Information about Geology 8T Quiz 2

Your second quiz will be on mineral identification. It will be exactly like questions 1, 2, and 3 of the assignment that you did for week 2 (but with different samples). I will provide you with the following word bank of mineral names on the quiz:

calcite          feldspar          gypsum          hornblende          muscovite 
biotite          galena            hematite         magnetite               pyrite                 quartz

You will be required to identify 3 of these minerals. If you are 100% sure of your answer, then you do not need to give me physical properties of the mineral. However, if you are unsure of a mineral name, partial credit may be given if you write down the physical properties that you observed in the sample.  As in the week 2 assignment, you also will get two samples that are NOT on your list.  For one you will identify the number of directions of cleavage (tell me how many directions you see in the sample). For the other you will estimate a numerical hardness by scratch testing with your tools. Tools you will have for this quiz are:

glass jar (H=5.5), steel nail (H=5.5), penny (H=3.5), your fingernail (H=2.5); streak plate, vinegar, and a magnet.

I highly recommend that you review the minerals prior to the quiz (there are boxes on reserve in the Media Center of the library, I think that the call number WT8000 and others are on reserve in the Reserve Room, I think the call number there is YD9343 pc).  Please be aware that these boxes contain more minerals than the ones that you looked at, so be sure to bring the table that you filled out with the mineral numbers. E-mail me if you have any questions. I will open the door to the lab room at least 1 hour before class and set out some mineral boxes on a cart up front in case you want to refresh yourselves just before the quiz.

Click here if you want to see a pdf of the quiz (no need to print, I will provide a hard copy in class).