Review Sheet for Essay Exam 1

The exam will be held in Hinde Auditorium in the Student Union on February 27 from 12 PM to 1:15 PM. Part I of the exam is to be done in the exam room in a blue book.  Part II (see below) is to be handed in to me at the start of the exam.  No late exams or late short essays will be accepted.

Part I:  You will select from the 15 items listed below 10 items for which you should prepare answers.  The answer for each of the items must consist of the following two parts (A and B).

    1. State the meaning of the words, or phrases, or sentences that compose the item. That is, explain what the item means.  You may use words from the outline view on which the item appears.  But make sure that your explanation is clear, complete, and concise.
    2. For each of the items that you explain, state as a single question the moral issue studied by us in class that is related to the item. The moral issue is the question that is stated at the top of the outline view on which the item that you have selected appears. The moral issue related to the item is the main issue that we discussed or debated in the class in which the selected item was one of the secondary points mentioned. 

Click here to see Sample Answer for Part 1 of Exam.

Base your answer on readings in the course reader and lecture notes in the course pack. Use complete sentences. These items and the issues that is related to each item can be found by studying the lecture outline views that are collected in Philosophy 103 Course Pack. (70%) 

  1. "Inequalities as defined by the institutional structure or fostered by it are arbitrary unless it is reasonable to expect that they will work out to everyone’s advantage and provided that the positions and offices to which they attach or from which they may be gained are open to all."
  2. "The traditionalist account over-simplifies the task of computer ethics insofar as it suggests that extending old norms to new situations is a somewhat mechanical … process….This hides the fact that….the first step is to clear up the conceptual muddles."
  3. "When a corporate executive… spends… for ‘social purposes’… he becomes, in effect, a public employee."
  4. Reasoning by Analogy
  5. Algorithm, source code, object program
  6. "On the grounds of consequences, can the corporate executive in fact discharge his alleged ‘social responsibilities’? He is presumably an expert in running his company… But nothing about his selection makes him an expert on inflation."
  7. Stakeholders
  8. Stakeholder Paradox
  9. "Ethical issues surrounding computer and information technology are a new species of general, or traditional moral issues."
  10. There are two types of situation in which the simple rule of maximizing profits is not in the best interest of society: the case in which it takes a long time for a society to be paid back for its loses, and the case in which the seller has considerably more knowledge about is product than the buyer, particularly with regard to safety and performance.
  11. Veil of Ignorance
  12. "The socially responsible firm’s problem is that by cooperating in one-shot dilemmas, it receives a lower payoff than do firms that defect… I will describe five possible areas in which the socially responsible firm might compensate for that disadvantage."
  13. "Suppose that cooperators were distinguishable at a glance from defectors. …the cooperators would pair off systematically with one another to reap the benefits of mutual cooperation."
  14. "Software is intelligible as a nontangible entity."
  15. Consequentialist framework for analyzing the property right issues surrounding software.

Part II: To be handed in at the time of the exam, about 2 typewritten pages in which you (30%):

  1. Briefly describe a recent work-related situation which created a moral conflict for you and briefly describe how you resolved the conflict.
  2. Briefly explain what moral principles, values or considerations guided your decision regarding how to resolve the conflict.