Using the Portfolio Template in TaskStream

1. Log on to TaskStream.


2. Click on the Web Folio Builder.


3. In the Presentation Portfolio section, under the ÒTo create new portfolio, enter title:Ó  type in a name for your portfolio.


4. Click on the Create It button.


5. Under the 'Select a template' section, click on the radio button for 330B Template Level I.


6. Click on Next Step.


7. Choose a style by clicking on the radio button for the one you like.


8. Click on Next Step.


On the left side you will see each Standard with an option for Reflection, Artifacts and Projection.


9. When you click on the standard you will see a bar that says 'Additional Content Sections' When that window opens, under the Additional Content Sections you will see the Reflection, Artifact and Projection listed. (Or you can click directly on the link to 'Reflection', 'Artifact', or 'Projection.' in the left column)


10. To the right of each of those is an 'Edit' button


11. Click on the 'Edit' button.


12. That takes you to the next section where you will see the'Add/Edit Section Content' area. To the right is the edit button, click the Edit button.


13.  You will then see a window where you can type your Reflection, or Projection, depending on which one you choose.  There are tabs across the top for images, links etc if needed.  There are also two text options, one is for Header Text and one is for Main Text. For this portfolio, it really doesn't matter that much as they both appear on approximately the same page on the webpage.  Just choose header text.


14. Make sure you hit the Save button


Attachments Ð Artifacts


15. Click on the Artifacts link in the left column.


16. Click on the Edit button in the content area.


17. Click on the Attachments tab, click on New File.


18. Click on Browse - Browse your hard drive and locate the file you want to upload (ex: gradebook.xls)


29. Write a brief sentence on what it is under 'Describe file.'


20. Click 'Add File'


Attachments from TaskStream (Lessons, Units, Other uploaded files)


21. Click on the Artifacts link in the left column.


22. Click on the Edit button.


23. Click on the Attachments tab, click on Previously Uploaded Files or My TaskStream Work.


24. Follow the instructions 1-4.


25. Write a brief sentence on what it is under 'Describe file.'


Continue for all Standards.


If you have already typed in some reflections somewhere else, open the Word Document where the reflections are, select the text you want to copy, right click, drag to copy.


Go to TaskStream, locate the section where you want to paste the text, press control V.


26. Publishing to the WWW.  Click on #4, Publish/Share.


27. Click on Publish/Share. Ð Click on the Publish Options button.


28. Create your web address (no spaces or weird characters) Click on no password needed.


29. Click on Publish.


30. Click on Email this Web Address, send it to and send it to yourself.  Make sure you send it to Outside Recipients when sending to me.


Your finished URL will look something  like this.  As you edit and make changes, you do not need to keep uploading, it does it automatically.


I need that for you to complete the whole process and get credit.