Thanks to Dave Roeder for the sanity check. ~~~~~ Transitions a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by Vince Seifert ( Ranma 1/2 characters and situations are copyright 1987, 1999 by Takahashi Rumiko. Publishing rights (Japan) by Shogakukan Inc. Publishing rights (North America) by Viz Inc. This work is not intended to infringe those rights. ~~~~~ On a sunny afternoon in early spring, a visitor came to the Tendo compound. She stopped at the gate and read the old sign proclaiming the existence of the Tendo Dojo; it seemed to reassure her, for she let out a small sigh and relaxed perceptibly. She approached the door to the house and pushed the button. A few moments later the door was opened by a petite, middle- aged woman with dark hair and bright eyes. "Good afternoon," she wished her visitor. "What can I do for you?" "Akane-san..." the visitor said with surprise, disappointment, and a little trepidation. "Akane-san, don't you recognize me?" Saotome Akane looked embarrassed for a moment. "No, I'm afraid--" She frowned. "Michi? Michi!" Michi nodded happily. "That's me!" "My goodness, it's been, what, fifteen years? Come in! And what's this 'Akane-san' nonsense?" "More like twenty," Michi said, stepping in and removing her shoes as Akane closed the door behind her. "Twenty years, six hairstyles, and about ten kilos...." "Well, they look good on you, though," Akane said, looking her old friend up and down. "So does the hair." "You haven't changed a bit," Michi observed with only a little exaggeration. Akane smiled, displaying one of the changes: a thin scar across her cheek. Her hair was longer, but done up in a neat bun and held with an antique steel skewer where another woman might use a wooden ornament, or even a chopstick. Her slacks and sweater were modern, though, and gave her the same neat, wholesome stylishness she'd had as a teenager. "You've certainly kept your figure. You must still be doing Musabetsu Kakuto." "Well, of course," Akane said. "Come on, let's go out on the veranda and sit down." She led Michi through the old house to the place overlooking the koi pond, saw her settled comfortably there, and knelt beside her. A fat koi jumped, seeming to hang for a moment at the peak of its leap, then fell back with a splash. Michi smiled at the fish's exuberance, then glanced uncertainly at Akane. "Um, where's Ranma? She, um, he didn't leave you, did he?" Akane's happy expression altered, becoming rueful. "Same old Michi. No, not the way you think." She paused and eyed Michi with concern. "Michi... there's no easy way to tell you this. Ranma... Ranma died nearly ten years ago." Michi gasped as though punched in the stomach and folded over. A tear fell on the polished wood of the veranda, then another. "No...." She felt arms around her and heard Akane's compassionate voice. "I'm so sorry, Michi." Michi laughed through her tears. "Isn't that my line?" She took the tissue Akane handed her and dabbed at her eyes. "Well, for me it was a long time ago. For you, it's new." Akane studied Michi. "You loved him too, didn't you." "Maybe a little," Michi said, sitting up with a sniffle. Akane released her and moved back. "He was so... so cute, and lively, and nice, in a rough sort of way." She looked sadly at Akane. "But even if he hadn't been yours, he was too special for me." "You would have had trouble with the competition, that's for sure," Akane said dryly. "There never was a time when other girls weren't chasing him." "Do you suppose you could tell me where his grave is? I'd like to, you know, pay my respects...." Akane sighed and looked away. "I'm afraid I wasn't able to recover his body. We had a memorial service here, but no funeral." "Um... how did he die?" Akane glanced back at Michi with a grim smile. "Well. Very well indeed. And his enemies didn't outlive him by long." Unconsciously, she fingered the scar on her cheek. "Ah." Taken aback, Michi decided not to pursue that. "I hope your children are fine...." "Oh, yes. They're grown and gone, though. The twins are in China with the Joketsuzoku-- at least, they were when I heard from them last-- and Tama-chan is in the JSDF." Akane shook her head. "How that's going to get him into the Conshelf project, I have no idea, but that's his plan." "It does seem awfully quiet around here, compared to the old days." Akane glanced past Michi with a raised eyebrow; instinctively, Michi turned to look, but there was no one there. She turned back when Akane spoke. "Well, Kasumi-oneechan is with her family, of course. Nabiki... we don't hear much from Nabiki. She's too busy chasing yen, I guess. Father still lives here." "Are you still teaching?" "Eriko is, and there's a couple of dozen office-ladies and housewives who come twice a week to learn naginata from me." Akane smiled a wry smile. "I doubt any of them will ever have to carve their way through a squad of annoyed Musk, but they seem to enjoy it." Akane clapped her hands briskly. "But enough about me. How are you? Married?" "Four times. Divorced four times." Michi shrugged. "Easy come, easy go." Akane giggled, covering her mouth with one hand. "Oh, Michi. Still looking for Mr. Right?" Michi leaned forward conspiratorially. "Honey, they're ALL Mr. Right." She sat back and sighed dramatically. "Unfortunately, they're all Mr. Wrong, too." "Well, as long as you're happy." "It keeps me occupied," Michi said contentedly. She gave Akane a sly glance. "I could fix you up pretty easy...." "Thank you, but no," Akane said firmly. "Aw, c'mon, Akane. You're young and good-looking. You shouldn't be alone." Akane regarded Michi seriously. "Michi, really, it's all right. I just can't." "Still being faithful to Ranma?" asked Michi quietly. "That's part of it. He was faithful to me... well, except for that one time, but that was a special circumstance. But really, I can't see myself marrying a lesser man than Ranma. Even if he says it's okay." Blushing, Akane made an odd gesture with her fist, as though hitting something next to her. Michi's eyebrows cocked, but she didn't comment. "Well, that makes sense, I suppose." A whistle sounded from the kitchen, and Akane rose to her feet. "No, you stay put. I'll get the tea." She returned a few minutes later carrying a tray with a pot and cups on it. She poured a cup of tea for Michi, then poured another and set it on the floor between them and off to the side a little... then poured a third and sipped from it. Michi stared at the second cup. "Um, Akane, what's with that?" "It's for Ranma, silly," Akane said lightly. The hairs on Michi's neck rose. "An offering?" she suggested hopefully, hoping her old friend hadn't gone quietly bonkers. "Yes, I suppose you could say that." Akane took another sip of her tea and glanced sidelong at the space above the teacup. Michi decided tact was not called for. "Akane, that's weird! I can see making offerings once a year or something, but you do this every day, don't you?" "Well, of course," Akane said, looking surprised. "He'd get hungry if I only fed him once a year. You remember his appetite." She glanced sideways again with an exasperated look. "Well, fine! YOU cook, then!" she told the air. Michi gulped. "Who are you talking to, Akane?" she quavered. "Ranma. He just made a rude remark about my cooking," Akane sniffed. "Akane." Michi took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "Ranma's dead." "That's what I said," Akane confimed. "Then how can you be talking to him?! Worse, how can he be talking back?!" Akane smiled patiently. "I said he was dead. I didn't say he was gone." The hairs at attention on Michi's neck suddenly had a lot of company. "Er...." Akane glanced aside again, then back at Michi. "He says hello. Well, actually he said 'hiya'. He's glad to see you." "Akane...." Michi paused and decided to try tact again. "Look, I should have been around for you when Ranma passed away, and I'm sorry I wasn't, but maybe it's not too late. Get help, Akane." Akane frowned, then glanced sideways again and looked like she was trying not to giggle. She gave Michi a stubborn look. "Michi, I don't want that kind of help. Ranma's here. If some damn-fool shrink managed to convince me that he wasn't, I'd-- I'd be really upset." Michi gave up. "Well, maybe if that happened to me, I'd be glad to go nuts too." She looked sad. "I guess I even wish it were true." "Hold that thought," Akane said, smiling. Her expression changed to alarm. "Ranma, wait--!" "EEEEEEE!" Michi jumped to her feet, rubbing her cheek and looking around wild-eyed. "What the HELL was THAT?!" "I'd like to know that myself," Akane said tightly. She listened for a moment and her expression softened. "Oh, that's sweet, Ranma." She looked at Michi. "Remember way back when you first found out about Ranma's curse? You kissed her on the cheek? He just gave it back." "Guh." Michi blinked, then collected enough of her scattered wits to look at her wristwatch. "Oh, jeez, look at the time, I gotta go, I left the water running in the oven, it's been swell, bye!" She fled the veranda, skidded around the turn into the hallway, and snatched up her shoes in the entryway. She put them on while hopping down the front walk. A moment later she was safe in the street outside. "Poor Akane," she muttered, leaning against the wall to catch her breath. "She even had me believing in it for a second...." Already the feeling of the ghostly touch on her cheek was fading to an imagined thing. She rubbed it one last time and set off down the street. ~~~~~ "Nice going, baka," Akane admonished. "You scared the poor woman half to death." "Sorry," Ranma said contritely. "Too bad she couldn't see me, though." "I think she could have if she'd just let herself," Akane said. "Well, maybe she'll change her mind and come back later." "I hope." "I suppose I could've handled that better, but I keep forgetting there are people for whom this sort of thing isn't perfectly normal," Akane said with a rueful headshake. "Heh. Me too. Hey, I could go haunt HER--" "Ranma!" Akane swatted at him; her hand passed through his shoulder, but he reacted as though struck, still grinning. "Just kidding." The widow and the ghost sat watching the cherry blossoms falling in the garden for a while as the shadows lengthened and the air cooled. Finally Akane got up. "Time to make dinner." Soun came shuffling into the main room a little later, drawn by the sounds and smells of the evening meal. He settled in his place at the table and looked up as Akane came in. "Hello, Akane. I heard you had a guest." "For a little while," Akane said, transferring the table settings from her tray to the table. "You remember Michi?" "Ah... skinny girl, short hair?" "That's the one. She didn't know about Ranma." "I can see how that'd be a shock." Soun brushed a hand through his hair, still long and thick but quite gray, and sighed as Akane left. "It's not my fault," Ranma muttered, seating himself at the table. "It never is, is it, Son?" "Well, sometimes, maybe," Ranma admitted, sharing a smirk with his father-in-law. Akane came back in with another tray and started dishing out dinner. She mounded rice into a bowl, stuck two chopsticks in it vertically, and set it before Ranma. Soun eyed the bowl uncomfortably. "I just can't get used to that." "We've been through this, Father," Akane said in a matter-of- fact tone, continuing to serve. "It's an offering to the dead, so that's the proper way." "Yes, but at table... oh, never mind." He watched Ranma pick up the bowl of rice, wincing a little when it seemed to duplicate, one bowl staying on the table and the other rising in Ranma's hands. "Itadakimas'," Ranma said cheerfully, and dug in. Akane was unusually silent all through dinner; she finished her portions, but turned down Soun's usual offer of help with the cleaning up and disappeared into the kitchen. An hour later she was done, and everything was back in its proper place, just the way Kasumi had left it. In her room, Akane opened a chest and pulled out a writing kit, paper, and a cloth-wrapped bundle. She laid the other things aside, then unwrapped the bundle to reveal a long tanto knife. Slowly, she slipped the scabbard off the bright blade, then sat looking at it. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "Poor choice of words," Akane said quietly. "Just thinking." "And I know what you're thinking about, too." "Yes." Akane looked up. "Don't you want me to join you, Ranma?" Ranma dropped to sit crosslegged beside her, propped his chin on his hand, and gave her a flat-eyed look. "Don't go laying this on ME. I think things aren't so bad the way they are." "Not as bad as I was afraid they would be, back when we were young," Akane admitted. "I was so happy, and it made me so afraid that something would happen and I wouldn't be happy ever again." "Idiot." "Idiot yourself," Akane riposted. "I seem to remember someone who would wake up from nightmares and need to be held until he could go back to sleep." "Gaah." "I was watching the cherry blossoms fall, and thinking of how beautiful they are, and how quickly they fade away. Our life together was so exciting and wonderful, and it seemed like it only lasted a little while... and then you... died." Ranma was silent. "I really should have known. We kept running into ghosts, and magic, and for some reason I never made the connection until.... I thought that if you died you'd just disappear, and I'd never see you again. Silly me." Akane looked at the knife again. "But now I'm not afraid of death." "You know how hard it is on the ones left alive, though," Ranma said quietly. "I think our sons and our daughter still need you. And there's your father, and your sisters, and Momma...." A tear crept down Akane's cheek. "I know. Maybe it's selfish of me, but I need, too. I need to be with you." "Akane... if you need to die, then I'll be right there to catch you. If you want to live, then I'll keep right on haunting you. I...." "I love you too, Ranma." "...still have trouble saying it. Gaah." Akane laughed, then sobered. "Also... it wouldn't seem fair to all the people who don't have this much to live for, and all the people who don't know what happens after," she mused. She picked up the scabbard and slid the blade back into it with a decisive click. "All right. I suppose when it's time, I won't wonder; I'll know." "That's my Akane." The ghost moved around behind her, and a moment later Akane closed her eyes as she felt the strong, warm embrace of her husband again. The feeling lasted only a little while, but when it faded Akane's melancholy was gone. "Let's go watch the cherry blossoms, Ranma. While they last." ~~~~~ end Transitions ~~~~~