Cosumnes River College

Economics 302

Principles of Macroeconomics

Spring 2017

MW 9:00 a.m.-10:20 a.m. Learning Resource Center room 107



Michael E. Dowell


Cosumnes River College BS-143

Office Hours: Wednesday 8:00-8:45 a.m.,



The pupil who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do.

                                                                                                                           - John Stuart Mill

Note that not all linked material is posted yet.  Material will be posted over the course of the semester as it is assigned.

Spring 2017 Syllabus


Problem Set 1 (Due 1/30/17)

Problem Set 1 Solutions


Problem Set 2 (Due 2/8/17)

Problem Set 2 Solutions

Problem Set 3 (Due 3/1/17)

Problem Set 3 Solutions

Problem Set 4 (Due 3/8/17)

Problem Set 4 Solutions


Problem Set 5 (Due 3/22/17)

Problem Set 5 Solutions



Problem Set 6 (Due 4/3/17)

Problem Set 6 Solutions



Problem Set 7 (Due 4/26/17)

Problem Set 7 Solutions



Problem Set 8 (Due 5/8/17)

Problem Set 8 Solutions











This page prepared by Michael Dowell

Last update 1/17/17

California State University, Sacramento

Department of Economics

Tahoe 3021

6000 J Street

Sacramento, CA 19819-6082

(916) 278-5588