Geo Clips

© Dr. Nancy Buening, CSUS

Below are short videos describing basic geologic concepts. Each video is about 6 minutes long. Select topics that are arranged alphabetically. The videos are now High Speed , so give them a try.

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100-year flood Explains what we mean by a 50 or 100-year flood.

Albedo The ability of a material to reflect the Sun's energy

Continental collisions — Explanation of continental -continental tectonic collisions

Convergent boundaries — 2 types (subduction & contintental collision) of convergent boundaries

Cross section 1 Explains how to unravel the geologic history of a cross section

Cross section 2 Explains the geologic history of a second cross section

Differentiation Explains why the Earth has layers

Crust — Description & comparison of 2 types of crust; oceanic & continental

Earthquake waves — P- and S-waves

Effusive vs. explosive eruptions Explains the difference between these types of eruptions

Evidence of Earth's layers Describes how we know that the Earth has layers

Igneous rocks — Discussion of intrusive vs. extrusive igneous rocks

Lithification — The process of formation of sedimentary rocks

Lithosphere rides on asthenosphere Explains the significance of the asthenosphere

Location of igneous rocks — Tectonic settings of intrusive & extrusive igneous rocks

Magnetic field Explains the formation and importance of the Earth's magnetic field

Mantle convection — Description of mantle convection cells and why they form

Mid-ocean ridges — Explanation of why ridges form in mid-ocean

Mineral definition Explanation of definition of a mineral

Ocean circulation Briefly explains surface and deep-water circulation

Plate boundaries — Explanation of the 3 types of plate boundaries

Rock types — Description of igneous, metamorphic, & sedimentary rocks & how they form

Salinity Gives a definition of salinity and describes how salinity may change

Scientific method Explains the scientific method, very briefly

Solar nebular hypothesis Explains how we know about the solar nebular hypothesis

Steno's laws Explains the 3 basic laws or principles of relative time devised by Steno

Stream velocity — Factors that affect stream velocity

Subduction — Detailed look at subduction zones and the geologic features found there

Uneven heating of Earth Explains why Earth is unevenly heated

Weathering Describes physical and chemical weathering

















