California State University, Sacramento

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Foothill Suite, Union
3:00- 5:00 p.m.











                                                                The Faculty Senate recommends that:

1.       The Bachelor of Arts degree in Physics be approved for six years or until the next program review.

2.       The Bachelor of Science degree in Physics be approved for six years or until the next program review.

3.       The Bachelor of Arts in Physical Science be approved for six years or until the next program review.

4.       The Singel Subject Teaching Credential in Physics be approved for six years or until the next program review.

Attachment AA




                                                                The Faculty Senate receives the year-end report from the

Faculty Policies Committee and thanks and commends the committee and its

chair for their work.  Attachment BB




                                                                The Faculty Senate receives the year-end report from the

Curriculum Policy Committee and thanks and commends the committee and its

chair for their work.  Attachment CC





                                                                The Faculty Senate receives the year-end report from the

Curriculum Policy Committee and thanks and commends the committee and its

chair for their work.  Attachment DD




                                                                The Faculty Senate receives the year-end report from the

Graduate Studies Policies Committee and thanks and commends the committee and its

chair for their work.  Attachment EE


FS 11/12-157/CC                                COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS – SENATE


                                                                Livingston Annual Faculty Lecture Committee

                                                                Julie Figueroa, 2015


                                                                Elections Committee

                                                                Tim Ford


                                                                Faculty Endowment for Student Scholarship Committee

                                                                Julie Thomas, 2015

                                                                Patrick Cannon, 2015


                                                                Curriculum Policies Committee

                                                                Dian Baker, 2015


                                                                Graduate Studies Policies Committee

                                                                Kenneth Sprott, 2015

                                                                Genie Cowan, 2015




FS 11/12-160/EX                               COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS – UNIVERSITY


                                                                Grade Appeal Panels Pool

The Faculty Senate recommends appointment of the following faculty members to

the Grade Appeal Panels Pool:


                                                                Jim Wanket

Edith LeFebvre

                                                                Elisabeth Liles

                                                                Susan Baker

                                                                Adam Rechs

                                                                Vahl Scott Gordon

                                                                James Miranda

                                                                Mark Rodriguez

                                                                John LaRocco


FS 11/12-158/Flr                                MINUTES OF MAY 10, 2012




                                                                FPC – FACULTY POLICIES AND RESOURCES WEBPAGE








Amends FS 09-11A/Ex and AS 94-98B.

See FS 11/12-102/SEL for Memberships and Charge of the Student Retention and Graduation Subcommittee.

See Attachment E for Summary and Rationale and links to documents relating to this item.


The Faculty Senate creates the Student Affairs Policy Committee (SAPC), as described below, to replace, in AY 2013-2014, the existing Academic Policies Committee, removes responsibility for the academic calendar from this committee, and creates a Student Retention and Graduation Subcommittee with a reporting relationship to the SAPC established herein.  The Faculty Senate shall appoint the membership of the new committee in Spring 2013 for the purpose of electing a committee chair who shall take office as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee at noon on the last day of the Spring 2013 semester, and to ensure that the committee is in place to conduct regular business at the beginning of AY 2013-2014.



Charge:  The Student Affairs Policy Committee, a standing Policy Committee of the Faculty Senate, acts as a consultative and deliberative body of the Faculty Senate.  The Committee is responsible for the development, review and revision of policies related to and affecting student progress to degree (both undergraduate and graduate) or to program completion.  Accordingly, the Committee has oversight with respect to a wide range of policies that govern the nexus between the University’s Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Divisions.  The Committee’s purview includes, but is not limited to, reviewing and making recommendations on policies pertaining to: admission standards, student academic standing (i.e., definitions of good standing, probation, continued Probation, disqualification, dismissal, reinstatement and readmission after dismissal); student honors and awards; satisfactory progress standards; definition of grading symbols; add, drop, and repeat policies; academic honesty policies and procedures; academic program access for students with disabilities; student grade appeal policy and process; student grievance procedures; student rights and responsibilities; student academic advising policies; enrollment management policies (e.g., registration limitations); and academic support programs and programs/initiatives designed to improve student retention and graduation rates.  The Committee shall supervise generally the work of its subcommittees and may refer, remove or receive from them matters that require reconsideration of policies pertaining to Student Affairs.

Membership: Voting members shall include: 11 faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate to a three year term, including one faculty member from the Library or Student Services Professionals-Academically Related units, and ten College-based faculty members.  More than one member may be from a single college but no two members may be from the same department/unit.  Every effort shall be made to encourage membership from each college. 

Non-voting members shall include:

·         one staff member appointed by the University Staff Assembly to a two year term;

·         one undergraduate student appointed by ASI to a one year term;

·         one graduate student appointed by ASI to a one year term;

·         ex-officio members of the administration as determined by the Executive Committee and the President, and which shall normally include incumbents or designees of the following offices or their equivalents: Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Enrollment and Student Support; Associate Vice President, Student Retention and Academic Success;  Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies; University Registrar; Director, Academic Advising Center and Career Center; and may include others as deemed necessary to the work of the Committee;

·         Faculty Senate Chair.






Election and Role of Chair


A)      The Chair shall be elected annually by the Faculty Senate as described in the By-Laws of the Faculty Senate. The Committee Chair shall be included among the 11 voting members of the Committee.

B)      The term of office of the Student Affairs Policy Committee Chair shall be one year. The term shall begin at noon on the last day of the spring semester in which s/he is elected the Student Affairs Policy Committee Chair and shall end at noon on the last day of the spring semester of the following year. 

C)      A faculty member may be elected to serve up to three consecutive terms of one year each as the Chair of the Student Affairs Policy Committee. After an interval of a year following the end of the third consecutive term, the faculty member shall become eligible again for election to the Chair of the Student Affairs Policy Committee.

D)      The Student Affairs Policy Committee Chair shall also serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Faculty Senate, unless concurrently serving as the elected representative his or her department/unit.

E)      The Student Affairs Policy Committee Chair shall also serve as an ex-officio voting member of the Executive Committee.


Election and Role of Vice-Chair(s)


At its first meeting of the academic year, the Student Affairs Policy Committee shall elect, from among its membership, a Vice-Chair.  The Vice-Chair shall serve as acting chair in the absence of the Chair.


Committees/Subcommittees that report to the Student Affairs Policy Committee: 

·          Academic Standards Subcommittee

·          Readmission Subcommittee

·          Student Retention and Graduation Subcommittee[2]

·          Faculty Endowment for Student Scholarships Committee

Liaisons to Subcommittees:  The Committee shall appoint one of its voting members to serve as liaison between itself and each of the committees/subcommittees identified above.



A)      The Committee shall work in close coordination with other Faculty Senate Policy Committees and other Senate and University committees/subcommittees in the performance of its duties.

B)      Issues considered by the Student Affairs Policy Committee may be referred as well by the Executive Committee to any of the other committees of the Faculty Senate.  The Committee may similarly refer issues to other Senate committees through the Executive Committee.

C)      The Student Affairs Policy Committee shall meet at least once a month at a designated time and place.

D)      A quorum of the Committee shall require the presence of at least six voting members.  The Committee shall not act in the absence of a quorum.

E)      Committee meetings shall be open to the university community.

F)       The meeting agenda and supporting documentation shall be distributed to Committee members at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

G)      Committee agendas and minutes of the meeting shall be published on the Faculty Senate homepage in a timely manner.





Amends FS 09-11A/Ex and AS 94-98B.

See FS 11-12/101/SEL for establishment of the Student Affairs Policy Committee and the Student Retention and Graduation Subcommittee.

See Attachment F for Summary and Rationale and links to documents relating to this item.


The Faculty Senate approves the membership and charge of the Student Retention and Graduation Subcommittee of the Student Affairs Policy Committee as described below, to become effective AY 2013-2014.  The Faculty Senate shall appoint the membership of the new subcommittee in Spring 2013 to ensure that the subcommittee is in place to conduct regular business at the beginning of AY 2013-2014.




Charge:  The Student Retention and Graduation Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Student Affairs Policy Committee.  The Subcommittee serves as a research, program evaluation, and policy analysis workgroup and consultative/advisory body on matters relating to student progress toward degree, student support programs, and instructional programs/initiatives designed to improve retention and graduation rates.  Accordingly, the Subcommittee’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to: on-going review of student progress data in collaboration with the Office of Institutional Research, assessment of the impact of policies relating to and affecting student progress to degree, conducting evaluations of academic support programs, academic advising and student support services, and conducting assessments of instructional programs/initiatives designed to improve retention and graduation rates. Although not a “policy committee,” per se, the Subcommittee works closely with the Student Affairs Policy Committee and the Office of Institutional Research in policy development, review and evaluation.  Similarly, although the Subcommittee is not directly involved in the delivery of academic advising, academic support programs, student support services or instructional programs/initiatives designed to improve retention and graduation, it is responsible for consulting with and making recommendations to the units involved in these matters. 


Voting members shall include: Seven college-based faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate to three year terms and four student services professionals appointed to three year terms by the Vice-President for Student Affairs.  More than one faculty member may be from a single college but no two members may be from the same department/unit.  Every effort shall be made to encourage membership from each college.  In addition, every effort shall be made to appoint student services professionals with direct and substantial student contact in different units of Student Affairs.


Non-voting members shall include:

·         one member of the Student Affairs Policy Committee serving as liaison between the Subcommittee and the Student Affairs Policy Committee;

·         one undergraduate student appointed by ASI to a one year term;

·         ex-officio members of the administration as determined by the Executive Committee and the President, and who shall normally include incumbents or designees of the following offices or their equivalents: Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Enrollment and Student Support; Associate Vice President, Student Retention and Academic Success;  Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies; Director of the Office of Institutional Research; and may include others as deemed necessary to the work of the Subcommittee;

·         Chair of the Student Affairs Policy Committee.











Officers:  The Subcommittee shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair by and from the voting membership of the Subcommittee.




A)      The subcommittee is charged to develop its own agenda relating to the scope of its responsibilities, to conduct work referred to it by the Student Affairs Policy Committee, and to respond to requests for consultation/advice from individuals/units on matters within its purview. 

B)      The Subcommittee may similarly refer issues to other Senate or University Committees or administrative units in Academic Affairs or Student Affairs through the Student Affairs Policy Committee.

C)      The Subcommittee shall meet at least once a month at a designated time and place.

D)      A quorum of the Subcommittee shall require the presence of at least six voting members.  The Committee shall not act in the absence of a quorum.

E)      Subcommittee meetings shall be open to the university community.

F)       The meeting agenda and supporting documentation shall be distributed to Subcommittee members, including all non-voting members, and to the Faculty Senate Secretary at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

G)      Subcommittee Minutes of meetings shall be distributed to Subcommittee members, including all non-voting members, and to the Faculty Senate Secretary in a timely manner.




Amends/rescinds FS 09-11C/Ex and AS 94-98C

See Attachment G for Summary and Rationale and links pertaining to this item.


The Faculty Senate creates the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee (FAPC), as described below, to replace in 2013-2014, the existing Faculty Policies Committee (FPC).  The Faculty Senate shall appoint the membership of the new committee in Spring 2013 for the purpose of electing a committee chair who shall take office as a member of the Executive Committee at noon on the last day of the Spring 2013 semester, and to ensure that the committee is in place to conduct regular business at the beginning of AY 2013-2014.


Faculty Affairs Policy Committee[3]


Charge: The Faculty Affairs Policy Committee, a standing Policy Committee of the Faculty Senate, acts as a consultative and deliberative body of the Faculty Senate.  The Committee is responsible for the development, review and revision of policies related to and affecting faculty pertaining to the areas of professional development, professional standards, faculty awards, workload, retention, academic freedom not related to course content, research and creative activities, the academic calendar[4], and other faculty matters outside the purview of the collective bargaining agreement and the UARTP Committee that are deemed necessary by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.  The Committee shall supervise generally the work of its subcommittees and may refer, remove or receive from them matters that require reconsideration of policies pertaining to Faculty Affairs.




Voting members shall include: 11 faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate to a three year term, including one faculty member from the Library or Student Services Professionals-Academically Related units; and ten College-based faculty members.  More than one member may be from a single college but no two members may be from the same department/unit.  Every effort shall be made to encourage membership from each college. 


Non-voting members shall include:

-          one staff member appointed by the University Staff Assembly to a two year term;

-          one student appointed by ASI to a one year term;

-          ex-officio members of the administration as determined by the Executive Committee and the President, and which shall normally include: the Vice President for Human Resources and the Vice President for Research Administration and Contract Administration (or comparable offices), and may include others as deemed necessary to the work of the Committee;

-          Faculty Senate Chair




Election and Role of Chair


A)      The Chair shall be elected annually by the Faculty Senate as described in the By-Laws of the Faculty Senate. The Committee Chair shall be included among the 11 voting members of the committee.

B)      The term of office of the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee Chair shall be one year. The term shall begin at noon on the last day of the spring semester in which s/he is elected the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee Chair and shall end at noon on the last day of the spring semester of the following year. 

C)      A faculty member may be elected to serve up to three consecutive terms of one year each as the Chair of the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee. After an interval of a year following the end of the third consecutive term, the faculty member shall become eligible again for election to the Chair of the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee.



D)      Each Policy Committee Chair shall also serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Faculty Senate, unless concurrently serving as the elected representative of his or her department/unit.

E)      The Faculty Affairs Policy Committee Chair shall also serve as an ex-officio voting member of the Executive Committee.


Election and Role of Vice Chair(s)


At its first meeting of the academic year, the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee shall elect, from among its voting members, a Vice Chair.  The Vice Chair shall serve as acting chair in the absence of the Chair. 

Committees/Subcommittees that report to or are overseen by the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee[5]

·         Pedagogy Enhancement Awards Subcommittee (PEAS)

·         Research and Creative Activities Award Subcommittee

·         Visiting Scholars Subcommittee

·         Committee on Diversity and Equity (CODE)

·         Lifetime Achievement Award Selection Committee

·         Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Board

·         Livingston Annual Faculty Address Committee



Liaisons to Committees/Subcommittees:


The Committee shall appoint one voting member of the Faculty Affairs Policies Committee to serve as liaison between itself and each of the following committees/subcommittees:


·         Pedagogy Enhancement Awards Subcommittee (PEAS)

·         Research and Creative Activities Award Subcommittee

·         Committee on Diversity and Equity (CODE)

·         Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Board




A)      The Committee shall work in close coordination with other Faculty Senate Policy Committees and other Senate and University committees/subcommittees in the performance of its duties.

B)      Issues considered by the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee may be referred as well by the Executive Committee to any of the other committees of the Faculty Senate.  The Committee may similarly refer issues to other Senate committees through the Executive Committee.

C)      The Faculty Affairs Policy Committee shall meet at least once a month at a designated time and place.

D)      A quorum of the Committee shall require the presence of at least six voting members.  The Committee shall not act in the absence of a quorum.

E)      Committee meetings shall be open to the university community.

F)       The meeting agenda and supporting documentation shall be distributed to Committee members at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

G)      Committee agendas and minutes of the meeting shall be published on the Faculty Senate homepage in a timely manner.





The Graduate Programs Subcommittee (GPS) described herein can be viewed as either a new subcommittee of the Academic Affairs Policy Committee (AAPC) established by FS 11-12/104/SEL or as a revision of the Graduate Studies Policies Committee (established/amended by FS 08-54, FS 08-65, and FS 09-10) from a standing Policy committee to an AAPC subcommittee with revised membership and charge.


See FS 11/12-104/SEL for establishment of the AAPC and GPS.

See Attachment I for Summary and Rationale and links to documents relating to this item.


The Faculty Senate approves the membership and charge of the Graduate Programs Subcommittee of the Academic Affairs Policy Committee as described below.  The Faculty Senate shall appoint the membership of the new subcommittee in Spring 2013 to ensure that the subcommittee is in place to conduct regular business at the beginning of AY 2013-2014.




Charge:  The Graduate Programs Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Academic Affairs Policy Committee.  The Subcommittee serves as a workgroup and consultative/advisory body on matters relating to all levels and types of graduate education, resources, planning, research, and curriculum, including post-baccalaureate course offerings, degree programs, extension courses and programs, admission and matriculation requirements, assistantships, fellowships, graduate student awards, grade requirements, library services, and other matters related to post-baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral instructional development and delivery.  Although not a “policy committee,” per se, the Subcommittee works closely with the Academic Affairs Policy Committee and the Office of Graduate Studies in development, review and evaluation of policies pertaining to graduate education; and in coordination of policies, standards, and procedures of the departments and schools and the University as a whole, insofar as they relate to degrees and/or programs beyond the bachelor’s degree.  In addition, the Subcommittee serves as a consultative/advisory body to the Office of Graduate Studies, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and departments and programs on matters relating to graduate education,



Voting members shall include: 9 faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate to three year terms, including 1 faculty member from the Library and 8 college-based faculty members. More than one faculty member may be from a single college but no two members may be from the same department/unit.  Every effort shall be made to encourage membership from each college.  In addition, every effort should be made to appoint at least one faculty member from a department/unit that offers a doctoral program.


Non-voting members shall include:

·         Academic Affairs Policy Committee’s Vice Chair for Graduate Affairs, serving as liaison between the Subcommittee and the Academic Affairs Policy Committee;

·         one graduate student appointed by ASI to a one year term;

·         ex-officio members of the administration as determined by the Executive Committee and the President, and which shall normally include incumbents or designees of the following offices or their equivalents: Dean of Graduate Studies and Assistant Vice President Research Administration and Contract Administration; and may include others as deemed necessary to the work of the Subcommittee;

·         Chair of the Academic Affairs Policy Committee.






Officers:  The Subcommittee shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair by and from the voting membership of the Subcommittee.




A)      The Subcommittee is charged to develop its own agenda relating to the scope of its responsibilities, to conduct work referred to it by the Academic Affairs Policy Committee, and to respond to requests for consultation/advice from individuals/units on matters within its purview. 

B)      The Subcommittee may similarly refer issues to other Senate or University Committees or administrative units through Academic Affairs Policy Committee.

C)      The Subcommittee shall meet at least once a month at a designated time and place.

D)      A quorum of the Subcommittee shall require the presence of at least five voting members.  The Subcommittee shall not act in the absence of a quorum.

E)      Subcommittee meetings shall be open to the university community.

F)       The meeting agenda and supporting documentation shall be distributed to Subcommittee members, including all non-voting members, and to the Faculty Senate Secretary at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

G)      Subcommittee Minutes of meetings shall be distributed to Subcommittee members, including all non-voting members, and to the Faculty Senate Secretary in a timely manner.



The Faculty Senate approves for implementation in AY 2013-2014 the Faculty Senate Committee Organizational Chart shown on the following page, which provides that the Senate’s five existing appointed standing Policy Committees whose Chairs currently serve as members of the Executive Committee (FPC, APC, CPC, GE/GR, and GSPC) be replaced by three standing Policy committees to be styled (1) the Academic Affairs Policies Committee, (2) the Student Affairs Policies Committee and (3) the Faculty Affairs Policies Committee, with the  several working committees or subcommittees currently reporting to a Senate standing committee placed under one or another of the three new Policy committees as shown in the organizational chart and charges of the new Policy committees, as approved in FS 11/12-101/SEL, FS 11/12-103/SEL, and FS 11/12-104/SEL. The Faculty Senate shall appoint the membership of the new committees in Spring 2013 for the purpose of election of committee chairs who shall take office as members of the Executive Committee at noon on the last day of the Spring 2013 semester, and to ensure that the committees are in place to conduct regular business at the beginning of AY 2013-2014. 


Summary and Rationale for Changes:


1.       Reorganization of Policy Committees and their Charges

a.       The structure of the Senate’s Executive Committee does not at the moment reflect close approximation to the structure of the University to produce the degree of integration of the work of the several Committees with the operation of the several segments of the University. 

b.       Three of the five current standing Policy committees exercise a partial and therefore incomplete jurisdiction over the curriculum of the University.  To the extent that curricular matters are not neatly confined to the jurisdiction of a single committee having something to do with curriculum, consultation among the committees or sequential action by them becomes necessary. 

c.        The delay or delays in bringing such matters to the Senate occasioned by the need to consult or coordinate the action of several committees dealing with the same problem is thought to introduce an inefficiency or inefficiencies into the deliberations of the Senate that is curable by the recommendation stated above

d.       At a time of fiscal constraint when every unit of the University, including the Faculty Senate, is being required to reduce its expenditures by a specified percent, the Select Committee constituted in AY ‘09-‘10 to recommend reductions to the Senate’s budget concluded from its study that the money likely to be available to the Senate in future would be insufficient to fund three units of assigned time to support the work of each of five standing committee chairs. 

e.        The recommendation to approve three standing policy committees instead of maintaining the five standing committees as currently constituted will enable the Senate to continue to afford something of the assigned time required to support Committee Chairs who are expected to organize the work of their committees, attend weekly meetings of the Executive Committee and attend and participate as members whenever the Senate is convened.


2.       Grouping of working committees and subcommittees in keeping with the subject matter of those Policy Committees

a.       In the process of giving effect to the recommendation, the current organizational chart and the charges of the various working committees and subcommittees were reviewed.  Adjustments were made in keeping with the focus of the proposed new Policy Committee charges and the current charges of those working groups committees and subcommittees.








The Faculty Senate discharges the Select Committee 2011-2012 created by FS 11-60/Ex

from further consideration of the reorganization of the appointed standing policy

committees of the Faculty Senate and the several committees and subcommittees

reporting to them.


The Faculty Senate directs the Senate Executive Committee to see to the revision of the

charges of the several committees and subcommittees reporting to the Senate's

appointed standing policy committees to reflect the action taken by the Senate

in response to the recommendations of the Select Committee 2011-2012.


The Faculty Senate thanks the members of the Select Committee 2011-2012 for their service.


FS 11-12/132/



                The Faculty Senate recommends adoption of the following faculty and student policies:


§  Academic Freedom and Responsibility   Attachment N

§  Faculty Responsibilities and Professional Ethics   Attachment O

§  Faculty Responsibilities to Students in the Instructional Environment  Attachment P                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

§  Student Rights and Responsibilities  Attachment Q


Background information is provided in the following attachments:

§  PowerPoint presentation from the April 19 Faculty Senate Meeting –

Attachment R-1

§  Academic Freedom and Responsibility – Side by Side – Attachment R-2

§  Faculty Responsibilities and Professional Ethics – with Strikeouts – Attachment R-3

§  Faculty Responsibilities to Students – 4 Way Side by Side – Attachment R-4

§  Student Rights and Responsibilities Background – Attachment R-5


FS 11/12-131/

APC/EX                                ACADEMIC CALENDARS, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015


The Faculty Senate recommends adoption of the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic calendars. 

Attachments M-1 and M-2

                                                Background information is provided in Attachment M-3.


FS 11/12-138/

APC/EX                                GRADE APPEALS POLICY, REVISION TO


                                                The Faculty Senate recommends revisions to the Grade Appeals Policy as indicated in

Attachment A: Student Grade Appeal Policy

Attachment A-1: Student Grade Appeal Form

Background information is provided in Attachment A-2


FS 11/12-140/

/EX                                        FIELD TRIP POLICY, ESTABLISHMENT OF      

The Faculty Senate endorses the creation as the policy described in Attachment NN.


FS 11/12-141

EX                                          INTERNSHIP POLICY, ESTABLISHMENT OF   

The Faculty Senate endorses the creation of the policy described in Attachment O.




                                                The Faculty Senate recommends approval of the MA in Humanities Program Proposal  Attachment FF

                                                Background information is provided in Attachment C and Attachment C-1.


FS 11/12-152/Flr.               COMMENDATION FOR ANTHONY G. SHEPPARD



[1] The Student Affairs Policy Committee replaces the Academic Policies Committee established or amended by FS 09-11A and AS 94-98B.  Although the scope of policy responsibility remains generally the same as that of the former Academic Policies Committee, changes include: removing responsibility for the Academic Calendar. creating a new “Student Retention and Graduation Subcommittee,” which is established in a separate action item in FS 11-12/102/SEL and changing the reporting relationship of the Faculty Endowment and Scholarships Committee from the Executive Committee to the Student Affairs Policy Committee.

[2] The Student Retention and Graduation Subcommittee can be viewed as a new subcommittee delegated responsibility for a number of non-policy activities that were included in the former charge of the Academic Policies Committee.  An action item relating to the Student Retention and Graduation Subcommittee is submitted separately in FS 11-12/102/SEL. See also, footnote 1.


[3] Amends name and charge of the Faculty Policies Committee established or amended by FS 09-11C and AS 94-98C.

[4] Responsibility for recommendations regarding the academic calendar previously within the purview of the Academic Policies Committee (now renamed the Student Affairs Policy Committee) has been moved to this committee.

[5] The list of committees/subcommittees reporting to or overseen by the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee is expanded beyond the list previously reporting to/overseen by the previous Faculty Affairs Committee.  Charges of the added committees/subcommittees will have to be amended to reflect these changes.

[6] The Graduate Program Subcommittee described here can be viewed as either a newly established operational/advisory subcommittee of the Academic Affairs Policy Committee or a revision of the Graduate Studies Policy Committee (established or amended by FS 08-54, FS 08-65 and FS 09-10) from a standing Policy Committee to a subcommittee of AAPC with a revised charge.