About the Course

Schedule & Readings

Culture Repair Projects

The Fine Print

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Assignment Overview

In order to successfully finish this course you must complete:

  1. six (6) TRAs ( "Team Readiness Assessments"), done both individually & *IN TEAMS*
    [lowest score dropped; 5 x 10 points for each individual & team = 100 points total]
  2. eighteen (18) Reading Exercises (300 points total), completed in class, *IN TEAMS*
    [receiving full credit for these activities requires preparing & bringing homework for each;
      40% of points for each activity is distributed via a Peer Evaluation system]

    TBL timeline

  3. six (6) End-of-Unit Challenges (multiple choice questions done individually)
    [lowest score dropped; 5 x 20 points (individual + team activity) = 100 points total]
  4. six (6) Application Exercises (specific choice team exercise)
    [lowest score dropped; 5 x 20 points (individual + team activity) = 100 points total]
  5. three (3) Culture Repair Projects (lowest score dropped; 125 + 125 = 250 points total)
    [background materials, peer review, and final 2-3 page instructions—three tries]
  6. one (1) End-of-Term Challenge (100 points total) & one (1) Final Application Exercise (50 points total)
    [questions drawn from earlier End-of-Unit Challenges & Application Exercises]

**OVERALL SCALE (out of 1000 points): 940-1000=A, 900-939%=A-, 870-899=B+, 840-869=B, 800-839=B-, etc.**

Full Description

Learning Objectives

Assigned Sources

Assignment Overview

Course Policies (PDF download)

Schedule & Readings

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