The Person of the Year Essay

This was a written essay done at the beginning of the year.  The students were instructed to write a 5 paragraph essay on an accomplisment that they hoped to achieve later in life.  We spruced it up with a cover of Time magazine.

Pam Healy: Person of the Year-Depending on the writing level of the students, I require a 3 paragraph essay for 7th and a 5 paragraph essay for the 8th graders. I do it in the first week of school since I don't know the talents of the students. The purpose is for the students to write an essay about being a humanitarian. What would you like to do for the world that will touch the lives of thousands of people? I encourage them to stay away from becoming a pro athlete or celebrity, etc. What they choose, should help others.

Time cover template This is the template we built that they started with.
Finished cover - The students did all the artwork using a paint program on the computer and then copy and pasted the finished image to the cover.  Their picture was taken with a digital camera.