

"Elements of Culture"

Team Activities

Daily Practice

Guided Reflections

> Units 1 & 2

> Unit 3: Comparison

> Extra Credit Readings

Extra Credit


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Final Reflection (Unit 3)

The final guided reflection has essentially the same structure as the previous two with one exception: you will chose and compare an Asian practice from Unit 1-2 to a different practice from either Unit 3 or the course intro, and then further compare those two to your own daily practice. In this case, the goal of this exploration is to advise the person described in the scenario for the Application Exercise that considered your Unit 3 or intro practice.

Extra Credit

Up to five points of extra credit may be given for any reflection that indicates thorough reading of one of the optional historical records of Asian practice listed for the relevant unit under "Asian Practices & Related Terms" above. Make sure to hand-write "PLEASE CONSIDER FOR EXTRA CREDIT" at the top of your paper if you wish you reflection to be considered.

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