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College of Engineering & Computer Science California State University, Sacramento

ECS Dean's Office


Dr. Kevan Shafizadeh, P.E., T.E., PTP, PTOE


Photo of Dr. Kevan Shafizadeh, P.E., T.E., PTP, PTOE

Dr. Behnam Arad

Associate Dean

Photo of Dr. Behnam Arad

Petronilla Nyamayaro-Emiru

Budget/Resource Analyst

Photo of Petronilla Nyamayaro-Emiru

Suzy Abshire

Resource Analyst

Photo of Suzy Abshire

Thomas Whitcher

Director of Development

Photo of Thomas Whitcher

Breanna Hillman

Communications Specialist/Executive Assistant to the Dean

Photo of Breanna Hillman

Vacant Position

Administrative Support to the Associate Deans

Place holder image for faculty/staff member.
  • Location: Riverside Hall 2014
  • Phone: (916) 278-6580
Total Members: 7