EDS 246b
Preventive Psychological Interventions

PowerPoint Handouts

Week 1: Course Introduction and Child Abuse Prevention (pdf file); Syllabus (pdf file), Child Abuse Report Form (pdf file)
Week 2: Youth Violence Intervention Dating Violence & Partner/Spousal Abuse
Week 3: School Violence Prevention and Intervention
Week 4: Crisis Preparedness and Response (pdf file)
Week 5: Crisis Response: Table Top Drills and Observations (pdf file)
Week 6: No class NASP convention. Alternative Learning Acitivity (for students not attending NASP). Complete CBITS, Parts 1 & 2
Week 8:Crisis Intervention 1: Traumatic Stress (pdf), An Introduction to School Crisis Intervention (pdf file)
---------Spring Break---------------------------------------------------------------
Week 9: Crisis Intervention 2: Psychological Triage (pdf file);
Week 10: Crisis Intervention 3: Specific Crisis Interventions (pdf file); Grounding (word doc)
Week 11: Crisis Intervention 4: Specific Crisis Interventions: Psychological Intervention practice; Stabilization coding sheet (word doc); ICI script (word doc)
Week 12: No Class. Alternative Learning Activity, Complete CBITS Provider Basic Training Course, Part 1
Week 13: Comprehensive Suicide Prevention (pdf file)
Week 14: Suicide Intervention Practice
Week 15: Suicide Postvention (pdf file)

Final Exam Study Guide (2016, pdf file)

Other Lecture Materials

Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3: No Class. NASP Convention
Week 4: Duty to warn (web page), Dealing with Acts of Random Violence (pdf file), Violence Risk Assessment Interview Questions (pdf file, from EDS 246b Spring 2009 class)
Week 5:
Week 6: Crisis Preparedness Checklists and Organizational Charts (pdf file); Crisis Situations and Response Checklist (pdf file)
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9: Psychological Triage Handouts (pdf file)
Week 10:
Week 11: Psychological First Aid Observation Sheets (pdf file)
Week 12:
Week 13: Suicide Risk Assessment Summary Sheet (pdf file)
Week 14
Week 15: Suicide Postvention Checklist (pdf file), Suicide Postvention Resources (pdf file), Internet Suicide Survivior Resources (pdf file)


  1. American Psychological Association. (2002). Intimate partner abuse and relationship violence. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from: http://www.apa.org/about/division/activities/abuse.aspx
  2. Brymer M., Taylor M., Escudero P., Jacobs A., Kronenberg M., Macy R., … Vogel J. (2012). Psychological first aid for schools: Field operations guide (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Retrieved from http://www.nctsn.org/content/psychological-first-aid-schoolspfa
  3. Centers for Disease Control. (CDC, 2012). Understanding teen dating violence. Retrieved from: http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/teen-dating-violence-factsheet-a.pdf
  4. Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2013). What is child abuse and neglect? Recognizing the signs and symptoms. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from: https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubpdfs/whatiscan.pdf
  5. Fein, R. A., Vossekuil, B., Pollack, W. S., Borum, R., Modzeleski, W., & Reddy, M. (2002, May). Threat assessment in schools: A guide to managing threatening situations and to creating safe school climates. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED515943
  6. Lough, P. (Ed.). (2003, May). The California child abuse and neglect reporting law. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Social Services. Retrieved from: http://www.dominican.edu/about/forfaculty/file/childabuselaw.pdf
  7. Lockyer, B., & Eastin, D. (2000). Crisis response box: A guide to help every school assemble the tools and resources needed for a critical incident response. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education. Retrieved from: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ss/cp/documents/crisisrespbox.pdf
  8. McNally, R. J., Bryant, R. A., & Ehlers, A. (2003). Does early psychological intervention promote recovery from posttraumatic stress? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(2), 45-79. Retrieved from: http://www.psychologicalscience.org/pdf/pspi/pspi421-45.pdf
  9. Miller, D. N., Eckert, T. L., & Mazza, J. J. (2009). Suicide prevention programs in the schools: A review and public health perspective. School Psychology Review, 38, 168–188.  Retrieved from: http://www.pps.k12.or.us/schools/lincoln/files/school-lincoln/SuicidePreventionProgramsinSchools-Miller.pdf
  10. U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2008, December). National incident management system. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from: http://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/nims/NIMS_core.pdf
  11. Vossekuil, B., Fein, R. A., Reddy, M., Borum R., & Modzeleski, W. (2002. July). The final report and findings of the Safe School Initiative: Implications for the prevention of school attacks in the United States. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved from: http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED515942
  12. Weekley, N., & Brock, S. E. (2004). Suicide: postvention strategies for school personnel. In A. S. Canter, L. Z. Paige, M. E. Roth, I Romero, & S. A. Carroll (Eds.), Helping children at home and school II: Handouts for families and educators (pp. S9: 45-47). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists. Retrieved from: http://www.sprc.org/library_resources/items/suicide-postvention-strategies-school-personnel

Required E-Resources: While not required readings, these documents need to be made a part of each student’s electronic libraries. To document that you have obtained these electronic resources place them on a CD or jump drive and it in to the instructor no later than the last day of instruction. Please also include on this CD or jump drive, when available, the electronic versions of the required resources listed above as well as any other resources that come to your attention during the semester:

  1. Crime and Violence Prevention Center. (2007). California child abuse and neglect reporting law: Condensed version. Sacramento, CA: California Attorney General’s Office. Retrieved from  http://www.ctc-capc.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/CA-Child-Abuse-Neglect-Law-Condensed_2007.pdf
  2. Dwyer, K., & Osher, D. (2000). Safeguarding our children: An action guide. Washington DC: U.S. Departments of Education and Justice, American Institutes for Research. Retrieved from https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/safety/actguide/index.html?exp=0
  3. Dwyer, K., Osher, D., & Warger, C. (1998). Early warning, timely response: A guide to safe schools. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from http://cecp.air.org/guide/guide.pdf
  4. Kann, L., McManus, T., Harris, W. A., Shanklin, S. L., Flint, K. H., Hawkins, J., … Zaza, S. (2014, June). Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance — United States, 2015. MMWR, 65(6), 1-174. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/pdf/2015/ss6506_updated.pdf
  5. National Institute of Mental Health (2006). Helping children and adolescents cope with violence and disasters: What parents can do. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/helping-children-and-adolescents-cope-with-violence-and-disasters-parents/helping-children-and-adolescents-cope-with-violence-and-disasters-what-parents-can-do.pdf
  6. Schreiber, M., Gurwitch, R., & Wong, M. (2006). Listen, protect, and connect – model & teach: Psychological first aid for children. Los Angeles, CA: University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health/Center for Public Health and Disasters. Retrieved from http://www.ready.gov/sites/default/files/documents/files/PFA_SchoolCrisis.pdf
  7. Suicide Prevention Resource Center. (2007). At a glance: Safe reporting on suicide. Retrieved from http://www.spanidaho.org/uploads/AtAGlance-SafeReproting-SPRC.pdf  
  8. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2001). Youth violence: A report of the Surgeon General. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/youthviolence/
  9. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2011). Child maltreatment 2010. Washington, DC: Author.Retrieved from http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb/pubs/cm10/cm10.pdf
  10. U.S. Public Health Service. (1999). The Surgeon General's call to action to prevent suicide. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/calltoaction/calltoaction.pdf
  11. Zhang, A., Musu-Gillette, L., & Oudekerk, B. A. (2016, May). Indicators of school crime and safety: 2015 (NCES 2016-079). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, and Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice program, U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved from https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2016/2016079.pdf