BIO 7:  Lecture 16 Preview

There are many ways to be a successful organism, as seen in the many different species that have been identified.

What are advantages of being small?  What are disadvantages of being small?



What are advantages of being large?  What are disadvantages of being large? 




Large organisms require more organization

cells ---> tissues ---> organs ----> organ systems---> whole organism





Plants have 3-4 main types of tissues:  dermal, vascular, ground, (meristematic)


Plant Tissues are organized into 3-4 main organs:  leaves, stems, roots, (flowers)







Plant Organs are organized into 2 main systems:  shoots, roots




There are 4 basic types of Animal Tissues; cells forming tissues have specialized structures and functions.






Organs are 2 or more different tissues working together to carry out a special function.  Different organs work together in organ systems.


Animals commonly have 10 major organ systems.  Their main functions and organs are summarized at this site.