About the Course

Schedule & Readings

Culture Repair Projects

The Fine Print

> Assessments

> Team Activities

> Extra Credit Options

> Extra Credit Readings

> (i)FAQs

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Infrequently Asked Questions

Below are questions that I wish students would ask more frequently. If you are asking yourself any of these questions, please give yourself a pat on the back for doing so, and then look to the answers below. If you don't yet have any questions, I hope this list will give you some ideas regarding what you should be thinking about as you go through the course.

How strict are you about due dates? What do i do if I don't come to campus on a day a paper is due?

  1. If you need an extension, please seek permissionas early as possible in advance of the due date.; doing so will increase the probability that your request is favorably received. If your request for an extension is granted, make sure to write me a note along with your self-assessment to remind me when and on what terms I granted the extension. Please understand that I reserve the right to reduce scores for all papers received late without explanation or reminders (see #31 directly below).

  2. As noted on the syllabus schedule, if for any reason you cannot make it to campus by the time an assignment is due, you may email the final version of your Culture Repair Project to me (in MS Word format) by the deadline and then provide me with a hard copy (which must be identical to the hard copy) no later than the beginning of the next week's Monday class; you must mark the phrase "EMAILED LAST FRIDAY " at the top of your cover sheet. If for any reason you are not able to email an MS Word attachment, or you do not use MS Word, you may also have a hard copy of your submission postmarked by the deadline at a US post office.

  3. Turning in a late project without prior approval will reduce your overall score by half a grade for each class day that it is late.  In addition, submitting a guided reflection late will usually result in some delay in my returning that particular assignment to you.  Finally, bear in mind that projects turned in late could end up in the wrong pile; so make sure to confirm with me that I have received and placed them correctly.

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[Occasional statements throughout this document are derived, with permission, from a similar document written by my colleague Peter Fosl, Associate Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Transylvania University.]