
EEE 184-Introdcution to Feedback Systems

Course Description

Dynamic system modeling by transfer function and state-space methods using differential equation, time-response and frequency-response methods. Determination of steady-state errors due to step, ramp and parabolic inputs and disturbances for closed-loop systems. Mapping of block diagrams and state-space representations to signal flow graphs (SFG) as well as finding the transfer function of the system represented by the SFG by Mason's Rule. Closed-loop system stability is examined via poles and eigenvalues and by using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Introduction to observability and controllability of systems. Design of compensators for feedback systems using root-locus, frequency response and state-space methods. Introduction to digital control. Computer simulation methods such as MATLAB and SIMULINK are used to support the above subjects. (Prerequisite: EEE 180: Signals and Systems).

Term Typically Offered: Fall and Spring


  • "Control System Enigneering", Norman S. Nise, 8th Edition, ISBN: 9781119474227. (Required)
  • "Feedback Control of Dynamical Systems", Franklin, Powell, Emami-Naeini, 8th Edition, ISBN: 9780137516834.

Supplementary Materials:
