ETHN 114 Exam 2 Guide
This is a "guide" and a favor to students who are ultimately responsible for studying and preparing for the exam. It is not meant as an exhaustive list of terms, concepts and course material

SCANTRON: #4521 

Japanese Immigration
Tokugawa shogunate, samurai, daimyos, peasants, merchants, trouble in the horizon, economic price of oppression, Deshima Island ((Dutch traders), Commodore Matthew Perry, Treaty of Kanagawa, 1868 Meiji Restoration, new system of taxation, farmers, 90% of tax revenues, Robert Walker Irwin, Irwin Convention, Hawaii sugar plantations, 1907-1908 Gentlemen's Agreement, 1924 Exclusion Act, "Barred Zone Act": "All aliens ineligible to citizenship." 

World War II and Japanese Internment
US and largest oil exporter in the world, 90% of Japanese oil imports, 110,000 Japanese were sent to internment camps, 70,000 American citizens, 442nd Regimental Combat Team

Conceptualizing Chinese Diaspora (Adam McKeown)
Huan Jianchun vs. Sucheng Chan, Ancient Greek: “disperein,” China-centered vs. American-centered, Transnational families, transnational homes & villages, Transnational wives, second wives, Jewish diaspora, Armenian diaspora, African diaspora, Division of Chinese migration: Huashang, Huagong, Huaquiao, Huayi

*Transnational: “simultaneous embeddedness in more than one society”

Chinese in Italy: A. Ceccagno article
Prato = Europe’s largest Chinatown
Garment industry, small businesses & factories, pronto moda, informal economy
Chinese in UK, Netherlands, Germany = restaurant industry
Zhejiang province, residenti, permesso di Soggiorno, Guarantee System 40/98 Law (sponsorship), Immigration Amnesty in Italy vs. USA, Garment industry worker: Guanxi, zagong, chegong

Filipinos in Italy (Rhacel Parrenas)
4 key institutions: nation-state, family, labor market, migrant community
Role of Roman Catholic Church, global division of labor (Italy, HK, Philippines)
1974 Man Power Act, Gender balance in Italy, 95% work in domestic service, 70% female in Rome, TnT, EPZ, “hidden causes of migration” 

Filipinos in the Middle East
Qatar as a "social welfare state" = free social services, college, dental care.
Qatar economy (natural gas, oil), ranking in per capita income, Qataris as minority group, Sheikh Al Thani, non-violent/bloodless take-over, liberal policies, educated in the UK