Child Development 242 (01)
Theoretical Perspectives in Child Development
Fall, 2010 - Hembree


Response Papers

Students are required to complete 7 of 12 response papers (with each response paper worth 20 points). Papers are 3-4 page (double-spaced) essays responding to a particular question based on the readings for that week. Response papers are well-written, well-organized, succinct (no lists!), scholarly in style, focus directly on the question at hand, and are thoughtful reflections on the material, supported by the readings (cite where appropriate), rather than personal experience. Papers should adhere to APA style in their format. In some cases, you may be asked to revise an essay and resubmit for a grade. 

All students should complete the first three papers and four more of their own choosing. Papers are due in class on the date listed (you must attend to submit a paper) and no late response papers will be accepted.

Response Question #1 (9/7)- Piaget and development

Imagine that you have been asked to propose an in-service workshop with Kindergarten teachers on applications of Piaget's theory  to the classroom. In this essay, provide administrators with an overview of some of the topics you would cover in such a training. Choose 3-4 concepts in Piaget's theory and (a) describe the concept, (b) provide an overview of its application to the classroom, and (c) describe what research support (or lack thereof) there is for the concept.  Include, where appropriate, some of the advances made by neo-Piagetian scholars.

 NOTE: Everyone should complete this paper.

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Response Question #2 (9/14) – Psychoanalytic and Social Learning Theory

Compare and contrast Psychoanalytic and Learning theories. Consider similarities and differences in these theoretical approaches in both the assumptions of the theory and how they are translated into practice. While it is clear that there are many differences between Psychoanalytic and Learning theories, parenting and educational practice relying on these approaches may actually look similar. Why might this be?

 NOTE: Everyone should complete this paper.


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Response Question #3 (9/21) – Contextual Approaches

Discuss the conceptualization of "environment" in three different theoretical approaches: (a) Social Learning theory, (b) Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, and (c) Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological theory. Which theory do you think best represents environmental effects on development? (be sure to support your opinion).

NOTE: Everyone should complete this paper.

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Response Question #4 (9/28) – Ethology

Discuss the application of the ethological approach to the study of (a) attachment and (b) peer relations. For each area of study, describe how the ethological approach has influenced both the focus and content of the research, and the methods used to study it. In what way does an ethological approach limit our understanding of these topics?


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Response Question #5 (10/19)- Culture

Discuss the role culture plays in development. Provide examples of "how culture is central to the process of development" (Cole, p. 62). How do Developmental Systems Models (Ch. 1) account for culture and social context? In your opinion, do they succeed in accounting for culture as Cole defines it?


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Response Question #6 (10/26)–  Neuroscience and Cognitive Development


1) Elaborate on the following quote from the text:

“Brain development is not just a genetic process but is an epigenetic one heavily dependent on complex interactions at the molecular, cellular, and behavioral levels” (Johnson, 1999, p. 201).


2) Discuss the relative contributions of each of the theories/theoretical orientations presented in the text (Piaget, NeoPiagetian, Psychometric, Information Processing, Systems) to our understanding of cognitive development. If you were to develop a theory of cognitive development, what elements of these theories would you adopt, and what do you think is missing from these explanations of cognitive development?


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Response Question #7 (11/2) – Perceptual Development and Language Development


1) What possible relations exist between language and cognitive development and what role does biology play in the process? 


2) A central question in the study of perception concerns the relative roles of biologically-based skills and experience. Present evidence for both of these positions (as well as the interaction between them). Why will this “debate” never fully be resolved?


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Response Question #8  (11/9) - Temperament, Emotion, and the Self

Emotional development clearly occurs within a cognitive and social context. Using examples of research cited in the text, demonstrate the link between emotions, cognition, and social relationships.  





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Response #9 (11/16) – Gender and Moral Development

Discuss some of the important sex differences observed during childhood in terms of gender identity, toy preference, and play. What theoretical explanations are offered for these differences?



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Response #10 (11/23) - Peer/ Family Relationships

Use Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory (review Miller and Bronfenbrenner & Morris readings) to explain the family’s influence on children’s development.



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Response #11 (11/30) –  Peer/Community Influences

According to your reading, what important functions do peer relationships (friendships, peer acceptance) serve in children’s development? What are some factors that have been identified as potential influences on children’s peer relationships?


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Send problems, comments or suggestions to: Updated: August 20, 2010