Draft version. C&C is most welcome. Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and her publishers. I am merely using the characters for the purpose of profit-free entertainment and make no claim on them. Vincent Seifert has kindly provided webspace for most of my fanfics and links to the rest at the following address: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/s/seifertv/kagami/ You can contact me at: kagami@jeack.com.au --- Thunder growled in frustrated hunger and impotence as Shukumaru's kitsune-borne litter sped from the storm and into the swirling snows above Nagano. Here, in the bitter ice-bound peaks, was the realm of the ally she sought. The litter touched down softly on the rocky slope, held steady by the four kyubi-kitsune bearers despite the harsh wind. "Come, Raiha. Shall we see if she is in the mood to play?" Shukumaru asked, running her fingers through his warm blue fur. The Thunderbeast was in the semblance of a normal- sized wolf and he sank against the cushions to allow Shukumaru a larger surface area to scratch. Raiha grumbled his discontent in reply as her long fingers soothed him. "The chill is bitter enough, Shukumaru. No need to be funny, as well." Shukumaru mock pouted at the demonwolf, before lifting the filmy cover of the litter. She emerged to stand on the thin layer of icy snow. What a dismal place, she thought, staring at the surrounding mountaintop. It was entirely in character though, for this realm belonged to the sister of Yuki-Onna - the Ice Maiden, Kori-Otome, lived here. "Shimoyake! Shimoyake!" Shukumaru called out the Ice Maiden's given name, filling her lungs with sharp, cold air. Her breath steamed in the frigid atmosphere. "Where is your legendary hospitality to visitors, Kori-Otome?!" A sudden blast of wintry wind heralded the arrival of the Ice Maiden. Shukumaru had white hair and pale skin, but Kori-Otome was bleached a near albino. She was tall, nearly six feet in height, and waspishly thin. Only her face - coldly beautiful with sharp, chiseled features - and her white kimono, tied with a large azure bow, denoted her feminine gender. She brushed back locks of light blue hair and regarded the intruders with a bored expression. "Would that be before or after I froze them to death, Shukumaru?" "Well met, Shimoyake," Shukumaru said, completely unfazed by the lack of welcome. "Are you going to let guests freeze on your doorstep?" "Come in if you must, Shukumaru. And your retainers as well," Shimoyake added grudgingly. Raiha poked his nose out of the litter at this bit of news, and the Ice Maiden rested her gaze on the exposed and shivering snout for a brief moment. "Oh, look. You brought along your flea-ridden dog." "Frigid bitch," growled the Thunderbeast in return. Shimoyake ignored his sally, looking over to Shukumaru. "Are you here to challenge me, Shukumaru?" "Why yes, I believe I am." The Ice Maiden laughed lightly and smiled in anticipation. "Perhaps you'll give me more of a match this time. Or has eighteen years of being locked away rusted your skills to nothing?" Shukumaru flexed her claws and returned a predatory grin. "Oh, I'm certain my heart of ice will match yours this day, Shimoyake. I have forgotten nothing. The past still lies within me... and it strengthens me." Yes, Shukumaru thought bleakly, eighteen years in that empty realm has made me strong-- --Ranma, you know not what you have done to your mother. --- An Awakening of Demons A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic By Kagami Chapter 8b: The Red Game 'When men, gods, and demons play The red game, perchance to slay, Only death shall be sown and reaped In light's glory or shadow's sway.' --"The Red Game" --- Muketsu the Fleshless wore a semblance of humanity as he strode through the front door of Zaisan Finance in Osaka. It wasn't a terribly good semblance, quickly cast and lacking in certain respects - the nose was too sharp and the eyes overlarge - but it would serve. Zaisan was one of the largest demon-controlled complexes on the side of the Demon Lord of the South, and thus, it represented a prime target to inflame the nervous tension that permeated the region. Osaka was an unsettled city. Located at the base of Honshu island's curve, it stood poised between the Western and Southern Thrones, and was currently claimed by both sides. Traditionally, Osaka had been held by the West, but demons serving Masakado, the Demon Lord of the South, had made inroads into the city over the last century. It was a tense situation; ripe for exploitation. The service desk directed him to the offices of Shibo Nobasu, one of the few Managing Directors for Zaisan with an true understanding of the underlying forces at play in the city. He was a human serving the Southern Throne, and his death would move things along nicely for Shukumaru's plans. A young receptionist looked up from her computer screen as he entered the outer office. Her hands paused in mid- stroke, poised above the keyboard. "Yes? May I help you?" "Certainly. I am Mikake Itsuwari. I'm here to see Nobasu- san on a matter of mutual interest; I made an appointment with him yesterday at the golf course." The name he gave was real enough, an alias of a powerful demon serving the Western Throne. It would not take long for the Demon Lord of the South to piece together all the clues that directed him westwards. "Ah," the receptionist sounded a little worried. She rose to bow apologetically. "I'm afraid the Director is still out at lunch, Itsuwari-sama. But I'm sure he will return shortly. Please take a seat." Muketsu hid a small sigh. Bureaucrats! They were the same in every century, sacrificing their integrity on the altar of incompetence. He would bet anything that the Director was off screwing his blond gaijin mistress along with lunch. Well, Nobasu's lusts would keep him alive for a little while longer yet. He nodded his agreement to the receptionist and sat down on one of the waiting seats. She responded to his acquiescence with a slight smile of relief. Idly, he wondered how her soul would taste. Transforming into a gaki upon the death of his rapacious soul was more of a blessing than a curse to Muketsu. Five centuries ago he had been a mortal warlord, causing torrents of blood to flow, but never fully satisfied. He had been hollow at his core, seeking sustenance from the fear and pain of others. Death had merely stripped the illusions of flesh from his ravenous spirit. Jigoku, the Empty Frozen Wastes of the Afterlife, had been a horrid taste of eternal hunger - a proper punishment, the Shinto priests would have said - but he had escaped that torment and returned to the world of life and the living. Here, he was able to feed for all eternity; aiding Shukumaru was a small price to pay for that freedom, especially after she had saved him from that Devil Hunter. He whiled away the wait with a magazine until Nobasu bustled in self-importantly half an hour later. The Managing Director's florid face was still slightly red from his lunchtime exertions, but he had an eager and anticipatory look in his eyes. Nobasu's greed for profit was the second most important vice in his life. Smiling, Muketsu the Fleshless stood up to bow to the dead man. --- The Gokuraku-Cho, the Paradise Birds, were strong allies of the Western realm. A flock of the birdmen wheeled through the air above the lower reaches of the Hiei Mountains. Feathered wings extended behind thin outstretched arms as they swooped back and forth, riding the rising warm air currents. One Gokuraku-Cho plummeted down after a fleeing rabbit and his dreadfully sharp leg talons sank into the flesh of the fugitive. The birdman flapped furiously to rise into the winds once again, bearing his prize and cawing his triumph. Lord Niwatori clacked his beak in disdain as he witnessed the kill. The Gokuraku-Cho had truly fallen over the centuries if they considered mere rabbits to be their rightful prey. Abruptly, he felt a lessening in his pride at being chosen for this mission and he spat his disgust. There was little glory to be won facing such weak foes. Still, they might prove more able in battle than he thought. He unlimbered his heavy bladed weapon from its strapped position on his back. The hawk-headed oni caressed the twin steel blades that protruded from either end of the central hide-bound handle, creating a deadly weapon nearly six feet in length and with many uses. Niwatori called the killing blades Kazekiri, the Windslicer. Strong and dexterous hands began to casually turn Kazekiri over and over, until the steel hummed in a blurring circle, singing a high-pitched hymn for death. He brought his arms back above his head, then hurled forth the spinning weapon. Kazekiri shot forward like a demented disc, cutting through the air toward its target. The birdman carrying the rabbit never knew the moment of his demise. The Windslicer cleaved his body into two parts which fell in a shower of blood and gore. Niwatori caught hold of Kazekiri as the spinning blade completed its arc and returned to his hands. The hawk-headed oni lord screamed out his primal bloodlust in a challenge to the surviving Gokuraku-Cho. "Come and die for the glory of Niwatori!" he shouted as the birdmen wheeled in shock and surprise. They lunged to attack the revealed intruder in their domain. Their shrieks of rage blended with his own laughter to produce a cacophony of hideous sound. Kazekiri blurred and sang in his hands as he launched the blade to smash his foes from the sky again and again. Niwatori howled his joy as he slew and slaughtered, until his mind and the land were both awash with black blood. --- The Eastern Court hushed as the Southern Ambassador padded into the room. Many anticipatory eyes and ocular pseudopodia followed his path to the front of the court where Yami-no-Tsume awaited on the Eastern Throne. Whispers of gathering conflict between the Western and Southern Quarters had touched the ears of each and every one of the demons present in the room. The Ambassador's request for an audience looked likely to turn rumour into fact. "Yami-no-Tsume-sama, I bear the lastest messages from Masakado-sama," Heizen-To-no-Kamaitachi said brightly into the silence of the court. The silver-furred sickle weasel appeared entirely at ease, his tail-blade held still rather than lashing about uncontrollably. It was a very unusual demeanor for the demon whom many privately considered completely insane, and likely the result of the importance of his news. "Go on," Yami-no-Tsume commanded imperiously from his throne. The Thunderbeast Raiha sat by his side and stared somberly at the Ambassador of the South. He had debated long and seriously with the Demon Lord over the previous night about the likely and unwelcome message from Masakado. Shukumaru was also present, seated on her father's left. Her eyes glittered with hate as the killer of Hikaru resumed speaking. "As you know, Lord, the sputtering conflict between the Western and Southern realms has flared up once again. Their petty ambushes and sneak attacks have been the cause of the war's resumption; we but defend ourselves from the minuscule threat posed by the West. However, it occurs to Masakado-sama that a unified response from both the South and our great allies, the East, should serve as a powerful deterrent to the ambitions of the Western Throne. To that end, Masakado-sama has instructed me to expedite the forthcoming wedding between himself and Shukumaru-sama." Heizen-To deeply bowed his vulpine head and shoulders in a gesture of respect. "As my Lord's humble voice, I must request Yami-no-Tsume-sama's advice on this matter." "I see," said the Demon Lord of the East in a noncommittal tone. He beckoned to the Old Woman, standing near the front of the court, and the ancient crone slowly walked forward. "What say you, Obaba?" The Old Woman's face was grim and forbidding. "I fear the omens are inauspicious at this time, Yami-no-Tsume-sama. I would suggest a delay of six months. At that time, the planet Mars will enter the constellation of the Dragon and favour the match between East and South," the Obaba said, before bowing low and retreating into the crowd of demons. Yami-no-Tsume nodded solemnly. "As you have heard, Heizen- To, it does not seem auspicious to hold the wedding so early. Inform your master that six months hence is my decision on the matter." Heizen-To's jaws gaped slightly, revealing sharp fangs and a flickering tongue. The kamaitachi's tail began to swish slowly from side to side. "I understand Yami-no-Tsume- sama's decision, and I am certain my Lord will also understand the East's position. Masakado-sama remembers both his allies and enemies well." He bowed for a final time and backed away. Shukumaru hid a small frown as other matters were raised in the court. While the stay of marriage was welcome, it also meant that her father was reconsidering his alliance to the South. It was clear to everyone that Yami-no-Tsume was with-holding his aid, allowing the South to sink or swim on its own in the war against the West for the next six months. Possibly it was a test, but more likely it had to do with the Demon Lord's personal interest in the human bitch he was seeing. She fought off a twinge of mental pain evoked by the thought and considered the issue further. The poorly concealed courtship had been ongoing for three months, and it had become significant, judging from Yami-no- Tsume's reversal of policy. That meant something momentous had occurred; for all his faults, her father would not alienate Masakado without good cause. Even a fat slug could be dangerous, especially one with such a vindictive spirit. Her reasoning led to a particularly unpalatable conclusion; one that threatened to unleash the bitter hatred and anger stored within the ice-walled temple in her mind. It mattered not if her conclusion proved correct; she still had to move quickly. If her father chose not to act, then she had to force him to action. Her hidden frown transformed itself into a bitter smile of anticipation. It was time to begin the second part of her plan. --- The small group of oni patrolling the nighttime border near the unsettled West for the Eastern Throne never recognized their impending deaths. One moment they were running and hunting for any signs of foreign interlopers, and the next instance, two of their number stumbled and fell. The brutish ogres bellowed their shock and anger as they crashed to the ground. Others of the band quickly stumbled to halt, and unwittingly achieved their own dooms. Their momentary inaction allowed more skeletal claws to rise from the ground and seize their ankles. Yelling harsh and horrified cries, the oni attempted to pry and bash the claws away, but even more erupted from the earth to clutch at any exposed body part. The two fallen ogres were already firmly held down by several dozen skeletal limbs. Lord Honeshi smiled in the distant darkness as he witnessed the painful demise of the oni patrol as they were slowly ripped to bloody chunks of flesh and bone. That they belonged to the same realm as himself did not matter to the Dancer of Bones. Only their lingering deaths mattered to him. Ah, it was such a pleasure to work with Shukumaru, who understood his needs and was more than willing to unleash him. Niwatori joined him on the small earthen mound. The hawk lord's lip curled in mute disdain, but Honeshi ignored him. The hawk-headed oni's presence was due to his earlier victory over the Gokuraku-Cho and the prizes gathered from that battle site. Two birdmen corpses were his burdens, one dangling over each of his broad shoulders; their bodies were being kept fresh through the application of a minor seal. They were to be planted at the site once the band of oni were dead, to provide evidence of an attack by the West. Yami-no-Tsume would have little choice but to act and send more demons to secure the border, even if he refused to commit to retaliation. With luck, Raiha might be dispatched to command the reinforcements on the Demon Lord's behalf, providing a brief window of opportunity for Shukumaru's rebellion. The weakened defences of Tokyo would never be able to hold out, especially since the assault would erupt from within. Honeshi would gain many involuntary converts to the ranks of the dead and his eyes glittered in deadly anticipation. "A great feast awaits us, Niwatori," he crooned in satisfaction, rubbing his thin, stick-like fingers together. The hawk-headed oni nodded his agreement. In this respect, the two demons were firmly united in their love of death. "Indeed, Honeshi. Indeed." --- Two old beings stood within the study in the private apartments of Yami-no-Tsume. One was the Demon Lord of the East himself, and the other, Raiha the Thunderbeast. The Demon Lord was in his human guise as Makizoku Ansou and appeared as a young and handsome man. This was an illusion; five centuries ago, when Muketsu the Fleshless was a mere mortal warlord, Yami-no-Tsume was already a powerful demon serving the Eastern Throne. Raiha was even older; the Thunderbeast having existed for nearly two thousand years. The Demon Lord was speaking and his voice was not pleased. "There is no choice, Raiha. We cannot become embroiled in a war with the West at this time. That is what Masakado desires. Give in to him, and we will be tightly bound into the alliance." Yami-no-Tsume looked grim and troubled. "In fact it would not surprise me to learn that the border incident was one of his crafty ploys. It smacks of treachery." "There is always a choice, Yami-no-Tsume-sama. Sending me away along with the reinforcements is most unwise. You leave yourself defenceless," Raiha growled, concerned. He padded to and fro, loping restlessly as he contemplated the situation on the border. The loss of an entire border patrol and the discovery of Gokuraku-Cho bodies at the site disturbed him greatly. "Do you question me, Raiha?" "I am uneasy," admitted the Thunderbeast. "I believe you seek to protect one close to you by keeping the problem to the border, but that solution merely increases the vulnerability here." He stamped his blue-furred paw on the ground to emphasize his point, leaving charred and blackened stains from the overflow of electrical charge. Yami-no-Tsume closed his eyes briefly to consider Raiha's remark. It struck very near to home, he admitted to himself. However, a gut reaction did not necessarily mean it was wrong. Reinforcing the border escalated the tension, but also reduced the chance for all-out war. No one wanted to fight on two fronts, given the option. That made it the right decision. Yet Raiha was also correct about the personal issues present. "No, I have made the correct choice in this matter, but you're quite right about weakening the defences here. I have a solution to that problem though." "Umibouzu may not be enough," Raiha warned. "True, and his power is greatly weakened on land. I had another in mind as well." "Ah," said the Thunderbeast, grinning with vulpine eagerness, "I have always wanted to meet her." "Don't become too hopeful, Raiha. She will not be interested in you." Yami-no-Tsume chuckled in amusement. "'Frigid' coins her personality precisely." "Lightning melts ice, my Lord. Be assured, sparks will fly between us. Still, it is a nice solution." The Thunderbeast mused further on the idea. "Why not invite her in secret and keep her hidden in reserve? Umibouzu should suffice as outward presence." "A good idea. A very good idea indeed." Yami-no-Tsume nodded in approval. The decision made, he smiled broadly as he contemplated the very pleasant evening before him. His eager smile briefly transformed him into the picture of a young and anxious human male. "You know, Raiha, I believe my Nodoka has something to tell me tonight." "Hah!" The Thunderbeast snorted as best he could whilst in wolf form. "You know already, do you not?" "Of course. There are advantages to being a cat demon, after all." The Demon Lord clasped his hands together, conveying his inner delight. "But I would never dream of spoiling her surprise." --- "I am pregnant." Nodoka Saotome's voice was rich with both fear and hope. Her fear was obviously that the news would be unwelcome to Ansou and her hope was for him to reciprocate her joy. Stretching all her senses from behind her shield of stealth, Shukumaru was just barely able to make out the nuances to the conversation between Yami-no-Tsume and his human bitch from her location on the roof of the opposite house. The open window permitted her to see and hear with near-perfect clarity. The glow of new life pulsed vividly to Shukumaru's senses as she looked upon Nodoka Saotome. The mortal woman showed no exterior signs of her pregnancy, but any demon of power would be able to detect her condition. Shukumaru ground her teeth in annoyance and disgust. "Really?" Makizoku Ansou's voice was the epitome of surprise and happiness. He grabbed hold of her hands to convey reassurance and kissed her warmly. The last remnants of uncertainty fled from Nodoka's face and she became radiant in her bliss. "Dear heart, you have truly made me a happy man today. Will you complete my joy and marry me?" "Oh, Maki-chan! Yes!" Nodoka hugged him fiercely, tears streaming down her cheeks. Shukumaru fought down her rising nausea as the sappiness of the situation threatened to overwhelm her. Oh, Father, how could you soil yourself so? she thought sardonically. All for a half-breed offspring. How contemptible. "Let me take care of the arrangements, Nodoka-chan," Ansou said with a broad grin. "We shall have a wonderful ceremony to celebrate our first child." Gently, he laid his hand on her lower abdomen. "It is a boy, I'm sure of it." Nodoka smiled back. "Perhaps, dear. What shall we call him?" "Shu-- Uh, what do you think, Nodoka-chan?" "Oh, I'm sure we'll think of something by then. Besides, it might be a girl." "No." His voice was low and fierce. "This child will be my son and heir. I have no doubt." Ansou bent to kiss her again. Celebrate while you can, Father. Shukumaru smiled bitterly. After I kill you, I will destroy your human bitch and my unborn half-brother. She would have preferred to exterminate them in Yami-no-Tsume's presence, but she knew better. Her father was too powerful to taunt in that matter. No, his death had to be as quick as possible. Soon, she promised herself. Very soon. --- The oni sentry died silently as Muketsu the Fleshless emerged from the shadows to stab his hand through the demon's chest and rip out his heart. The body collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut. Muketsu licked his claws free of black blood. The lower levels of the apartment complex serving as the headquarters of the Demon Lord of the East were unnaturally quiet with most of the inhabitants away on the Western border. Only a few demons remained within to guard Yami-no- Tsume, and now there was one less. Honeshi's undead and Hiwai Oushi's group of lesser oni and kitsune were securing the upper levels while Muketsu, Niwatori and the spider demon brothers prowled the lower levels to clear the way for Shukumaru. The white-skinned demoness approached Muketsu and beckoned him to follow her as she walked towards the large double doors leading to the Eastern court. Jakuten and Niwatori joined them as they reached the doors. Shukumaru smiled in anticipation. Yami-no-Tsume had to be within the throne room; they had searched every other location and he had not retreated from the building. A gesture with her hand flung the doors open, and Shukumaru strode into the throne room, eager and confident. Yami-no-Tsume sat on his throne, awaiting her arrival, face grim and closed. For a moment, Shukumaru was struck by the resemblance to her earlier audience after Hikaru had been killed. At that time, her father had been in absolute command, and she had been utterly powerless. Now, it was she who was in control. A wave of exultation swept over her. "Hello, Father." "Shukumaru," Yami-no-Tsume acknowledged. "It was you, after all." "Yes, Father. You have neglected your realm in order to chase after a human female. You have become unworthy to rule over the Eastern Quarter. I hereby claim the Throne. Will you surrender it to me?" Yami-no-Tsume shook his head in regret. "You have much to learn, Daughter. Your diversions were well-planned and might have worked except for one thing." "Oh?" "I am still Yami-no-Tsume, the Claw of Darkness! My power has grown over the centuries of my life. How will one such as you defeat me?" "True, Father," admitted Shukumaru. "But you now stand alone! I, on the other hand, have bound strong allies to my cause. Hikumo! Mizukumo! Attack now!" A host of swarming ghosts appeared, wreathed in fiery auras. They swooped down upon Yami-no-Tsume, spitting fire and forcing him to leap away. He held up his left hand and black bolts of darkness shot from his palm to strike down the shrieking ghosts. Each bolt targeted a single flame ghost and completely dissipated the spirit. The fire spider, Hikumo, appeared in midair, bewailing each loss. His brother, Mizukumo, appeared behind the embattled Demon Lord and sank his fangs into his right leg. Yami-no-Tsume jerked away with a cry of pain and blasted the water spider with a lance of black flame, sending him crashing into the throne room wall. The swarm of flame ghosts pressed in on him, taking advantage of his distraction to land a number of fiery blows. Beads of sweat erupted on Yami-no-Tsume's forehead as Mizukumo's virulent toxin spread through his system. It was little more than a minor threat, but even those could become deadly in this savage battle to the end. Shukumaru pursed her lips in satisfaction. "Niwatori, you may proceed." Lord Niwatori grinned in delight and began to spin his massive blade, Kazekiri. The Windslicer blurred and hummed its high-pitched call for blood. He snapped his arm back and launched Kazekiri. "Now, Chikumo!" commanded Shukumaru. The earth spider known as the Lurker of Dreams struck directly at Yami-no-Tsume's mind. His power was greatly lessened in this situation - a physical confrontation rather than the insidious invasion of a dreaming mind - but it sufficed to distract the Demon Lord for a critical instant. Yami-no-Tsume's attempt to dodge the incoming weapon came a moment too late. Kazekiri sliced through his warding left arm, splashing a tremendous amount of black blood into the air and half-severing the arm. The Demon Lord grunted in pain, clutching at his wounded arm and falling back. "Fools!" snapped Yami-no-Tsume. "Ignorant fools! You disappoint me, Shukumaru. How can you hope to control a realm when you understand nothing of its nature?" "Words won't save you now, Father," Shukumaru replied clinically. Inwardly, she rejoiced; her plan was working - her father might be able to overcome any one, two or even three of the demons present, but not all of them together. "Then you are indeed a fool, Daughter, and I will not waste further time with you. Shimoyake! Answer me!" A howling wind, bitterly cold, replied, and Shukumaru gasped in sudden recognition. Before she could call out a warning, the cold intensified, and a brilliant blue beam lanced out of empty air to strike the hovering Hikumo. The fire spider fell, instantly frozen; crystals of ice rapidly forming into an icy sheet that covered his entire body. He shattered into a thousand pieces as he struck the floor of the throne room. The flame ghosts vanished with his death. Niwatori wildly launched his recovered Windslicer at the spot where the ray of frost had issued. Kazekiri spun out, cleaving through the air... and struck nothing. A chill laugh of disdain echoed through the room, mocking their powerlessness. Shukumaru ground her teeth in dismay. "Beware, it is Kori-Otome!" "You see, Shukumaru? Your ignorance will be your death," Yami-no-Tsume chuckled. "You do not even command a single Cardinal Servant. How can you ever hope to challenge me for the Eastern Throne when I have defeated three of the ancients and hold their power?" Shukumaru snarled. "It is not over yet, Father! Niwatori! Chikumo! Keep the Ice Maiden occupied!" She launched herself towards her father, followed by Muketsu. The gaki was closely tied to her spirit, having bound himself to Shukumaru ever since she had saved him from the Devil Hunter. She commanded his loyalty and obedience, and he understood her plan instinctively. His damnation was nigh, but he never hesitated. They lunged forward almost as one, Muketsu taking the lead. Yami-no-Tsume burned the air with black bolts, but the gaki protected Shukumaru, screaming in torment as each impact lessened his primal essence. A last flurry of the twilight darts struck home, and Muketsu the Fleshless wailed in eternal despair as the core of his being was unraveled and his spirit was hurled from the realm of the living and back into the Frozen Wastes of Jigoku. The dark form of the gaki dissipated, revealing Shukumaru in the final stages of her attack. "Dokkasou!" The Toxic Flower Claw struck her father in the upper chest. Shukumaru unleashed all the venom stored in her heart and all the hatred and fury locked in the icy temple within her mind. The burning poison erupted forth to cover the Demon Lord of the East. Yami-no-Tsume bellowed his pain as her rage and wrath struck, burning and eating away at him. Acrid vapours billowed up from sloughing skin and putrefying flesh, and he fell to his knees, overcome by soaring agony. Shukumaru stepped forward, her anger flaring up and hope surging wildly. "It's a shame I cannot kill this Nodoka Saotome before your eyes, Father, but I promise you this: I will seek out and destroy both her and your unborn son as soon as you are dead." Yami-no-Tsume's eyes cleared and he locked his own pain- filled gaze onto Shukumaru's blazing eyes. "Take my life then, but spare her." Triumph filled Shukumaru's heart in that moment. She had won, defeated her father despite his greater power. "No," she whispered in answer. She reached out with one smoking claw-- --and the ice beam that struck her legs caught her by complete surprise. Lower legs frozen, she tumbled over, slamming into the floor. Shukumaru gasped for breath as the impact emptied her lungs. She twisted around to see a young blue-haired woman dressed in a white kimono walking towards her: Kori-Otome, the Ice Maiden, had dealt with her distractions. Niwatori was shattered refuse on the ground behind her and there was no sign of the earth spider, Chikumo. Growling, she inched forward, dragging herself on her elbows. Yami-no-Tsume watched her approach calmly. His dark eyes filled with power, and Shukumaru knew she would never reach him in time. Her father opened his mouth... and shouted in anguish. He writhed in pain, clasping a hand to his shoulder. She blinked in surprise, and saw the scuttling white shape that was Mizukumo lurking behind Yami- no-Tsume. The Demon Lord slashed his right hand at the water spider, and night-hued energy knives spun forth to sever three of Mizukumo's legs. Black ichor spurted from the wounds. Keening in distress, the spider demon fled, fading from sight. Yami-no-Tsume turned back to his rebellious daughter only to find she was already too close. The Ice Maiden, Shimoyake, had a hand outstretched, but could not use her attacks for fear of striking him as well. Father and daughter opened their mouths at the same time. "Dokkasou!" "Ankoku Shizumaru!" Night covered Shukumaru's vision. --- The darkness was absolute. Not a single mote of light existed in the black isolation. Shukumaru only located the walls to her prison by touch. Her fingers eventually revealed that she was enclosed within a sphere of utter night and emptiness. A perfect void. For a long moment, she sat still and pondered the total ruination of her plans. He defeated me! Me! She shrieked her outrage and leapt up to hammer and claw at the walls of nothingness. All her attacks glanced off without leaving a single scratch she could detect. Shukumaru forced herself to calm and drew upon the well of bitterness within her heart. "Dokkasou!" She slammed her right hand against the wall, only to feel it rebound without effect. Nothing. No venomous acid erupted from her claws; the Toxic Flower Claw had utterly failed. Despair touched her then; its inky fingers of gloom dimming the last rays of hope in her spirit. "No! It wasn't meant to end this way! I won! I won! Damn you, Father!" Shukumaru cursed until her voice was hoarse with dryness. "I had him at my mercy," she repeated numbly. She huddled in the dying warmth of her wrath, using the brief flickers of energy to pound and batter her fists on the wall until they tore and bled. She welcomed the sensation of pain; it meant she was still alive, and she clung to that thought as if to life itself. She crumpled to the ground and curled up, holding her bleeding hands to her chest. Yami-no-Tsume had been gravely wounded when he had used the sealing power granted by Umibouzu. He might not have survived for long - in which case, the seal would not last forever. Otherwise, she could be imprisoned here for all eternity, and that thought was too much to for Shukumaru to bear. "Please die, Father," she whispered. --- Eighteen Years Later.... The black seal shattered in perfect silence, revealing Shukumaru's prone form. Jakuten started awake, blinking rapidly and unable to fully believe what his senses were telling him. Finally, he expelled his held breath with a deep sigh. Eighteen years, that was how long he had waited in this dank and dingy room, creeping forth only to steal sustenance from vermin and stray animals or to seek recent information about the status of the realm. He had kept faith, and now he was rewarded for his loyalty. His Mistress had survived her long imprisonment. Her eyes were closed and she appeared to be merely sleeping. Hesitantly, he hopped forward and held his hand before her nose. She was breathing! he exulted silently. "Shukumaru- sama! Shukumaru-sama!" he called out, hoping to break her trance. There was no response. He frowned, suddenly slightly fearful. She had to be alive... and sane, or as sane as power-hungry would-be Demon Lords remained, anyway. He would be present on her rise to rulership in the present, and know some measure of power himself. A minor demon had few other available options. "Shukumaru-sama! Please awaken!" Jakuten called once more. Her eyelids fluttered, signaling her return to consciousness. With a final flicker, they fully opened, revealing naked black orbs that stared at the ceiling with hesitant uncertainty. "Shukumaru-sama!" the small demon servitor cried out in relief. "It is I, your faithful servant, Jakuten!" "Jakuten...." Her voice was soft and weak, like one reborn from total isolation. "Yes, Mistress! Welcome back to the world, Shukumaru-sama. It has been a long time." "How... long?" "Eighteen years have past since your climactic battle with Yami-no-Tsume." "And... my father?" "Dead, Shukumaru-sama. He did not long survive the battle, but I fear he was able to pass on his power to the half- human whelp before he died. The West and South have contested inconclusively for many years; tensions are still great between the two realms and neither have been able to take advantage of our weakness." "I see." Shukumaru closed her eyes briefly, absorbing the news. "The bitch and her whelp... are still alive?" "Yes, Shukumaru-sama. Both remain alive." "Tell me... my enemy's name, Jakuten." The demon servitor bowed low. "His name is Ranma Saotome, Mistress." "Ranma Saotome," Shukumaru repeated, and her voice strengthened, consumed with the madness of eighteen years in the night. --- Author's Notes: 1) 'Nagano' - the Japanese city where the 1998 Winter Olympics were held. Located in the central mountains of Honshu. 2) 'Yuki-Onna' - literally translates as the 'Snow Woman'; an actual Japanese myth. 3) 'Kori-Otome' - literally translates as the 'Ice Maiden'; Yuki-Onna's sister in this story and the Northern Cardinal Servant for the Eastern Throne. 4) 'Shimoyake' - literally 'frostbite'. 5) 'Zaisan' - translates as 'assets, fortune, property'. 6) 'Shibo Nobasu' - roughly translates as 'to postpone death'. 7) 'Mikake Itsuwari' - roughly translates as 'false appearance'. 8) 'Jigoku' - the Japanese Hell; believed to have several regions, but mostly cold and bleak. 9) 'Gokuraku-Cho' - literally 'Paradise Birds'; they appear in Inu-Yasha. 10) 'Kazekiri' - translates as 'Windslicer' or 'Windcutter'.