Second revision. Thanks to Grayson Towler and Vincent Seifert for much of the corrections and improvements. C&C is most welcome. Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and her publishers. I am merely using the characters for the purpose of profit-free entertainment and make no claim on them. The following people have been kind enough to create a page to host my fanfics, so please take a look: Vincent Seifert: Yoshiro_san: David Pascal: You can contact me at: --- An Awakening of Demons A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic By Kagami Chapter 1: Inheritance --- Ryoga was being hunted. The wind whipped the blistering rain around the small, dark form as Ryoga ran between the gnarled clumps of roots and massive wooden pillars that formed the ancient grove of trees. If there was one thing Ryoga hated most about being a piglet, it was being mistaken as a scrumptious ingredient for many dishes. It was bad enough to be considered food by humans, though he was fortunate enough to run into people who seemed to prefer their pork boiled alive, but whatever was chasing him certainly wasn't a member of the human species. His porcine nostrils, sensitive to a high degree, flared wide upon scenting the sickening taint that stained the humid air as his pursuer drew closer. No, the hunter was definitely not human. Ryoga ran faster, his short, black legs pumping furiously to escape the deadly chase. Speed was his greatest ally in his cursed form, yet that form lacked his awesome human endurance. Already, he could feel the strain, short spurts of vital breath bursting from his small lungs and beads of sweat pouring down his rain- slicked flanks. All the while, the vile scent grew stronger and thicker like a foul miasma as his inhuman pursuer gained. Trees loomed menacingly in his vision; warped, wooden giants to his small form. Leaves and branches whipped about in the gusting wind, shrieking their alarm over the intruder's presence. The overpowering aura was so close that Ryoga could almost feel the hot blasts of air that his hunter exhaled in hunger. He leapt between two huge tree roots, seeking futile shelter. Ryoga spun around, brought to bay at last. He trembled violently, fatigue wearying his limbs as his black eyes searched desperately for any sign of the approaching darkness. It was coming quickly now, secure in the knowledge that no opposition remained in the exhausted victim. The stench filled his nostrils, signaling the arrival of the hunter. Fear touched him as the shadows parted and the darkness revealed itself at last. Sharp claws glinted in the waning moonlight, mounted on long, warped limbs that connected to a twisted and corded body. A long, black tail writhed about menacingly, matched by a long member that declared the demon male. The grotesque animal head, a misshapen bull complete with a pair of gore-streaked horns, grinned evilly in anticipation and revealed a mouthful of broken fangs. An oni. An ogre demon from the legends of history. Why had it sought him out, Ryoga wondered despairingly? A piglet was hardly a worthwhile prize for the malevolent beast. Then, the demon spoke. "I have found you at last, accursed one." The harsh gutturals grated on Ryoga's ears as the demon continued his gloating. "My master shall reward me well for bringing you back." He laughed uproariously. --- "Why are we heading over to your home, Ranma?" Nabiki's waspish voice, filled with irritation and petulance, grated on Ranma's ears. He huddled miserably beneath his oversized umbrella, holding the flimsy shelter poised against the incoming enemy. The beat of slashing raindrops added to his gloom, threatening to trigger his curse at any time. All it would take would be a single gust of wind at the wrong moment. "Why ask me? You're the one who took the message from my mother," he answered. "I meant," she clarified, "for what reason?" She was obviously upset at being left out of the information loop. "How should I know?" Ranma retorted, somewhat peeved at her demand. Inwardly, he pondered Nabiki's questions. Of course, his mother could have just asked them over for tea, but somehow he doubted it. No, there had to be another reason. What if... Nabiki sniffed in disdain. Even though she didn't say it, Ranma distinctly heard a 'Oh, why am I asking you? You're always so clueless,' embodied within that sniff. Instead, she turned and arched an eyebrow at the other three people accompanying them. "Do any of you know what this is all about?" "I have absolutely no idea," Akane muttered in reply. Ranma could see that she was feeling just as miserable at being forced out in such weather. He caught her eye, wondering if she was thinking the same thing: that it probably had something to do with the failed wedding over a month ago. The pensive glance she shot back made it very likely. Perhaps his mother was finally going to resolve the whole fiancee mess. Now, that would make the entire wet journey worthwhile. "Now, now, Nabiki," Soun said placatingly, voice glowing with false cheer, "I'm sure Saotome-san has her reasons." Ranma had no trouble reading his thoughts. Since the Tendo patriarch was as much in the dark as the rest of them, the most likely question facing him was: why hadn't his old friend, Genma, told him anything? Kasumi smiled slightly, ignoring the downpour like it was a gentle spring shower. "We'll be there in just a few more minutes, Nabiki. Why not wait and see?" Her obvious good cheer perked them all up. After all, how bad could it be? Ranma quickened his pace slightly, ignoring the loud crack of thunder. "I hate waiting," came Nabiki's reply. --- "They'll be here soon," Nodoka said as she polished the glittering katana in her hands for the umpteenth time. The unsheathed blade gleamed like new as she rubbed the silk cloth over the deadly sharp edge yet again. "Is everything ready?" "Yes, dear," Genma answered. He stared into his tea cup, concentrating on the billowing steam rising from the pale jade liquid and trying not to twitch every time his wife ran her polishing cloth over the naked sword. "Would you mind putting the katana away, Nodoka?" he asked hesitantly. "I'm afraid it's making me quite nervous." "Hmm?" Nodoka looked down at the sword in puzzlement as though wondering what she was doing with it. "Oh, sorry, dear. I totally forgot." She picked up the lacquered wooden scabbard and sheathed the katana in one smooth motion. "I guess I'm more nervous than I thought." "Tendo-kun will be here soon," Genma replied obliquely. "Along with Ranma and the girls." "I know, dear. And the others?" she asked pointedly. Genma shifted uncomfortably on his tatami mat, unable to meet his wife's daunting eyes. Instead, he drew the black, flower-patterned teapot over and poured more of the steaming liquid for himself. "They'll be here as well," he said reluctantly. A brisk knock sounded, interrupting the uneasy silence that developed. Nodoka rose and moved to answer it. Genma tracked his wife's movement towards the door, face pensive, but did not follow. Nodoka opened the front door and greeted the Tendos. "Tendo-san, please come in out of the rain." "Ah, thank you, Saotome-san," Soun said gratefully as he stepped into the house. Kasumi followed her father in, bowing gracefully and politely adding, "So nice to see you again, Aunty." She handed over a small parcel of homemade cakes, a gift for Nodoka's invitation. Nabiki inclined her head as she stepped past Nodoka, only saying, "Hello, Aunty." Ranma and Akane entered together. Akane with a cheerful "Hi, Aunty" that was rather at odds with her earlier grumpiness, while Ranma added a more subdued "Hi, Mom." Nodoka acknowledged all the greetings and gave Ranma a brief hug before motioning all of them into the sitting room where Genma awaited. "Please help yourselves to the biscuits and tea, everyone. We just need to wait for a few more arrivals." "More arrivals? Who else is coming, Aunty?" Nabiki was quick to ask. "Ukyo-san and Shampoo-san are also on their way. I have some information to give to all of you," Nodoka explained calmly. Akane jerked her head up to stare at Ranma's mother. Was it possible? Was Aunty Nodoka really going to do something about the entire situation? Why else would she call everyone? She realized the exception and was quietly grateful for it. "Would you like me to call that nice Kuno girl, Aunty?" Kasumi inquired politely. Beside her, Nabiki quietly excused herself to go to the bathroom. "The Kuno girl? Whatever for?" Nodoka furrowed her brows in query. "I know that she's attracted to my son, which only proves his manliness, but surely there is nothing else involved." "I think she believes that she's one of Ranma's fiancees." "I see. And is she?" Nodoka asked, eyebrows twitching as she glanced at her son and husband. "No!" replied Ranma and Akane in unison, with Ranma shivering involuntarily at the very thought of Kodachi Kuno as an 'official' fiancee. "Then I see no reason to involve her," Nodoka said briskly. --- Ryoga bared his teeth and snarled in defiance. A Hibiki would never go down without a fight. Even if he was currently a defenseless pig. No, not defenseless. Overmatched, certainly, but he still had a chance. He was much faster than the towering brute, and he'd been able to recover slightly from his exhaustion. There was a small possibility of eluding the first strike and then running again. Ryoga crouched and prepared himself. "So, there's still fight left in you, accursed one?" the oni rumbled in amusement. "Then, die!" it roared, launching its claws in a blindingly quick strike at the small, black piglet. Ryoga hurled himself forward, evading the descending claws by a hair's breadth and rebounding off the demon's right leg. He used the energy of the impact to angle himself away from the constraining tree behind him. Did it, he crowed within. Now to ... His eyes widened as the ogre's tail lashed out in a short arc, slamming into his vulnerable body and driving him into the ground. He choked on the gritty soil, then coughed weakly, expelling blood along with earth. Damn, he thought dizzily, forgot about that. "Fool! Do you take me for a novice? My Master commanded me to bring an accursed one back alive. And that shall be you," it gloated smugly. The demon laughed, enjoying Ryoga's pain as the piglet cringed back futilely from his sharp claws. >From the wind-slashed, rain-soaked trees, another laugh answered it, rising higher and higher. --- "I'm afraid Kodachi-sama is not home at the moment, Tendo- san." Sasuke's voice echoed politely out of the telephone handset. "I am not certain when the mistress would return." "I see," Nabiki said pensively as she pondered her options. There wasn't much else she could do, which was a great shame. Kodachi would have paid through the nose for such information. But what about Kuno? That had worthwhile implications. After all, his 'pig-tailed girl' was also at risk. "Can I take a message for you, Tendo-san?" Sasuke's voice continued clearly. Nabiki was just about to answer when a sharp rap resounded from the front door. "No, no message," she replied hurriedly and replaced the handset. She casually wandered down the hallway, stopping as Nodoka emerged to answer the door, and then deciding to follow her. Ukyo stepped in, closing her umbrella gently, bowing and murmuring, "Very nice to see you, Saotome-san." Nabiki noted absently that she had come fully dressed despite the wet conditions. The formal kimono was slightly damp in spots but otherwise seemed to have escaped the rain's attentions. The apparel accentuated the fact that Ukyo could be a very lovely girl - when she chose to be so. Behind her were two familiar Chinese Amazons who had obviously met up with Ukyo earlier. What, Nabiki wondered, had they said to each other? Shampoo was dressed in fine silkwear - a fighting costume but one that suited such occasions. Cologne pogoed in on her stick, wearing her usual clothes. Mousse was not present. Probably locked in a cage at the Nekohanten, she mused. Then, her attention focused on a curious fact: neither of the two Amazons had a single drop of water on them, she realized belatedly. Interesting. "Ranma mother, Shampoo bring greeting from Chinese Amazon tribe," Shampoo said, bowing deeply as though to an elder. Nodoka answered their greetings, then stared Cologne in the eye momentarily. They bowed politely to each other. Nodoka made an inviting gesture towards the sitting room. "If you wouldn't mind coming this way." Nabiki followed them and quickly seated herself next to Kasumi. It was easy to see how the seating arrangements had worked out. Nodoka sat at the head of the table, Genma on her right and Ranma on her left. Her family lined the side of the table down from Ranma, having stolen a march on the other fiancees. Akane, she noted with amusement, had positioned herself next to Ranma and was looking fiercely at each of her competitors. The Chinese Amazons were on the other side of the table next to Genma, Shampoo matching glares with Akane. Ukyo sat at the end of the table. Nodoka bowed to all of them. Nabiki observed the Saotome matriarch's hands as they gracefully traced the flower patterns lacquered on the scabbard of her katana lying before her on the table. Ranma's mother wasn't as calm as she seemed, Nabiki concluded. Catching Cologne's eye, Nabiki realized that she wasn't alone in noticing. "I called you all here today because I wished to tell you something important," Nodoka began. She looked at Akane, Ukyo and Shampoo in turn. "The three of you each have a claim of honour on my son. So, what I have to say involves you the most." --- The oni jerked his head up at the high-pitched laughter. What foolish mortal dared to laugh at him? He was a three- hundred-year-old demon, capable of crushing any mortal being. His eyes narrowed as the slim figure dropped from the overhanging tree. The female human wore a black form- fitting outfit, with a yin-yang symbol outlined prominently on the front. A glowing lash dangled from her right hand. "Devil Hunter," he hissed, voice shaking with hatred. Ryoga stared at the figure in surprise. He wasn't surprised that some girl had just jumped in to save him; rather it was that he knew her. More than a year ago, she had used him in a match against Ranma. Her name, it was-- "Beware, oni, for the 106th generation Devil Hunter of the Kuno Clan, Kodachi Kuno is here! I will not permit you to lay your hands on such an innocent animal, you commoner demon! Ohohohohohohoho!!," Kodachi chortled. The maniacal laugh sent a deadly chill down Ryoga's spine. He could feel the sweat freezing on his skin in reaction. Yet the demon hardly seemed intimidated, if only because he had absolutely no idea who he was facing. Instead, the bull ogre growled his derision and turned his bulk to face his new opponent. Claws glittered in the waning moonlight as corded arm muscles flexed the bitterly sharp tines. "Stupid bitch, I'll tear you apart and then rape you!" he snarled. "I am Hiwai Oushi, most ferocious of the Bull Ogres, and your death!" Kodachi grimaced in distaste at the demon's crudity. "Vermin! Come, then, and face the Soul-Whip of the Black Rose!" With that, the two hereditary enemies leapt to do battle, leaving Ryoga on the sidelines and feeling unsure as to who he'd prefer to win the battle. Kodachi ducked beneath a deadly blow that would have shattered every bone in her body had it connected. She rolled to her right, flicking out the glowing soul-whip to entangle her opponent's legs. "Fool!" she snapped, hurling back the demon's earlier words. "Do you think you're facing a novice?" She lunged backwards, throwing her entire weight into an effort to unbalance the great beast. The crystalline coils around the demon's legs tightened abruptly, wrenching the two great trunks of flesh together and sending him crashing to the ground. "Spear of Fuma!" she commanded. The lash straightened and quivered into rigidity, the tip becoming a piercing needle. Kodachi launched herself into the air, spear extended and seeking the demon's soul. The mighty weapon arced down at the prone oni, driven by her descending body-weight-- and promptly missed as she was knocked out of the air by the demon's tail. Off-balance from the blow, she slammed into the ground hard. She wiped the trickling blood from her lip and picked herself up. Oushi was quickly recovering as well. Feh, Kodachi thought, this enemy was a lot tougher than she'd expected. --- Words have power. That is a truth that has been acknowledged many times over the ages. Words can create, hurt, bind or sometimes, they can even destroy. The old proverb about sticks and stones had never been more untrue than it was now. "Ranma," Nodoka said, staring at her son with love and a tinge of apprehension, "you are not the true son of my husband, Genma." Dead silence greeted the words of the Saotome matriarch as eight pairs of eyes riveted themselves upon her. To each and everyone present, those words meant change and much, much more. Ranma stared at his mother in shock. He felt the disbelief ripple through him like a cold shower. His mouth opened but nothing emerged. He struggled to respond, to say something, to say anything, and yet he couldn't find the words. Akane felt the fear congeal within her at Nodoka's words. What did they mean for herself and Ranma? Did it mean the end to the arrangement between the Tendo and Saotome families? "How do you mean that, Aunty?!" she burst out. Ukyo ran the same gamut of reactions as Akane - surprise, disbelief and consternation. Then she went two steps further: dawning realization and blossoming joy. With the engagements off and since he couldn't stand Shampoo, Ranma would be forced to come to her. She kept her calm and waited. Shampoo looked surprised at the announcement. She moved to speak, but stopped when Cologne placed a restraining hand on her arm. The Amazon matriarch shook her head once, forbiddingly, and struggled to hide a growing sense of elation within her at such tidings. Years of experience told her not to count her chickens just yet though. Much as she had restrained Shampoo, she forcibly relaxed herself and sat back to await further explanation. Nabiki remained cool and collected. There was more to come, she just knew it. Soun was less restrained and much more voluble. He leapt to his feet indignantly. "Saotome-kun, how could you keep something like this from me? Do you know what this means for the joining of our two families?! This is... this is dishonourable!" Everyone flinched as though Soun had thrown a gauntlet on the table in direct challenge. Metaphorically speaking, he had. Family honour was a delicate thing, powerful and deadly if provoked. Kasumi intervened before her father said something irrevocable. "Perhaps Aunty Nodoka could explain further, Father." "I'm sorry, Soun," Genma answered. "He is still my son, though. I formally adopted him when he was born. Thus, Ranma is a Saotome through Nodoka's bloodline and by name as well." He looked at his old friend calmly, with more control than anyone had ever seen. "What you make of it is entirely up to you," he finished. Cologne controlled the flare of disappointment bitterly. If only... if only Ranma hadn't been a Saotome, then his other engagements to Akane and Ukyo would have been worthless. On the other hand, matrilineal descent was all that mattered to the Amazons, and in the case of outsiders, even that wasn't much of a concern. It could have solved everything. Ukyo clenched her fist in dismay at having her faint hopes crushed. To have come so close... "This shame is mine entirely, Tendo-san. If you feel this dishonour impacts upon your family, I would be happy to commit seppuku to reclaim both your honour and mine." Nodoka eyes glinted, filled with steely resolve. Soun sat down uncertainly, Nodoka's offer having deflected his mood of righteous fury. "Mom!" Ranma protested, finally finding his voice. "What the heck do you mean that Pops isn't my father?!" --- The deadly dance between the two fighters fascinated Ryoga. Kodachi with her delicate skill, agility and speed paired against the brutish and powerful Oushi. It brought disturbing parallels of the duels between himself and Ranma to his mind. He quickly shook himself free of the past and waited for a moment where he could make the difference in the match. Ryoga didn't intend to just stay back and let a girl rescue him without helping. Kodachi panted softly, filling and expelling the breath from her lungs. The demon was too strong. She had nicked him a half-dozen times but had failed to come anywhere close to the centre of the chest where most demons kept their souls. Each time she'd been forced to retreat from Oushi's deadly blows. One hit was likely to knock her unconscious. There was no choice, though. She'd have to leave herself open and gamble on being quick enough to strike the final blow. She darted forward, snaking out her soul weapon in whip form to entangle the oni's legs. The demon was wise to the move, having fallen victim once before, and sprang back. He landed clumsily, momentarily thrown off-balance by his bulk, and spread out his arms to recover. That was enough, Kodachi judged. She lunged forward, spear extended. "I have you now!" Kodachi cried as the spear slid smoothly into the centre of the demon's chest. Oushi howled with pain as she rammed the spear further in. Black blood sprayed out from the wound. Yes, she thought elatedly! Then Oushi grinned, his beady eyes mocking her. A pile-driver smashed into her body, sending her flying into the tree behind. Only the greatest presence of mind allowed her to keep hold of the Spear of Fuma, dragging it from the beast's body. Kodachi groaned as she staggered upright. Her breath felt tight in her chest. Were her ribs broken? No, merely very bruised, she decided. She spat out a glob of blood. "Foolish little bitch," Oushi jeered. "Maybe I will keep you alive as I rape you. Or perhaps I'll torment you for eternity. What do you think of that?" Think, Kodachi, she commanded. The soul wasn't there, so it had to be elsewhere. Her soul weapon and innate power indicated that the demon hadn't removed its soul and safeguarded it in a vessel. So, if it wasn't in his chest, then perhaps it was somewhere... lower. Her eyes dropped and she cursed herself for a fool. She covered the ground between them and lunged forward, striking with desperate speed. "Again? You bore me, girl." Oushi batted the spear aside and thundered another powerful punch into the slight devil hunter, sending her flying yet again. "Let's finish this," he growled and charged forward, arms upraised to rip and maim. Ryoga dove forward and bit hard, fastening his blunt teeth into the demon's calf. Oushi glanced down but didn't even break his stride in order to club the small pig to one side. Then he looked up. Kodachi twisted in the air, shaking off the effects of the blow. It wasn't as bad this time. She had been prepared and had rolled with most of it. She slammed the spear butt into the tree behind her, legs buckling against the hard bark and taking the impact. Then, she extended her knees, body and spear arching like a bow with the spear-point angled just right. Even if the demon hadn't been distracted by Ryoga, the tactic would probably have worked. The oni's momentum would have been too much to overcome for him to avoid the spear. As it was, he was distracted at the critical moment. Fatally so. Hiwai Oushi, bull ogre of three hundred years, looked up just in time to see and feel the Spear of Fuma ram into his manhood. Ryoga winced involuntarily. That, he decided, really had to hurt. His judgement was confirmed by the demon's piercing screams of agony. Kodachi twisted the spear into the howling demon with cold satisfaction. She watched Oushi's soul perish, followed by his body's rapid decay into a pile of dust and ash. "I hope you enjoyed that, demon. I know I certainly did," she whispered, pulling the spear from the remains. "Now then, little piglet," she said, turning towards Ryoga, "what shall we do about you, hmm?" Ryoga shivered. --- "Please," Nodoka said imploringly, "let me explain." The words were directed to all of them, but mostly to Ranma. "Eighteen years ago, when I was young, I was courted by a handsome man. He was bright and wonderful, and I fell in love with him quickly." Unnoticed, Genma's hand tightened on his teacup. "Foolishly, I slept with him before marriage. Many times," she added self-consciously, "and I soon found myself pregnant. I told him, and he promised me marriage. I was delighted, happy beyond belief, but then he vanished. I could not find him or contact him and I knew I had been deserted. I was determined to kill myself because my honour had been soiled. Your father... your adopted father, Ranma, was another who had been courting me. He came just in time and stopped me. I was so ashamed that I confessed everything to him and begged him to let me die. Instead, he chose to marry me, even taking my name so that none would guess the truth. And in time, I grew to love him as well." She paused, looking at Genma, who stared back with age-old pain and love. Kasumi wiped a tear away from her blurry eyes. Ukyo did the same. Akane looked like she was trying not to cry. Both the Amazons looked grim at the thought of male betrayal. Ranma looked away, uncomfortable at the raw emotion between his parents. Soun sat like a stone but the trickle of tears down his face showed his inner turmoil. It was Nabiki who broke the uncomfortable silence which had built up. "But why are you telling us this now, Aunty? It doesn't seem likely to change the current situation much. Daddy may have second thoughts, but our family honour is invested in joining the two Schools of Anything Goes Martial Arts, and Ranma is legally a Saotome. I don't think Ukyo or Shampoo will be deterred either. Both have too much at stake as well." Nodoka shook her head in negation. "That wasn't why I called you all here, dear. There's is more to the story than I have mentioned. A month after I gave birth to Ranma, a bit premature but not enough that people would gossip, he showed up again - the man who had betrayed me. He appeared on our doorstep one night, bleeding from many wounds. He was dying. He had been hunted, fighting against one whom he had trusted and even loved. We made him as comfortable as we could but there was nothing else we could do. He asked to see Ranma and that was when we learned what he was." "What he was?" echoed Akane. "Perhaps he was not human," Cologne guessed. "What?!" The shout seemed to come simultaneously from Ranma, Akane, Shampoo, and Ukyo. "Very good, Elder," Nodoka confirmed. "The reason I called you all here today is because tomorrow is my son's eighteenth birthday. Ranma, the powers that your father sealed within you as a baby before dying will awaken tomorrow night." Nodoka stared at her son. "Your father," she whispered, "was Yami-no-Tsume, Demon Lord of the East and a Cat Demon of great power." This time the "What?!" echoed from everyone's lips except for Kasumi and Ranma. Her response was true to form, and his also. "!" --- The grove of trees was silent once more. The only traces of the previous battle were the small pile of ash and various claw and spear marks on the ground and trees. Falling rain had rapidly turned the remains into black mush and washed away the blood and sweat and pain. Then the night stirred again. The darkness flowed around the figure like an enveloping cloak, coldly caressing and hiding the indistinct form which strode forward purposefully. It paused, staring down at the remnants of Hiwai Oushi. "It appears I've lost another servitor, Jakuten." The dulcet tones chimed like breaking crystals, addressed to an unknown attendent. The shadow cocked its head to one side, listening momentarily then answering. "It matters not. Oni are worthless anyway; such clumsy brutes." Ashes scattered heavily as a black foot absently stirred the sooty pile of demonic remains. "Near eighteen years, I've slumbered awaiting this day," the figure mused, then with a mercurial change of mood, angrily snarled, "How dare our father ever pass on any of his powers to you? A damned half- breed?!" It spat on the heap of ashes as though envisioning another corpse in its place. "If only father had not managed to seal me away with the last of his powers..." It seemed to quiver in rage, shaking a clenched fist at the uncaring night. "You've had eighteen more years of life than you deserve. But tomorrow, I shall steal both your powers and your soul, dear brother!" --- Author's Notes: 1) Canonically speaking, Genma does make a few statements in the manga indicating that Ranma is his true son. Specifically, his claim in the Dragon Whisker story that Ranma will inherit his baldness. All I can plead is artistic license. 2) Hiwai Oushi means 'obscene bull'. 3) Yami-no-Tsume means 'claw of darkness'. 4) Jakuten means 'weak point' or 'weakness'. --