Contact Information
Name: Dr. Bao Lo
Title: Associate Professor and Director of Asian American Studies
Email: lo@csus.edu
Course Offerings
ETHN 14: Introduction to Asian American Studies
ETHN 110: Asian American Experience
ETHN 118: Asian American Women
ETHN 121: Hmong American Experience
ETHN 123: Asian Americans in Media and Popular Culture
ETHN 194: Ethnic Studies Research
ETHN 195: Ethnic Studies Fieldwork
ETHN 203: Contemporary Issues in Ethnic Studies
Lo, Bao. 2024. "School-to-prison pipeline." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Refugee Studies. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. (forthcoming).
Lo, Bao, Annalise Harlow, Timothy Fong. 2024. “The Fight for Ethnic Studies at Sacramento State.” AAPI Nexus: Policy, Practice and Community, 21(1-2): 1-22.
Lo, Bao. 2023. “Anti-Asian Violence and Abolition Feminism as Asian American Feminist Praxis,” Feminist Formations, 43(3): 24-31.
Lo, Bao. 2023. “U.S. Imperialism in Asia and the Pacific Islands,” ABC-CLIO, LLC.
Lo, Bao. 2022. “The Hmong in the United States: Resilience, Resistance, and Survival of a People.” In Ethnic Studies: An Introduction, edited by Gregory Mark, Boatamo Mosupyoe, Brian Baker, and Julie Figueroa. Kendall Hunt.
Community Involvement and Partners
Orange County Department of Education (Hmong History and Cultural Studies Curriculum)
Stockton Unified School District Ethnic Studies Community Collaborative
Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium
Asian American Liberation Network
Anti-Asian Violence (Resources and Community Responses)
AAPI Women Lead. “#ImReady Movement.” https://www.imreadymovement.org/.
Asian American Feminist Collective. “Building an Asian American Feminist Movement: A Manifesto.” https://www.asianamfeminism.org/resources.
Asian American Feminist Collective.“We Want Cop-Free Communities: Against the Creation of an Asian Hate Crime Task Force by the NYPD.” September 3, 2020. https://aafcollective.medium.com/we-want-cop-free-communities-3924956251a2.
Asian American Feminist Collective. 2020. “Feminist Abolition and Transformative Justice: A Conversation.” July 21, 2020. https://www.asianamfeminism.org/amc-2020.
Asians4Abolition. “Against Asian Violence, Towards Abolition.” February 18, 2021. https://asians4abolition.medium.com/.
Asian Prisoner Support Committee. https://www.asianprisonersupport.com/.
De Leon, Adrian. “The long history of US racism against Asian Americans, from ‘yellow peril’ to ‘model minority’ to the ‘Chinese virus.’” University of Southern California Dornsife Equity Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA. April 13, 2020. https://dornsife.usc.edu/csii/blog-long-history-of-racism-against-asian-americans/.
GAPIMNY. “ 75+ Asian and LGBTQ Organizations’ Statement in Opposition to Law Enforcement-Based Hate Crime Legislation.” May 12, 2021.https://gapimny.org/75-asian-and-lgbtq-organizations-statement-in-opposition-to-law-enforcement-based-hate-crime-legislation/.
Haymarket Books. “Beyond #StopAsianHate: Criminalization, Gender, and Asian Abolition Feminism.” June 16, 2021. https://www.haymarketbooks.org/blogs/328-beyond-stopasianhate-criminalization-gender-amp-asian-abolition-femiHaymarketBooks.orgnism.
Ho, Jennifer. “White supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the U.S.” The Conversation, April 8, 2021. https://theconversation.com/white-supremacy-is-the-root-of-all-race-related-violence-in-the-us-157566.
Ho, Vivian. “Police Patrols have increased in Asian areas. Not everyone is feeling safer.” The Guardian, March 19, 2021. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/19/atlanta-shooting-asian-police-violence.
Kuo, Rachel and Matthew Bui. “Against carceral data collection in response to anti-Asian violence.” Big Data & Society (Spring): 1-6. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/20539517211028252
Pillai, Drishti, Aggie J. Yellow Horse, and Russell Jeung. 2021. “The Rising tide of Violence and Discriminatiton Against Asian American and Pacific Islander Women and Girls.” Stop AAPI Hate Reporting Center and National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum. May 20, 2021. https://www.napawf.org/our-work/content/2021/5/20/napawf-sah-report
Red Canary Song. “Red Canary Song Response to 8 Lives Lost in Atlanta.” https://www.redcanarysong.net/ourwork.
Rodriquez, Dylan. “The ‘Asian exception’ and the Scramble for Legibility: Toward an Abolitionist Approach to Anti-Asian Violence.” Society and Space, April 8, 2021. https://www.societyandspace.org/articles/the-asian-exception-and-the-scramble-for-legibility-toward-an-abolitionist-approach-to-anti-asian-violence.
Survived & Punished. https://survivedandpunished.org