Pam Healy Story

Time Magazine

Students write and essay on their future.  What will they accomplish in the future, what will they be famous for? Written the 1st 3 weeks of school.

Hat Heart Shoe

What are you thinking, what are you feeling, where are you going?


Pam: Personally I've always been fascinated by his artwork and I like surrealism, so I chose him. I guess you could choose another artist, but it might not lend to such a creative opportunity. This is for after learning creative writing. Study Magritte art, learn something about the artist, create your own pseudo Magritte and develop a creative story.


Research a topic, write an opinion.

Literary Terms

Alliteration- After learning literary terms and reading a variety of Aesops fables and talking about morals at the end of the fables, they choose a moral and develop a creative story. The story has to use at least 5 different literary terms highlighted in a specific color coded by a key. Anywhere the student can use the "rebus' form of writing (pictures) instead of words, they can.

Alphabet Book

ABC book- With a partner develop an alphabet book of English related, literary related terms, define it and give an example along with some computer generated art.


Biography- follows the reading of a children's story about a boy who befriended a old lady in a home who had lost her mind, and reading a short story about a teeneage boy who visited his grandma in a home. We talked about the goodness of interviewing elders and how much you can learn from someone much older, 60+, do it by phone, be it a neighbor, relative, etc. Write the biography (after studying biography) then do a timeline of the elder's life and their own. But when they list the dates, they also have to list what was going on the the world at that time.







Hat Heart Shoe




















Literary Terms










Alphabet Book





