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Blended Science Methods & Conceptual Physics

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hp logo2005 hp Technology for Teaching Grant Project Blended Science Methods and Conceptual Physics


Project Impact

F. Teaching - What is the evidence that teaching has changed?

The classroom learning environment has shifted from teacher/laboratory centered to student/real world centered. Students, not instructors, actively engage computer simulations of dynamic systems and investigate“real world phenomena” of personal interest outside the confines of the classroom laboratory.  Pre/Post data from a "Student Assessment of Learning Gains" (SALG) survey show that the number of students who found the computer simulations and mobile data acquisition “much or very helpful” increased by 11-12%

salg graph 

The implementation of cutting edge mobile/tablet technology with future teachers has the potential to impact teaching in K-8 science classrooms. Emerging evidence can be found in pre/post student reflections (300 word narratives) on the use of technology in teaching and learning science.  Analysis and coding for emergent themes revealed:

1.  Students were overwhelmingly fascinated by the tablet feature of the computers!

2. More students were able to articulate specific technology (ex. simulations, data acquisition, excel graphing and charting) that improved their learning

3. More students reported that their experience in P107 and EDTE316 shaped their views of technology use in teaching and learning




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