MEDLINE is a database created and maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) located at the National Institute of Health (NIH). It covers the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine and the preclinical sciences. MEDLINE contains bibliographic citations and abstracts from about 3,900 biomedical journals, starting from 1966. You will need to use MEDLINE to find relevant scientific articles for your laboratory reports and your physiology paper.
An important note: In most cases, the full text article is not available, only the abstract. To obtain the full text article, you will need to copy down the bibliographic citation and head to the library.
Internet Grateful Med is one way to search MEDLINE for relevant scientific articles. The following pages will take you through an example of a search of MEDLINE. The search screens are NOT active since you are not actually in the MEDLINE database.
Navigation buttons are located on the bottom of each screen. Use the scroll bar on the right of the screen to view the entire search screen. Click on NEXT to view Internet Grateful Med’s search screen.