Assignment number:_1___ Text: The Undesigned Designer (Dundon). Reading Assignment location ´ Pages 1-5 Approximate argument location, center p. 4 



=self moving cause operating regularly and repeatedly on matter(materially)




= structure of at least two parts articulated together




=cause which must have one part to move to impress the constant  pattern and a part to be unmoved (unchanged) to retain the  regularity/identity of the pattern

1. Read the whole passage for context and to locate the argument.

2. Analyze the argument on scrap paper, using categories A,B,C, into a major premise, minor premise and conclusion, constructing any missing premise as needed. For background see the 131 Handbook. Logic forces the missing premise to be constructed only one way provided you have one premise, the conclusion and you assume the author argues validly. ("Principle of Charity"). Based on your analysis, assign "S" to the subject of your conclusion, "P" to its predicate and "M" to the reason which appears in both premises. Write S,P,M, in the blue (grey) boxes next to the A,B,C (or other letter) which you have decided function as S,P, or M.

3. Read the passage again and actually locate your proposed conclusion and at least one premise in specific sentences. The premise should read well with a "because" inserted in front and the conclusion with a "therefore."

4. Fill in the boxes below with the code letters from the boxes above to represent the SUBJECT, PREDICATE (of the author's conclusion) and his/her MIDDLE TERM. Complete filling in the boxes according to the instructions below.

5. Determine the figure, and validity of the argument (See 131 Handbook) and test by drawing the S,P,and M circles in the large box below to represent the argument.

To represent the author's argument choose and put the following in the syllogism boxes:
In the article boxes write "All", "Some", "No" (all/not), or "The" after the "|" line.
In the subject boxes put the subject of the proposition (premise or conclusion) using the code letter from the term boxes above .
In the copula boxes put "is","is not", "are", "are", "are not" as needed.
In the predicate boxes put the code for the predicate of the proposition (premise or conclusion)
Note that major premises can be either M--P or P--M. So I leave the boxes empty for the major premise. P--M is the "second figure" position . Check your handbook for the use of the second figure.
Now go back and decide what type of proposition (A,I,E,O) each proposition is and enter it in the article box before the "|" line. Remember "A" = All X is Y; "E"= No X is Y; "I" = Some X is Y; "O" =Some X is not Y. Don't confuse A, I, E, O, the traditional names for the four types of categorical propositions with the scantron A, B,C, D, E code which I italicize.



Subject of propositions

Copula (is, are, is not etc,)

 Predicate of Propositions






M&P (Major)

S&M (Minor)










Do a circle diagram of your argument in this box: (Diagram should look like something on page 3 of your handbook.


When you are done filling in the syllogism boxes you should have something like this: (I use x,y, and z instead of A,B,C.)





M&P (Major)

S&M (Minor)










Now, based on what you entered in your syllogism boxes, answer the following eight questions:

1. My S is A, B, C.
2. My P is A, B, C.
3. My M is A, B, C.
4. My major prem. is an A, I, E, O, prop. (A=A, I=B, E=C O=D)
5. My minor premise is an A, I, E, O, proposition (Same code.)
6. My conclusion is an A, I, E, O, proposition (Same code.)
7. The syllogism is Valid (A), Invalid (B)
8. The figure is First (A), Second (B).

Second Argument Location, Same text, same page, immediately below the first argument .
Use the same instructions as for the first argument.



=cosmos with design excellence (of some complexity)




=cosmos prior to and capable of generating our present universe (cosmos)




=cosmos just as non-self-explanatory as this universe



Subject of propositions

Copula (is, are, is not etc,)

 Predicate of Propositions






M&P (Major)

S&M (Minor)










Do a circle diagram of your argument in this box: (Diagram should look like something on page 3 of your handbook.


Answer #9--16 following the instructions from the first argument:

9. My S is A, B, C.
10. My P is A, B, C.
11. My M is A, B, C.
12. My major prem. is an A, I, E, O, prop. (A=A, I=B, E=C O=D)
13. My minor premise is an A, I, E, O, proposition (Same code.)
14. My conclusion is an A, I, E, O, proposition (Same code.)
15. The syllogism is Valid (A), Invalid (B)
16. The figure is First (A), Second (B).