California State University, Sacramento Population Change in Sacramento Metropolitan Statistical Area Sacramento Forecast Project
Population in the four-county Sacramento Metropolitan Statistical Area has grown from 1.63 million persons as of July 1, 1995 to 2.15 million persons as of July 1, 2008. Sacramento MSA Population
The change in population jumped from an average increase of 25 thousand persons during the 1995-1998 period to an average increase of 51 thousand persons during the 1999-2004 period. Births, deaths and net immigration were basically stable over the whole ten year period, so the jump was the result of an increase in migration from other parts of California and the rest of the U.S; the current decline is coming from that sector now. Sacramento MSA Population Change
Natural population increase (Births minus Deaths) in the Sacramento Metropolitan Statistical Area has increased from a low of 11,500 in 1999 to a 10-year high of 15,900 in 2007. Births have increased from a low of 24,000 in 1997&8, which was 1.4% of the population, to an all-time high of 30,616 in 2008. Deaths have increased from a low of 11,800 in 1995, which was 0.72% of the population, to the current of 15,095 in 2008 which is a slightly smaller 0.70% of the population. Sacramento MSA Natural Increase
There has been a very stable 7,400 person average population increase from immigration into the Sacramento Metropolitan Statistical Area over the last thirteen years. Migration of persons from other parts of California and the U.S., however, has changed dramatically, from a low of 1,300 persons leaving the Sacramento MSA in 1995, to a peak of 41,300 persons coming to the area in 2001. There has been a steady decline in the contribution of this sector to the population change in each of the last seven years. Sacramento MSA Net Migration
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Update: January, 2009

Arthur N. Jensen, Emeritus Professor of Marketing
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California State University, Sacramento

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