Lab 1: BMI Calculator Ver 1.0

Learning Objectives:

Chapter 2

  1. Introduce Visual Studio 2015 or VS 2017
  2. Develop a single form web site
  3. Add folders and files to a web site
  4. Add an existing item to a web site
  5. Start IIS Express
  6. Add HTML and Web Server controls
  7. Add validation controls to a form (required field and range)
  8. Add C# code to a form
  9. Understand and use page and control events
  10. Test your application

Chapter 3

  1. Use CSS formattng
  2. Use HTML5 semantic elements
  3. Ensure cross-browser compatibility
  4. Add accecibility standards

Here is the web application interface:


Files Needed: bmi.jpg, ClsBMICalculator.cs, animate.css (we will install it in the labs, if time permits)

Here is the solution:

Here is the video: Practice 1 Video