California State University, Sacramento
Department of Mechanical Engineering
E-45 Paskowitz--Spring 2000

Homework #1

Due Feb. 7th (Monday section) or Feb. 9th (Wednesday section).

1. Establish a Saclink account (if you do not already have one).
I will set up a list server for the class that will be used for announcements for the class. To subscribe send an e-mail to  Type in the body of the message "subscribe eng45-l <firstname> <lastname>".  For more information on list servers, try this link. Certain internet service provider mail accounts will not accept mail from campus so you must establish a Saclink account. If you regularly check e-mail from home, make sure you know how to access your Saclink account from home.  Here is the URL with some useful information about setting up a Saclink account ( Information on how to do this is also available from the computer help desk on the 3rd floor of Sequoia Hall in Room 332. E-mail me ( from this account once you have set it up. Please include your name, what you would like to be called in class, your interests in engineering, and your interests outside of engineering. This e-mail will count for 1 point of the first week's homework score. This e-mail must be sent before the beginning of class on the day the assignment is due.

2. Visit the class web site and print out the lab instructions for the first lab.
This handout will count for 3 points toward the first week's quiz score. While you are at the web site, check out some of the other areas of the web site. The computer tips area lists useful software and resources.

3. The second class meeting will meet in a computer lab, not in the normal lab meeting place. If you come late to section on Feb. 7th or Feb. 9th, please go to the computer lab indicated on the lab door.

4. If for some reason you missed the first lab meeting, make sure you have copies of and have read the following documents from the web site: the class syllabus, the course schedule, and the lab safety information.