EDS 245:
Psychology in the Schools


Class Meeting Handouts and Materials

Week 1: Lecture 1.Program overview (pdf file), Program Handbook (word doc), Course Syllabus (pdf file), Required Forms (docx), CASP Membership (Web page), NASP Membership (Web page), ISPA Membership (Web page), Confidemtiality Agreement (pdf), Student Conduct Contract (pdf), Appedix C of the University Catelog (pdf), Rules for School Psychology

The following documents are intended to supplement class discussion and your understanding of general school psychology practice.
Pupil Personnel Services Credential (pdf file)
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing School Psychology Standards (pdf file)
BBS Regulations: Professional Clinical Counseling, Educational Psychology (pdf file)

Week 2: Lecture 2.Consultation(pdf file), What are you getting into (pdf file, for use during in-class activity), Individual Consultation Case study (pdf file, for use during in-class activity)

Week 3: Lecture 3.Team Consultation (pdf file). SST Summary Sheet (pdf file)

The following documents are intended to supplement class discussion and your understanding of IEP teams and the IEP process. As a practicing school psychologist you will find many of these resources helpful.
Sample IEP Page 1 (pdf file), Sample IEP Page 2 (pdf file), Sample IEP Page 3 (pdf file)
IEP Checklist (pdf file)
California Department of Education Laws & Regulations
(web page with links)
California Department of Education Special Education Resources (web page with links)
IDEIA Regulations (pdf file)
Training on Writing IEPs Based on State Standards (web page)


Week 4: Lecture 4.Systems-Level Consultation (pdf file), Systems Consultation Case Study (Word doc., for use during in-class activity)

Week 5: Academic Interventions (pdf file), Academic Intervention Case Study (pdf file for use during in-class activity), Behavioral Interventions (pdf file), ABC analysis activity (Word doc., for use during in-class activity), FBA/BIP flowchart (word doc.), Classical vs. Operant Conditioning (pdf file designed to illustrate the difference between classical and operant conditioning)
Note: Class meeting time changed to 4-6:50pm, Room changed to Mariposa Hall 2030, THIS WEEK ONLY.

The following documents are intended to supplement class discussion and your understanding of behavioral interventions.
Functional Behavioral Assessment (pdf file)
Positive Behavioral Interventions (pdf file)

Weeks 6 &7: Mental Health Interventions (pdf file), Brock & Jimerson's Crisis Consultation (Word doc), Children and Mental Health (pdf file, optional reading), Causes of Mental Illness (pdf file), Mental health case study (pdf file for use during in-class activity)

The following documents are intended to supplement class discussion, your understanding of children's mental health issues, and issues of importance to the school psychologist.
Depression (pdf file)
A Bibliography for Schools on Mental Health/Illness (pdf file)
Emotional Disturbance: NICHCY Disability Fact Sheet, No 5 (pdf file)
California's Minor Consent Laws (pdf file)
California Education Code sections dealing with Emotional Disturbance (pdf file)
Psycho-educational Report Template for the student with an Emotional Disturbance (pdf file)
DSM-5 (a web link for ordering DSM materials)
Anecdotal Behavioral Observation form (pdf file)
Behavior Duration Data Collection form (pdf file)
Behavioral Observation, Interval Data Collection form (pdf file)
Student Interview Form (pdf file)
Sentence Completion 1 (pdf file)
Sentence Completion 2 (pdf file)
Guess Why Game (pdf file

Week 8: Hot Sheet Presentations
Samples from prior classes
Collaboration Hot Sheet
Collaboration PPT
Understanding Austism (pdf file)
Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (pdf file), ADHD Hotsheet (Word doc.)
Anabolic Steroids (pdf file), Anabolic Steroids Hotsheet (Word doc.)
Behavioral Issues (pdf file)
Emotional Disturbance (pdf file)
Classroom Engagement (pdf file)
Performance Assessment (pdf file)
Social Skills Interventions (pdf file)
Bullying in Adolescence (pdf file)
Cyberbullying (pdf file)
Cyberbullying .ppt handout (pdf file)
Prescription Drug Abuse (pdf file)
Prescription Druge Abuse.ppt handout (pdf file)
Transition Services.ppt handout (pdf file)
Conduct Disorder.ppt handout (pdf file)
Achievement Gap (pdf file)
Autism (jpeg file); Autism resources (word doc)

Week 9: Introduction to Psychological Testing (pdf file); Psychological Testing case study (pdf file for use during in-class activity)

The following documents are intended to supplement class discussion and your understanding of issue related to psychological testing.
Test Descriptions for the Psycho-educational Report (pdf file)
Protocol Release Form (Word doc)
Psychoeducational Assessment: How to Read, Understand,and Use Psychoeducational Reports (link to a pdf file)
Resources You Can Use: Assessing Children for the Presence of a Disability (pdf file)
Intelligence and School Achievement: A Lesson from Forrest Gump Regarding Appropriate Expectations for Students with Cognitive Disabilities (link to a PowerPoint pdf file)

Week 10: Descriptive Statistics (pdf file), Descriptive Statistics & Psychological Testing (pdf file), Frequency Distrubtion Worksheet (pdf file), Descriptive Statistics Practice Data Set (pdf file), NOTE: You will need a calculator during this class meeting.

Week 11: Test Interpretation (pdf file), Standard Error of Measurement (pdf file for an article by the Florida DOE), Standard Error of Measurement (pdf of an article by Harvill)

Week 12: Review of psychometrics, no new assigned readings, Practice Date spreadsheet.

Week 13: Test Validity (pdf file)

Week 14: Exam. Examination Study Guide

Week 15: The Future of School Psychology