
Module Introduction/Overview

 Overview     Lecture     Assignments      Discussion     Summary


Links within the page





Replace the text in this section with the introduction to your module. The table used for the template is set to 90% width of the screen. You can set the table to a set pixel amount. If using WebCT with a navigation bar on the left, the width should be no larger than 380 pixels to fit screens set for 640 x 480 pixels.

Note: If an element is not required for a specific module, leave the element on the overview page. Indicate that none is required.



  • first objective
  • second objective
  • third objective



Text Title
Chapter(s) or pages to be read for this module.

Other readings you may assign for this module or links to Web sites.



Information you may want to provide to your students. If the information is short you can enter the information here. However, if the information is lengthy (more that 1-2 paragraphs) link to another Web page.

Web pages or PowerPoint slides can be part of the course content and linked from a lecture title.

list assignment due dates



Instructions on the assignment. Again, if the information is lengthy, link to another Web page. If Web activities are included as part of most modules, include information about the requirements for this module.

Are writing assignments part of each (or most) modules? If so, include information here. You can always link to examples, specifications, or other information useful to your students.



Class Discussions 

Information about the discussion activity or activities for this module of instruction. Make sure to include due dates.



Summary information is contained on a separate Summary page.


AAAA 999

California State University, Sacramento
June 1, 2002