"Indian Philosophy in Religious Context:
Hindus & Buddhists Envisioning the Ultimate in South Asia"

(Religion 387)


Standards for Participation

Note that the primary criteria involved in the various levels of participation described below is the extent to which the student contributes to the learning of the group as a whole, particularly in terms of understanding the text under consideration.  I will give each student a chance to evaluate their participation at mid-term, and add my own comments to this evaluation.  I will then use this mid-term assessment in determining the final participation grade.

Unsatisfactory Participation

D or F participation is characterized by either a (a) consistent absence, physical or mental, from the class and/or (b) behavior detrimental to class conversations, whether in small groups, the class as a whole, or on-line. (a) Absent participation may include frequent unexcused absences; routinely coming to class without the assigned text or without having done the reading; sleeping or zoning out in class; total inability to respond in any meaningful way to a question about the reading even if called upon; and never making any contributions to discussion forums on the Blackboard web site. (b) Detrimental behavior includes making comments putting down other students or the instructor for their efforts to understand the text or other remarks designed to derail the discussion. Fortunately, such participation is rare!

C Participation

C participation can involve active listening without speaking at all (refusal to be called upon, to speak when called upon, or to volunteer).  But it may also involve active engagement in conversations—whether in small groups, with the class as a whole, and via the Blackboard discussion forums—while commenting only in ways that offer personal opinions without textual support. The C participant appears engaged in class, brings the assigned reading; stays awake; does show a familiarity with the texts in written exercises and during office hours; and may even contribute comments to the course on-line.

B Participation

B participation involves not only a solid familiarity with the text for the day, but also the expression of ideas and/or raising of questions about the text making reference to specific lines and passages. The B participant generally furthers small-group, whole-class, and/or on-line conversations in her or his contributions, though there may be some unevenness here (fluctuating between C and A participation). B participation may be characterized by a tendency to dominate in discussion, but there is generally a will in B participation to listen to others and recognize what they have said as well as to contribute thoughts.

A Participation

A participation shows all of the positive characteristics of B participation and, in addition, (a) consistently contributes complex insights into the texts and/or (b) asks probing questions that take the discussion further and/or (c) provides synthesis of other students’ comments in ways that help the class move forward. The A participant speaks in (nearly) every class but does not dominate conversation, listening attentively as well as speaking carefully; (s)he may also contribute occasional insights via the Blackboard discussion forum.


A Note about On-line Conversations: I expect every student to make an on-line contribution to the Blackboard discussion forum (under “Communication”), however minor, at least once during every unit of the course—just so I know you are checking in.  Beyond this, participation in on-line conversations is purely optional.  I make this option available because some students feel daunted by the perceived pressures of speaking in conversations involving the whole class, and perhaps even in small groups.  Such students may choose demonstrate the bulk of their participation on-line; though I do expect everyone to be fully present, listen attentively, and make at least minimal contributions during small group conversations.

[Most of the wording of this statement is drawn--with permission--from a similar document produced by a committee of faculty members at the Center for Teaching and Learning, headed by Professor Susan Ferguson,]

Overviews & Objectives

Attendance Policy

Required Texts

Schedule of Topics & Readings

(BACK TO) Assignments & Evaluation

Notes on Written Work