It’s About Space
Our Solar System
Volume 1

March 27, 2002

The Sun

The Sun is the center of our solar system. It is 149.6 x 105 kilometers away from the Earth. The central temperature of the sun is 1.0571 x 107 degrees K.



The planets listed in order from the sun are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. One easy way to remember the order is with sentence My Very Excited Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas.



Some planets have moons that orbit around them. Our planet, the Earth, is one of them. The planet Jupiter has several moons and so does Saturn. It has been predicted that the planet Pluto was once a moon that broke free and now revolves around the sun rather than the planet Saturn.




Some Fun Facts about Each Planet

  • Mercury is a rocky planet and is smaller than our moon.
  • Venus is almost exactly the same size as Earth and has a daytime temperature of 800o F.
  • Earth is 4 billion years old.

  • Mars has polar ice caps just like Earth. There is a canyon that is 50 times larger than the Grand Canyon.

  • 1,000 Earths could fit inside Jupiter.
  • Saturn has 26 moons. (More than any other planet).

  • Uranus is tipped on it side and its north pole is pointed toward the Sun as it rotates.

  • Neptune is bright blue and has a faint set of rings. Its moon Tritan has active volcanoes.

  • Pluto was discovered in 1930 which is the most recent planet discover and has a moon that was discovered in 1978.