Information about Geology 8T Quiz 7

This quiz is about fluid circulation and relates to the activities that you did on density currents and on convection.

For the Convection Activity, I will give you a picture with a heat source - you will use the picture to fully explain how convection works. In addition, I will be asking you what kind of matter is convecting in the picture

Remember that convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of matter, so when I ask you what kind of matter is convecting, then you need to tell me what that matter is (water? air? mantle rocks? coffee? etc.).

In drawing the complete convection cell on the picture, be sure to label every part of the convection cell to explain exactly what is going on during the convection, and why it is going on. When you do your explanation just the arrows of the convection cell is not enough, you need to explain the whys of every part of the convection cell - don't forget to discuss density and why things are more or less dense. Be sure to read the background information on p.182. Also, review the picture that I put on the board during class (if you were not in class, I took a picture and posted that on the topic notes for lab 8)

I will choose one of the following questions about the Density Current Activity (be sure to review the colored sheets you filled out during the sharing portion of this activity AND read the background information on p.174-177 because you may not have gotten the complete explanation of each group activity during class - the answers to all of the questions below should be on those pages):

  1. Answer these questions regarding the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean:
    a. Describe the relative salinity and temperature of the Mediterranean and Atlantic seawater.
    b. Which is more dense, the Mediterranean or the Atlantic seawater, why is that water denser?
    c. What does the Mediterranean water do at the Strait of Gibraltar?
    d. What does the Atlantic water do at the Strait of Gibraltar?

  2. For lakes in cooler climates during which season does the lake overturn: summer or winter? circle one
    a. analyze exactly why overturning occurs during that season (the one you chose above), and
    b. clearly explain why overturning doesn't take place in the other season

  3. Answer these questions regarding the North Atlantic/Arctic activity:
    a. Explain what causes deep water currents to form in the North Atlantic Ocean - what is the water like there and how did it get that way?

    b. Why are deep ocean currents important to life in the dep ocean?
    c. What is upwelling and what causes upwelling to occur?
    d. Explain why upwelling is good for fishing.