Other Senate Committees

  • Academic Information Technology Committee (AITC)
    The Academic Information Technology Committee develops the Academic Information Technology Strategies, recommends Academic Information Technology policy to the Faculty Senate, and serves as a consultative body regarding academically-related technology issues.
  • Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee (CTL)
    The Center for Teaching and Learning serves as a resource for faculty  (individually, in departments, and in programs) to enhance their teaching.  Through one-on-one consultation, workshops, and other means the CTL assists instructors in finding approaches that lead to their teaching excellence.
  • Committee on Committees (CC)
    The Committee on Committees reviews the annual Committee Preference Poll and makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate specifying who the members of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees shall be during the following academic year.
  • Committee on Diversity and Equity (CODE)
    The Committee on Diversity and Equity reviews, develops, and recommends to the Executive Committee revisions to existing goals, policies, and procedures in accordance with the University non-discrimination policies.
  • Elections Committee
    The Elections Committee makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate in regards to the conduct of the elections and the interpretation of election procedures and results.  It further develops efficient election control, and certify the results.  The Committee makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate on voting eligibility as defined in the CSUS Faculty Constitution and Bylaws or in the case of contested elections.
  • Judicial Review Board
    The Judicial Review Board is a sub-unit of the faculty, constituted to decide disputes relating to the interpretation of the Constitution of this organization, the Faculty of California State University Sacramento, and By-Laws of the Faculty Senate.
  • University Appointment, Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee (UARTP)
    The UARTP Committee serves as a committee of the Faculty Senate. The Committee forwards any recommended changes in University ARTP policy through the Faculty Senate to the President; reviews and recommends directly to the Presidente department, division and college criteria, policies, and procedures applicable to the evaluation of faculty unit employees for the purpose of appointment, retention, tenure, and promotion; advises the President on the allocation of all university promotion monies; and recommends to the President the annual ARTP calendar prior to the end of the spring semester.