Quest for Heroes,





IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluation - Conclusion



  • You were invited to an archeological dig in Greece on your summer vacation before beginning junior high school because of your great grades and understanding of ancient civilizations studies in sixth grade. During the first week you discovered an unbroken jug with painted pictures of Greek gods, goddesses, and heroes on the outside of it. As you sat under the shade of an olive tree, cleaning the jug’s outer surface to get a better look at the pictures, a large chunk of dirt from the inside of the jug fell in your lap. Sticking out from this clump was a piece of brown cloth. You carefully broke the dirt away from the cloth, unfolded the ancient material, and discovered that the message written it was addressed to you. You became dizzy, the world around you spun, and you heard a voice telling you that you would need to call on some of the gods, goddesses, and heroes of ancient Greece to help you save the archeological site from being destroyed by evil-doers who were out to destroy items from the ancient past. You will begin a journey that will take you through the world and myths of the gods and heroes looked upon in ancient Greek times as large and powerful. You will discover their secrets. Hang onto your trowel and brush as you go forward into the past.


  • You are going to do research on the gods, goddesses, and heroes of ancient Greece. You will write an expository paper where you will compare and contrast at least two gods, two goddesses, or two heroes in ancient Greek mythology, through research.
  • You will convince the reader which gods, goddesses, or heroes would be best suited to help save and protect the archeological site you are digging, and why they were chosen by you.
  • You will tell the reader about their strengths and weaknesses, about their adventures and background, and about their history.
  • You will work with a partner on this paper. Together you will research the information, each write a paper using own words, and together create a poster of one of your gods, goddesses, or heroes chosen.



·   In a pair of two, decide which you want to research: gods, goddesses, or heroes.

·   As a pair, you will research ancient Greek gods, goddesses, or heroes using the web sites provided below. You will:

1.     Find at least two gods, two goddesses, or two heroes from ancient Greece.

2.     Find, at least, one strength and one weakness of each.

3.     Find at least one adventure and some background (what they have done).

4.     Find their family history (if any).

5.     Come up with two reasons these chosen gods, goddesses, or heroes would be worthy to help you. Convince the reader or class.

·   Using the research on ancient Greek gods, goddesses, or heroes, each person will write in their own words a one-page paper to tell the class about the chosen two (or more) gods, goddesses, or heroes, the strengths and weaknesses, the adventures and background, the family history, and the reasons they would be worthy to help save the archeological site from destruction. The paper must have an introduction stating the subject with a “hook” for the audience, a body with the information about the gods, goddesses, or heroes, and a conclusion telling the audience why these gods, goddesses, or heroes were chosen.

·   When each paper is complete, each person will go to their editing group (pre-determined by the teacher) for peer editing and evaluation. Only quality work should be turned in.

·   The pair will draw a poster, 18” x 12”, of one of the chosen gods, goddesses, or heroes. It will be a drawing the pair have created and drawn on their own. No help from other groups or students. No pictures glued to the poster. (Pictures can be used as a reference, but the artwork must be originally done by the pair’s own hands). The entire poster paper must be used as much as possible. The name of the god, goddess, or hero must be on the poster with letters no smaller than 1/2” tall and no larger than 1 1/2” tall.

·   The report and poster will be presented to the class. The pair can decide which paper is read to the class (although both will be turned in for grading). The author of the paper being heard will read it, while the other student will present and explain the poster. The presentation should convince the class that the gods, goddesses, or heroes chosen would be the best to help save the archeological dig site.




·   Web Resources













·   Books to Read

§   Mythology: the Illustrated Anthology of World Myth and Storytelling by general editor C. Scott Littleton; publisher, Duncan Baird Publishers

§   Usborne Greek Myths for Young Children retold by Heather Amery; publisher, Scholastic Inc.

§   D’Aulaires’ Books of Greek Myths by Ingri and Edgar Parin D’Aulaire; publisher, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc.

§   DK Eyewitness Guides: Ancient Greece—Discover the World of the Ancient Greeks by publisher Penguin Books Ltd.

§   The Simon and Schuster Book of Greek Gods and Heroes by Alice Low; publisher, Simon and Schuster Children’s Publisher














Reader has


following work

because student

jumps around.

Student presents

information in

logical sequence

which reader

can follow.

Student presents

information in

logical, interesting sequence

which reader

can follow.





There are four or more misspellings

and/or grammatical


There are one or two






has no


or grammatical




Work has three or four areas

that are


Work has one or two areas

that are


Work is







Well organized

but demonstrates illogical sequencing and/or sentence structure.

Well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and sentence structure.








Work difficult to see, not related to subject, and poster space not fully used.

Work colorful but poster space not completely related to subject.

Work colorful, poster space used well and content ties in with ancient Greek themes.



Student used no visual. (This is worth no points).










Audience has difficulty following work because student jumps around.

Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow.

Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.




Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions.

Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate.

Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration.



Student mumbles; incorrectly pronounces terms; audience has difficulty hearing presentation.

Student’s voice is clear; student pronounces most words correctly.

Student used a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of words.








·   Greeks had wonderful stories to tell about gods, goddesses, monsters, and heroes. They believed that the gods and goddesses lived all around them, in the fields, in the seas, below ground, and above ground. Ordinary people sometimes got caught up in events where gods could punish them or reward them, help them or hinder them.

·   Think about how these stories and myths of gods, goddesses, and heroes have been blended into our culture and stories today. What things and stories do you see in our world today that are liked to the Greek myths of gods and heroes of long ago?