Welcome to Podcasting Pilot Program - language acquisition throgh Podcasting
Podcasting is a tool for you to listen to the recording at anywhere and anytime.


ニュースを聞くと、日本の社会、政治、文化などの知識が増える。また、アメリカとは違った物の見方、考え方を学ぶ機会にもなる。(If you listen to Japanese in Japanese, you will learn not only language but also increase knowledge of Japanese society, politics, and culture. Moreover, you will gain different perspectives and ways of thinking!

1. What news do we listen to?
2. How do we set up my computer?
3. Daily schedule

Any technical questions and/or comments? Email to: Ms. EstherHattingh
Any questions and/or comments on content? Email to: Professor Kazue Masuyama

Last updated: 1/03/06


1. What news do we listen to?

I will use a Japanese news station called NHK. http://www.nhk.or.jp because they have video on some news. The drawback of this page is its availability. It is only available on the day of broadcasting.

To understand news articles, use an online dictionary called POP jisho http://www.popjisyo.com.
In the blue section on the homepage, you will see "Browse the web with pop-up hints! so enter the website address on the news of the day. OR enter a block of text to add hints to ...." In the latter, copy and paste a news article in the space. Click "Full Text". You will see the same phrases in the second space. When you place your mouse to each word, its meaning will pop up!

You can also use Firefox browzer.
After the download, Go to tools, and enable rikaichan. Then, when you move the mouth on Japanese character, the meaning of the Japanese word would pop up.

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2. How do I assess to Podcasting?

To set up your computer, go to Esther's webpage. She will explain how to subscribe this Podcasting, how to download iTunes, etc. Any technical questions? Email Esther.

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3. Daily schedule => Click HERE

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