Child Development 131 (3):

Language and Learning

Spring 2002

Dr. Weissman


Language Analysis Project

Part 4


Calculate the Mean Length Utterance (MLU)



v     Use the 1st 100 complete (i.e., do not use utterances with unintelligible words/phrases) target child utterances. If you do not have 100 complete target child utterances then use all of your target child utterances.


v     For each utterance, mark all of the morphemes based on Brown’s rules discussed in class and in your text. Add the number of morphemes per utterance.


v     Add the total number of morphemes marked in all 100 utterances.


v     To calculate your target child’s MLU:

Divide the total number of morphemes counted by the total number of utterances (100).


v     Bring these calculations (and your transcript) to class next week -- Thursday, April 25th!


MLU Analysis (to be used in final paper): How does your child rate on MLU?

·        What is the range of morphemes per child utterance (i.e., what is the smallest number of morphemes in the utterances analyzed? And, what is the largest number of morphemes in the utterances analyzed?)

·        Based on your target child’s age, do you think his/her MLU is average? Why or why not?

·        What have you learned by calculating your target child’s MLU? Did you notice any patterns in the language or words s/he used?




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