California State University, Sacramento History of the College of Business Administration College of Business Administration


The material in this presentation came from a number of resources. The major resource used was the CSU,S's University Archives and the work could not have been done without the aid and cooperation of the University Archivist, Georgiana White, who is owed a major Thank You for her efforts.

The specific sources consulted include "The Statesman" (the college annual, published from 1949 to 1967), "The Hornet" (the campus newspaper), a brief history of the School of Business Administration compiled by Austin J. Gerber and William V. Ruch in 1980, D. E. Moore's "The History of Sacramento State College (1947-1967), material collected by Professor Merrell W. Skeels, as well as the stuff I've collected over the years (I don't throw much away!).

I began this work during the Summer of 1997, as part of CSU,S's 50th Anniversary. I will be adding to it from time to time, as my schedule allows. I am always looking suggestions, corrections and material to include.

    1947-48 - 1953-54
    1954-55 - 1959-60
    1960-61 - 1964-65
    1965-66 - 1969-70
    1970-71 - 1974-75
    1975-76 - 1979-80
    1980-81 - 1984-85
    1985-86 - 1989-90
    1990-91 - 1997-98

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Update: August 23, 1998
Arthur N. Jensen, Professor of Marketing
College of Business Administration
California State University, Sacramento

Disclaimer: Professor Arthur N. Jensen takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Professor Arthur N. Jensen and not that of California State University, Sacramento. [as required in PM BA 96-13 Policy on CSUSInfo World Wide Web (WWW) and Gopher]