

"Elements of Culture"

Team Activities

Daily Practice

Guided Reflections

> Units 1 & 2

> Unit 3: Comparison

> Extra Credit Readings

Extra Credit


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Final Reflection (Unit 3)

The final guided reflection has essentially the same structure as the previous two with one exception: you will chose and compare an Asian practice from Unit 1-2 to a different practice from either Unit 3 or the course intro, and then further compare those two to your own daily practice. In this case, the goal of this exploration is to advise the person described in the scenario for the Application Exercise that considered your Unit 3 or intro practice.

Step 3: Final product

Once again, the final step of this assignment is to create a written product (5 pages, but up to 7 allowed if mostly dialogue), which may also incorporate visual material (2-3 pages of drawing integrated with text OR a single detailed illustration with 1-2 pages commentary), that is based on the deep analysis and reflection stimulated by the GRW and its review. Your paper should include the same three things addressed in the worksheet, which in this case are

  1. vivid description that brings to life two similar or contrasting practice(s) featured in an assigned or optional source from Unit 3 as well as one of the earlier units;
  2. balanced selection and clear connection of three terms that follow these practices the list of practices & terms--at least one related to each of the two practices--which highlight ideas & social realities related to the practice as described in assigned sources; and
  3. comparison of the way the two Asian practices, related ideas and social realities resemble and differ from the practice, reflection and social context of your own daily ritual of recitation or artistic creation, again brought to life by vivid description.

Remember that these three points should be integrated by extracting the most important details from the GRW, as suggested by questions 1(g)/(h), 2 (e)/(f), 3(c)/(d) & summary B. This final product will be assessed based on (a) thoughtfulness with which initial responses on the worksheet have been revised and integrated and (b) the extent of and insightfulness with which the essay, story, etc. addresses the three points ennumerated above.

Creative Options: As before I encourage you to consider options other than the 3rd person, declarative prose of a standard academic paper, including but not limited to:

If you choose one of these alternative genres, make sure to include parenthetical page numbers references within the text--e.g., "The Rg Veda praises the sun" (p.105)--*even if you don't quote your source directly*, and even such references seem out of place in such non-academic writing.

Standard Paper Option: If you choose to write in 3rd person, declarative prose, make sure that you adapt what you have written in your worksheet for a more general audience (see "Intended Audience"). At a minimum this means including

Remember that cutting and pasting responses from your worksheet may provide a solid foundation for the final product, but in most cases such responses will require substantial revision to receive an adequate score.

[Please review the writing tips and samples mentioned under "Guided Reflections (Units 1 & 2)"]

The Last Really REALLY Major, Important Reminder

As noted in the syllabus, I will generally elect severe penalties for academic dishonesty (which in guided reflections usually involves inclusion of material from uncited sources): a zero score for the assignment, and failing the course for a second offense. You are responsible for reading my comments regarding the importance of academic honesty, and my no-tolerance policy for incidents of dishonesty, in FAQ, #10-13; as well as for requesting clarification if there is anything you do not understand.

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