Faculty Portrait

Contact Information

Name: Kirsten Munk

Title: Assistant Professor

Office Location: Folsom Hall 2023

Email: kirsten.munk@csus.edu

Office Phone: 916-278-7611

Mailing Address: 6000 J street

Office Hours: by appointment

Courses That I Teach

N144: Community Health Nursing

N213C: Seminar in Specialized Nursing Processes: School Nursing I

N213D: Seminar in Specialized Nursing Processes: School Nursing II

N216: Vision & Scoliosis Screening

N293D: Practicum in Specialized Nursing Processes: School Nursing

N209: Advanced Role Development in Nursing

N210: Research as the Foundation for Advanced Practice Nursing

N213: Seminar in Organizational and Systems Leadership



Munk, K. Rosenblum, R., Blackburn, S., & Donahue, E. (2021). The impact of education and implementation tools on pre-service teachers’ attitudes about classroom-based mindfulness. The Journal of School Nursing, 105984052110591–10598405211059189. https://doi.org/10.1177/10598405211059189

D’ Angelo, E., Munk, K., Blackburn, S., Cho, E., Thurston, H. (manuscript in revision). Increasing Credential Candidates’ Knowledge and Confidence through Interdisciplinary IEP Meeting Simulations. 

Professional Presentations

Munk, K., Donahue, E., Best, N. The Impact of COVID-19 on School Nurses and School Health Services. Presented at the 72nd Annual California School Nurse Organization Conference (in-person), February 19, 2022. 

Munk, K.  “Mindful Matters—Supporting Mindfulness in Our Schools”.  Presented at the 71st Annual California School Nurse Organization Conference (Virtual), February 6, 2021.

Ortiz, G. & Munk, K. “Bringing Mindfulness Into the Classroom.” Sacramento School Wellness Summit (Virtual), September 9, 2020.

Research Projects/Interests

My areas of interest in research include exploring strategies to improve the mental health and wellness of school communities, particularly those in underserved areas, and exploring the critical role of school nurses as health experts and as part of school-based interdisciplinary teams.

As part of my doctoral research, I explored the impact of an educational intervention on pre-service teachers’ perceptions, attitudes, and intentions to implement mindfulness interventions in their classrooms. 

In 2019-2020, I worked with an interdisciplinary team of faculty from educational and school health disciplines to develop, implement, and evaluate a simulated IEP plan meeting with graduate students across multiple education disciplines.  As part of the project, we conducted a study to determine whether the simulation resulted in improved knowledge of participants about their role and the role of each participating discipline in the IEP meeting process and their confidence in participating in the IEP process.

In 2021 I worked as part of a research team in partnership between the School Nurses of California Foundation and UC Irvine to conduct a qualitative descriptive study exploring the role of California school nurses in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on the health and academic challenges of students, families, school staff, and their communities.

Professional Associations

Board member, School Nurses of California Foundation 

Member,  National Association of School Nurses

Member, California School Nurse Organization

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society