Contact Information
Name: James Sobredo, Ph.D.
Title: Professor Emeritus
Email: sobredo"at"csus.edu
Mailing Address: Ethnic Studies Department__6000 J Street__California State University__Sacramento, CA 95819-6043
Office Hours: Cafe in Sausalito or Donostia
Dr. James Sobredo is happily retired and enjoying his time living in the Philipppines, California & Spain.
Philippine Nurses Association (Northern California): Educational Conference SPEECH
Waves at Sunset, Basque Country, Spain. ©James Sobredo 2019
Ph.D. Ethnic Studies, UC-Berkeley, 1998.
Dissertation: From American "Nationals" to the "Third Asiatic Invasion":
The Racial Transformation and Exclusion of Filipinos (1898-1935)
M.A. Philosophy, Bowling Green State University, 1988.
Thesis: Arete and Moral Education in Aristotle's Politics
B.A. Philosophy, University of Washington, 1986.
"A Second Home" (Filipinos in California Freemasonry), California Freemason Magazine, June 2021.
"Filipinos in Barcelona," in {m}aganda: Reclamation, Berkeley, 2018.
"A Time to Rise: Filipino Memoirs of Revolution," in Positively Filipino (January 2018).
"Filipino Americans: From 'Indians' to 'Asians' in America," in Introduction to Ethnic Studies, edited by Dale Allender and Gregory Yee Mark (Dubuque, IA: 2016).
“Research Experience in the Philippines: Challenges in Conducting Oral History Research in a Developing Nation,” in EDULEARN13 Proceedings (Barcelona, Spain: 2013), pp. 2287-2291.
"Meditations on Rizal: California to Spain," in Remembering Rizal: Voices from the Diaspora (edited by Edwin A. Lozada), San Francisco: Philippine American Writers & Artists, Inc. 2011.
"An Ethnic Studies Model of Community Mobilization: Collaborative Partnership with a High Risk Public High School" (with Gregory Kim-ju, Julia Figueroa, Gregory Yee Mark, James Fabionar), American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Special issue: Community Mobilization for the Prevention of Youth Violence) (March 2008, Vol. 34).
Giron Escrima: Memories of a Bladed Warrior (edited with Antonio E. Somera) (Los Angeles: Empire Books, 2006). *Features photographs of Grandmaster Antonio Somera and members of the Bahala Na Martial Arts Association.
Documentary Photography
Prof. Sobredo is also a social documentary photographer who uses Sony mirrorless (42 MP fullframe & 24 MP APS-C) and Canon fullframe D/SLRs (50 & 25 MP). When on assignment, he shoots primarily with Sony fullframe mirrorless digital bodies using Sony primes and Canon L lenses. He never leaves home without a Sony or Canon mirrorless digital camera. His graphics, photographs and articles have appeared in The New York Times, AsianWeek and magazines such as Filipinas, Positively Filipino, California Freemason Magazine, maganda, and Pacific.
He has had photography exhibits in art galleries and museums in San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento and Stockon. He had solo photography exhibits at the Anthropology Museum in Sacramento State University (February-April 2019) and, in March 2020, at the Makato Municipal Hall, Aklan Province (Visayas) in the Philippines--the exhibit featured his long-term documentary work on Filipinos in Baybay & Makato, Aklan. His photography exhibit, MEXIPINOS IN STOCKTON (with Steven Montalvo), was funded by a 2016 Stockton Arts Commission grant. A sample of his photographs of the Filipino community in Barcelona were recently published in {m}aganda: Reclamation (Berkeley, 2018).
Immigration history, global migration of Asians, global migration of Filipinos, economic history and globalization, legal history (Supreme Court and Legislative history), oral history, social documentary photography, multimedia documentary
National Press Photographers Association (US)
Filipino American National Historical Society: Founding member Berkeley/East Bay Chapter
United Latino: Board member (2011-2012)
Bataan Legacy Historical Society
Friends of Rwanda
ETHN 119 Students featured in Philippine Inquirer newspaper: Samantha Marti & Angelica Sarte were interviewed by Filipino newspaper while at the Asian Art Museum.
*Date: 12 April 2014 (2-4 pm) Chinese Historical Society of America Museum & Smithsonian API