1. Attendance...(1/5) Be there or be square, I don't do lectures so missing a night means missing something hands on. If there is a problem, let me know ( I don't bite), as the Beatles said, We Can Work It Out...

  • Objective: Focus on learning by doing...

2.Staff Development Survey (1/5) (Sounds like Action Research?)

  • Work together - coax with chocolate
  • Assess your staff (Use the CTAP Survey )
  • Analyze the results relative to student achievement
  • Show graphs
  • Make recommendations (What are the needs, weak points)
  • Conclusions
  • Present recommendations to the administration (make something happen)
    • Include current practices
    • Suggest strategies
  • Objective: Take some information and do something with it.

3. My Web (Your Web) (1/5) - The web is a rich environment, overwhelming at times. Make sense of it in your world, a portal for your educational needs as a teacher. Set the standard for the district portal?

  • Construct a web page(s) with the key links to your educational world, keep it alive, share it, use it.
  • Objective: Organize the web to meet your needs.

4. The Interactive Inservice Module (1/5) - Create a simple, interactive, graphically pleasing inservice module of your choice. Fulfill a need at your site and make it fun.

  • Objective: Have fun learning how to make webpages/PowerPoint Presentations - activities interactive and alive.

5. Vocabulary (1/5) - Learn a few 3 letter acronyms... The student will be responsible for maintaining a realistic understanding of the vocabulary necessary for basic technological survival. The assessment for this will be delivered via the web.

  • Experience models that you can use for Assignment 4, The Interactive Inservice Module.