Review for Exam 1

Chapter 1

Ideal type, Max Weber

Family functions, William Ogburn

Universal permanent availability


Chapter 2

Concept, proposition, hypothesis, theory


Interdependence of parts

Definition of "function"

Manifest vs latent function

Parsons and Bales : family functions


Social Conflict Theory

Karl Marx

Conflict is inevitable, natural

Family perpetuates inequality

Symbolic Interactionism

Socialization and social interaction

Definition of the situation, symbols, interpretation of the meaning

Pheonomenological approach

Role: based on symbolic interaction

Social Exchange Theory

Expectation of reciprocity

George Homans: actual behavior

Peter Blau:symbolic interaction

Developmental Theory

Time dimension

Evelyn Duvall

Appraisal of Family Theories

Jetse Spres: Hermeneutics, critical social science, feminist theory

Feminist Frame of Reference

Gender is basic to all social structures

Women are oppressed



Chapter 3

Institution, social system, status, role

Primary vs Secondary groups

Family of procreation; family of orientation

Sex ratio: definition



Polygamy--Polyandry, Polygyny, Group marriage -- prevalence, characteristics, problems

Oneida community

Nuclear and conjugal family

Modified-nuclear/Modified extended family

Extended family--consanguine family, joint family, stem family -- definition, examples

Incest taboo -- prevalence, problems

Functions of kin groups

Unilateral (patrilineal, matrilineal), bilateral

Patrilocal, matrilocal, bilocal, neolocal -- definition, characteristics

Chapter 4

Reliogisity and family practices

Lenski's study: Catholics, Protestants, Jews

Church goers and the family size

Conflict theory :Marixian view

Marital satisfaction: Jessie Bernard:

Sexual division of labor -- house work, child care, child disciplining

Female labor participation

% of female population: marital status, husband emotional support

Women's entry into the labor force : factors

Latchkey children: the background

Commuter marriage: pros and cons

Chapter 5

Traditional China: population size, time period

Clan ( "tsu"): definition, functions

Gentry vs peasantry

The marriage Laws of 1950, 1980 --

divorce, bigamy, sexual status, age at marriage, arranged marriage

Infanticide and the sex ratio in China

One child policy: enforcement methods, reality

Effects: positive/negative, personality formation of only-child

Contemporary Chinese Family

Dating/mate selection; Divorce rate ; Gender-role difference; rural/urban