 10-75. The agenda was approved as amended.




FS 10-80/Ex.



Pedagogy Enhancement Awards Subcommittee

Ramzi Mahmood, E&CS, 2013

Julie Thomas, Library, 2011

Kristin Kiesel, At-large, 2012

Molly Dugan, A&L, 2013


Faculty Policies Committee

Ruth Ballard, At-large, 2012

Adam Rechs, At-large, 2013


Carried unanimously.


FS 10-85/Ex.



Grade Appeal Panel

Russell Loving


Carried unanimously.


FS 10-81/Flr.



Carried unanimously.




FS 10-75/Flr.


Background: Article II, Section F of the By-laws of the Faculty Senate state, in part, “ . . . A vacancy in the voting membership of the Executive Committee shall be filled by nomination and election at the first meeting of the Faculty Senate after the vacancy occurs. The nominee elected shall have received more votes than any candidate not elected. . . If the office of Chair of a Standing Committee becomes vacant, the office shall be executed by the Vice Chair of the Standing Committee until the Faculty Senate shall elect a successor as provided in Article II, Sections D.3 and E.3 of these By-laws (http://www.csus.edu/acse/bylaws.htm). The Vice Chair executing the office of Chair under this provision shall not serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee.” David Lang has resigned as Chair of the Curriculum Policies Committee.

Nominations of candidates for Chair of each Standing Committees may be made by a senator from the floor; by the current membership of the Standing Committee; or by a petition signed by ten (10) or more full-time faculty members and filed with the Faculty Senate office before the first meeting of the new Faculty Senate.

The candidates for Chair of each Standing Committees shall submit a one page description of qualifications and intentions to the Faculty Senate office for inclusion with the agenda for the election meeting.

CPC’s recommendation is Kath Pinch.

There were no further nominations. Election of the Curriculum Policies Committee Chair will be October 7, 2010.

FS 10-86/Flr.



The Faculty Senate receives the resolution from Associate Students, Inc. entitled “Resolution in Support of General Education Pilot”.


Resolution in Support of General Education Pilot


Authors: Sarkis Piloyan (Vice President of Academic Affairs); Rylan Gervase (Executive Vice President)

Sarah Gwinn (Undeclared Director)


Whereas, Associated Students, Inc., of California State University, Sacramento is the official governing body of the students at California State University, Sacramento whose purpose is to advance the welfare of Sacramento State students; and


Whereas, Associated Students, Inc., is the official voice of over 27,000 students; and


Whereas, Associated Students, Inc., is committed to supporting academic achievement and progress; and


Whereas, Associated Students, Inc., is committed to increasing accessibility, affordability, and quality education; and


Whereas, Associated Students, Inc., passed a resolution in 2009-2010 to support the idea of a GE Pilot program; and


Whereas, the Faculty Senate has reached the second stage of implementation of the program, and has proposed new elements to incorporate within it; therefore let it be


Resolved, Associated Students, Inc., supports the General Education Pilot program and its efforts to preserve an exceptional and meaningful General Education to students, and let it be further


Resolved, Associated Students, Inc., supports the establishment of a collaborative pilot within the GE Pilot, so that students are able to fulfill several sections of the General Education requirements with one class, and let it be further


Resolved, that this resolution be distributed widely, including, but not limited to the Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Joseph Sheley, Vice President of Student Affairs Lori Varlotta, General Education/Graduation Requirements Policies Committee, Faculty Senate and California State Student Association.

Carried unanimously.

FS 10-87/Flr.


The Faculty Senate refers to the General Education / Graduation Requirements Policies Committee the review of Area A1 of General Education





The Faculty Senate recommends adoption of the General Education Pilot as outlined below:


Sacramento State Studies, GE Pilot, Resolution


The Faculty Senate endorses the development and implementation of a pilot GE option, called Sacramento State Studies, beginning in Fall 2011, for up to 20% of first time Freshman students for no longer than 6 years, pending extension by the Senate.


The Sacramento State Studies pilot GE option will have the following characteristics:


1.     Three “academic learning collaboratives” (ALCs) consisting of three approved lower division GE courses redesigned to be interdisciplinary, team-taught, and multi-modal (lecture, discussion, e-learning, fieldwork, lab).

2.     Each ALC meets current GE requirements in the Areas and Sub-Areas as currently constructed

3.     Composition (A2) and Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements will be met outside of the pilot

4.     Students will be recruited via advising during summer orientation beginning summer 2011

5.     Students will be able to drop in/drop out without academic penalty semester by semester

6.     Classrooms will be set aside for Sacramento State Studies ALCs. The use of SCALE-UP classrooms will be considered on a case-by-case basis for each ALC, when pedagogically appropriate.

7.     Transcripts will reflect individual course grades for each 3-unit GE course area within the ALC

8.     The GE/GRPC Committee will have oversight of the pilot

9.     Instructors will receive 6 units toward Workload for each section of Learning Collaborative (subject to annual review – see below)

10.  All materials distributed to students and advisors with regards to the GE Pilot Proposal will include the following statement:


All students under the 1992-94 and subsequent University Catalogs must complete General Education requirements, including the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) and University graduation requirements (Writing Intensive, race and ethnicity, foreign language, second semester English composition). Demonstrated competency in U.S. History, U.S. Constitution, and California state and local government is also required for graduation and these requirements may be satisfied through appropriate courses or through examinations given each semester by the History and Government departments.  When considering a combination of individual courses and Academic Learning Collaboratives, students and their advisors should be careful to ensure that all requirements are met.


Regular evaluation of the program will occur throughout the six-year period and will include annual reports to the Faculty Senate and the Office of Undergraduate Studies, with evaluative criteria that address:

·       Assessment of student outcomes in the context of both GE area objectives and Baccalaureate learning goals

·       Faculty workload of instructors teaching in the pilot program

·       Resource allocation 



Evaluation and Research Design:  All assessment, both direct measures of learning via classroom assignments, and indirect measures such as surveys of student satisfaction, confidence, and motivation, etc., will be carefully connected to the Baccalaureate Learning Goals. The measures will vary across instructors intentionally; the design allows for maximum flexibility to capture individual teachers’ funds of knowledge and experience.


Key Research Questions include, but are not limited to the following


1.     What evidence can be produced to show that the pilot course(s) have resulted in student learning across time and instructors?

2.     What has been changed about the design of the course(s) based on analysis of evidence of student learning?

3.     What can be said about the effectiveness of changes made to the course(s) based upon subsequent assessment (i.e., closing the loop)?

4.     What are faculty experiences and perspectives with respect to design, pedagogy, and workload?

5.     What have been the effects of Sacramento State Studies in terms of resource allocation and the local economies of GE?


Administrative Support:

·       Assist with scheduling ALCs in scale up classrooms

·       Work with Colleges, Departments, and programs to assist with developing ALCs

·       Provide professional development support for developing collaboratives via already existing avenues and external funding (system, national)



·       There are no resource costs, and intentionally, there should be cost savings

·       There is a trade-off potential of preserving major programs by delivering GE more efficiently given the scarcity of resources



Appendix A


Sacramento State Studies Themes and Interdisciplinary Core Experiences


[1]SSS Proposed Common Interdisciplinary Themes---to which faculty may adjust or repurpose or invent interdisciplinary courses.  The themes below will guide faculty as they develop curriculum.

·       Globalization

·       Sustainability

·       Technology, Society and the Digital Age

·       Social Change and Social Justice

·       Culture and Ideas

·       Sacramento and California in 21st Century

·       Body, Mind, Well Being


[2]Interdisciplinary Core Experiences (Sacramento State Studies Pilot courses will infuse the following features developmentally and evidence of achievement in these areas will be demonstrated via e-portfolio and evaluated via the use of the VALUE rubrics as revised to reflect Sacramento State Studies and the BLG/GE Outcomes):


·       Leadership

·       Service in and Engagement with Community

·       Information Literacy, including Research with Faculty

·       Global Literacy/Intercultural Perspectives

·       Communities of Practice/Learning Communities



Appendix B


Faculty Roles: Faculty (as individuals looking for a “team” or as “teams”) interested in designing (or redesigning) interdisciplinary pilot courses would do so in the typical fashion with support and facilitation for faculty development from the Compass Project, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and Academic Affairs.  Pilot FTES and WTUs (6 for each of 3 units taught of the 9 unit ALC) would flow back to the College proportionally.  There should be no net loss since the students will still be enrolled in courses in colleges typically providing lower division GE.  Any logistical issues such as course codes etc. would be addressed accordingly.

Faculty Consultation: The following faculty volunteered/were invited to participate in the discussions and other activities related to drafting this proposal and are to be commended for their time, energy and persistence.

GE/CPC Work Group Members:


Ben Amata, Library, CPC

Stephanie Biagetti, EDTE, CPC

Dana Kivel, RPTA, GE

Vivian Llamas Green, Associate Registrar, CPC

Virginia Matzek, ENVS, GE

Dan Melzer, English, WAC, CPC

Joan Neide, Kineseology, GE

Kat Pinch, RPTA

Reza Peigahi, Library, GE

Ann-Louise Radimsky, ECS, GE Review

Elizabeth Strasser, Anthropology, GE Assessment, GE Review


Invited Ex Officio

Roberto Pomo, Theater Arts, Honors Director

Terry Underwood, EDTE, Assessment Coordinator

Mark Stoner, COMS, CTL


Additional Contributors and Feedback: 

Aaron Cohen, History

Amy Heckathorn, English

Angelica Tellechea, Student, ASI Representative to GE/GRPC

Anthony Sheppard, RPTA and Faculty Senate Chair

Bahman (Buzz) Fozouni, Government

Beth Merrit Miller, Student Advising

Carolyn Gibbs, Design

Chris Castaneda, History

Dennis Dahlquist, Computer Science

Greg Shaw, RPTA

Greg Wheeler, Geology and Associate Dean of General Education

Jesse Cuevas, ASI Representative to Faculty Senate Executive

John Forrest, Design

Juanita Barrena, Biological Sciences

Ken Sprott, Mechanical Engineering

Noelle McCurley, Student Advising

Ray Koegel, COMS

Sheree Meyer, English

Sue Holl, Mechanical Engineering


Having reached the hour of adjournment, the following items will appear on the Faculty Senate agenda for October 7, 2010:

FS 10-79/Flr.


FS 10-82/Ex.


FS 10-83/Ex.


FS 10-84/Ex.



[1] The workgroup identified the following themes were synthesized from three major sources:  a “straw poll” of Sacramento State students, staff and faculty conducted in March, 2010 (n=100 students, 25 faculty, 18 staff); Portland State FYE and Sophomore Themes, Santa Clara General Education Themes

[2] Sometimes referred to as High Impact Practices, Excerpt from High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter, by George D. Kuh (AAC&U, 2008), These have a positive correlation with retention and graduation, for all students-- in particular first generation college students and those from underrepresented and minority communities